Gotta be careful about what those church signs actually say…
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Hey! Are you making fun of our church sign? 😉
Let’s hope they mean “We love People Who Are Hurting”. Of course this sign might be one of the fake ones from says-it dot com.
Ha! It might be fake. I posted that dogs go to heaven sign feud a few weeks ago, and it turned out to be fake….
Is “HURTING” a verb or an adjective?
Yep. The meaning of the sign changes depending on how you read it. ha!
I hear that the infamous Westboro Baptist has the same sign. (oops, did I say that out loud?)
Hmm. Must be an internet joke. This one and the other one I guess?
Slow clap
Oh wow. Thanks for the laugh!
I agree that the church keeps people away by teaching wrong doctrine such as hell being a place of everlasting torment-who wants to serve a God like that.
Also with confusing doctrines such as the trinity that no one can explain.
God is the creator of the heavens and the earth,Jesus is his son who now sits at the Fathers right hand and the holy spirit is given to men when saved.Makes a lot more sense.
There are a lot of confusing doctrines! Hopefully we can focus on loving others like Jesus, and agree to disagree on some of the other issues.
If you read the Bible and believe that it is God’s holy word you will know that hell is a place of everlasting torment and separation from God. for those who have sinned and not repented. It is written that the wages of sin is death. You must repent and believe and have faith for without faith you cannot please God. We are accountable to God and it is He that makes the rules and all He requires is obedience and faith like a little child.
The Trinity is fully explained in the Scriptures. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one in unity and divinity. God sent His Son Jesus to reconcile man back to Himself. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to give man power to do the work of the gospel. A man can not do the work unless he is empowered by the Spirit of God. Jesus never did the work without seeing what the Father was doing and Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to reveal all truth for He is truth. Jesus is the Creator of all things seen and unseen and He is now sitting on the right hand of the Father for it is the place of authority. God has given judgment to His Son and He is Judge.. Jesus is High Priest and is ever interceding for us. Jesus is Prophet and His prophecies are fulfilled and when He returns He will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords and will rule the world. Satan is the ruler of the world at this time but his time is short and he will be cast into outer darkness
We who believe are the called out ones and we will be like Him. We are going to judge nations, and even angels. We will have a body just like the glorified resurrected body of Christ. Oh I wish I could tell you more, but I will tell you this ask God to find you a church that teaches the Scripture in full and not in part. God bless your journey.
We are not too far apart except for a few subtle differences.
As you correctly quoted “the wages of sin is death” not eternal torment.
As for Jesus being the creator. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth not Jesus. They are not one and the same.
Can’t say I disagree with the rest of your comments
I am a teacher of the Holy Scriptures and I do not speak without the authority of the Bible which is God’s holy and inerrant word. I want you to search the Scriptures to find out for yourself’. When you read the word of God you must compare Scripture with Scripture for all of Scripture is God breathed. Scripture is of no private interpretation. Jesus was with God in the beginning when God said, Let us make … Jesus is the second person of the Godhead which we call the Holy Trinity being the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’
Please look up the following Scriptures:
John 1:3, Romans 11:36, 1 Corinthians 8:6 and Colossians 1:15-16. I will quote Colossians 1:15-16:
“He is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation. For everything was created by Him and for Him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities, all things have been created through Him and for Him.”
God bless you on your life’s journey of searching God’s holy word.
Hell is a real place and it is a place of eternal torment. Look up on the internet all the Scriptures pertaining to Hell and let us talk again. .
Violeta–Do you have any scripture to back up a hell of everlasting torment? and a good reason why a loving God would make such a place?
St. Masachist Episcopal Church
Truth in advertising!? 😉
Pengen ketawa ……..ajaib amat sich tuh tulisannya ……benar kata Jeremy itu jadi arti yang berbeda ….tergantung kita bacanya seperti apa.
salam kenal barbara… saya dari indonesia juga 🙂
John 1:3: “In the beginning there was one God, who had reason, purpose and a plan, which was, by its very nature and origin, divine. It was through and on account of this reason, plan and purpose that everything was made. Nothing was made outside its scope. Then, this plan became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ and tabernacled among us.”
Understanding the opening of John this way fits with the whole of Scripture and is entirely acceptable from a translation standpoint.
Romans 11:36 The context is clearly referring to God not Jesus Christ. Start reading in 11:28 and reference Isa 40:13. The word “Lord” (kurios) is not always a reference to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Among other things it can mean master or owner (Mat 10:24) or refer to a husband (1 peter 3:6). In this case it refers to God.
In 1 Cor 8:6 that all things came through Jesus Christ. But what the verse actually says is that all things came “from” God, “through” Jesus. This testimony stands in contradiction to Trinitarian doctrine because it places Jesus in a subordinate role to God. According to this verse, he is not “co-equal’ with the Father.
Col 1:15-16 These verses cannot be affirming the Trinity because they open with Christ being “the image [eikon] of the invisible God.” If Christ were “God,” then the verse would simply say so, rather than that he was the “image” of God. The Father is plainly called “God” in dozens of places, and this would have been a good place to say that Jesus was God. Instead, we are told that Christ is the image of God. If one thing is the “image” of another thing, then the “image” and the “original” are not the same thing. The Father is God, and that is why there is no verse that calls the Father the image of God. Calling Jesus the image of God squares beautifully with his statement that, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9 and 10).