{"id":37238,"date":"2014-10-28T10:00:04","date_gmt":"2014-10-28T18:00:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/redeeminggod.com\/?p=37238"},"modified":"2017-10-24T14:27:28","modified_gmt":"2017-10-24T21:27:28","slug":"martin-luther-logos-6","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/redeeminggod.com\/martin-luther-logos-6\/","title":{"rendered":"How to be as Smart as Martin Luther (Use Logos 6)"},"content":{"rendered":"

There are certain people in the history of Christianity who\u00a0shock and amaze me at what they accomplished in life. Martin Luther is one of them. He translated the entire Bible into German, wrote over 70 volumes on theological topics, was a prolific hymn writer, and created the Lutheran Catechism.<\/p>\n

I remember reading somewhere that Martin Luther was so well acquainted with the Greek and Latin biblical texts, that his mind worked like a Bible concordance in both Greek, Latin, and German. As he was writing, he made connections between texts and passages using key words, key ideas, and key phrases.<\/p>\n

It is amazing what the human mind is capable of when saturated with the Word of God.\u00a0<\/strong> <\/p>\n

But here’s the crazy thing:<\/p>\n

\"Logos<\/a>Any person today can have more information about the Bible at their fingertips than Martin Luther ever dreamed of.<\/p>\n

Of course, more information does not necessarily mean better theology, but the gathering of information is at least the starting point… comprehensive biblical data forms the foundation of good biblical theology.\u00a0<\/strong> <\/p>\n

So how can you have more information about the Bible available at your fingertips than Martin Luther ever dreamed of?<\/p>\n

Three words: Bible Study Software<\/h2>\n

I have been using Bible study software\u00a0for over 20 years. Initially, I used a simple concordance program, but as Bible Study software has become more advanced, I have found myself using it more and more to write my blog posts and my books.<\/p>\n

One of my favorite Bible Study Software packages is Logos Bible Software. It also happens to be the industry leader.<\/p>\n

And guess what? Logos just came out with their brand new Logos 6 platform. If you have used Logos Bible Study Software before as I have, then let me tell you a bit about the changes in Logos 6, and if you have never used Logos at all, you will be amazed at what it does for your Bible study and theology research.<\/p>\n

Logos 6 Bible Study Software<\/h2>\n

Logos 6 makes it easier than ever to study the connection between texts, not just using key words, but also phrases and ideas. Check out the new “semantic relationships search” capability. It is SO cool:<\/p>\n
