{"id":34591,"date":"2014-03-24T04:00:24","date_gmt":"2014-03-24T12:00:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/redeeminggod.com\/?p=34591"},"modified":"2017-06-09T18:42:35","modified_gmt":"2017-06-10T01:42:35","slug":"how-do-i-stop-sinning","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/redeeminggod.com\/how-do-i-stop-sinning\/","title":{"rendered":"How do I stop sinning?"},"content":{"rendered":"
Below is another question that was sent in by a reader. He wants to know how to stop sinning. <\/p>\n
Don’t we all! <\/p>\n
Below his question I have included the answer I sent to him, but I am sure he would like for you to weigh in as well. As always, be gracious in your replies. <\/p>\n
I need your advice. I was saved in 2005 and really pursued God and got close to Him. I have a reputation in my town and with my family as a big Christian. God used my to witness and that made people form the opinion of me. I have been living for him off and on. Finally the other night I drank some alcohol and slept with a girl. Now sometimes I feel awful. I feel like the biggest hypocrite alive. And I’m afraid if people found out it would discredit God. I used to live a life of integrity and had boldness. Now I am often reminded of what I have done and feel less than bold.<\/p>\n
Thank you for any advice.<\/p>\n
P.S. I know that you are very big on believing God always finishes His work in us. So my question is what do I do when I sin? I know it can’t be OK and fine to live in sin and claim to be a Christian. How do I get my confidence before God back by not sinning for a long time? That doesn’t seem right. And lastly if I try and witness I am reminded of my own sin so I lose confidence.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n
This is a very difficult question, as I know almost nothing about your situation, your beliefs, or your background.<\/p>\n
But let me suggest this: It sounds to me like you are trapped in religion. It may be the Christian<\/em> religion, but it is still religion.<\/p>\n
One prominent sign of religion is the desire to live a certain way to give an impression to others that we are godly and spiritual.<\/strong> <\/p>\n
We hide from others who we really are, and we never let them see our mistakes, our failures, or our weaknesses.<\/p>\n
There are other indicators of religion as well, such as the desire to keep God happy with us through our obedience and the pressure to live by a set of rules and standards that keep us in good standing with others in our religious group.<\/p>\n
I could go on and on about religion, but that is not going to helpful for you right now. You want to learn how to stop sinning.<\/p>\n
Here are my recommendations:<\/p>\n
Learning to live the victorious Christian life is based on three things:<\/strong><\/p>\n
1. Honesty with God about who you are<\/h2>\n
Most sin comes from a failure to be honest with ourselves and with God about our own weaknesses and mistakes. We often try to put on a good show for God and others, hiding from them the real struggles that we face.<\/p>\n
But if we are not honest with God about our struggles, then we will never be able to receive help from Him.<\/p>\n