{"id":39929,"date":"2015-10-27T08:00:50","date_gmt":"2015-10-27T15:00:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/redeeminggod.com\/?p=39929"},"modified":"2017-10-22T13:14:30","modified_gmt":"2017-10-22T20:14:30","slug":"do-not-listen-to-my-podcast","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/redeeminggod.com\/do-not-listen-to-my-podcast\/","title":{"rendered":"3 Reasons You Should NOT Listen to my Podcast"},"content":{"rendered":"
I recently launched the One Verse Podcast<\/a>, and hundreds of people have subscribed so far.<\/p>\n And while most of the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive,\u00a0I have also received a bit of negative feedback from people who subscribed and didn’t like what they heard.<\/p>\n So here are three reasons you should NOT subscribe to my Podcast:<\/p>\n If you are a pastor, and you are listening to these podcasts, or if you lead a Bible study in your church, let me provide a brief warning. Do yourself a favor and don\u2019t teach any of what I am teaching you to the people in your church. In most cases, if you teach these things about Genesis 1, it will not go well for you.<\/p>\n In fact, when I first started learning about some of the things I am sharing on these podcasts about ten years ago, I was working for a non-profit Christian organization, and I made the mistake of writing a blog post about how I was studying and researching these things. Do you know what happened? I got fired from my job. There were seven things I was studying at the time, and one of them was the issue we have been discussing in this podcast<\/a>, about whether or not Moses was writing a scientific treatise on how the earth came to be. My boss didn\u2019t like that I was researching these things,\u00a0and he fired me.<\/p>\n So be careful!<\/p>\n In my theological writing and Scriptural research, I have always sought (like Captain Kirk)\u00a0to “Boldly go where no man has gone before.” But that doesn’t mean that what I write is science fiction! (Though some might think so! Ha!)<\/p>\n I figure that if what I believe is true, then it can stand up to any and every challenge thrown at it. If, however, what I believe is not true, then the only way to learn the truth is to be taught by those who\u00a0believe something different than what I believe.<\/p>\n What this means, however, is that what I write and what I teach on my Podcast, is often a strange mixture of ideas gleaned from Dispensational, Reformed, Catholic, Pentecostal, Orthodox, and Jewish sources. Believe it or not, there are even some ideas from Atheistic sources thrown in.<\/p>\n Does that last part shock you? I listen to what Atheists say because the critics of Christianity often speak truths we ourselves are blind to. <\/strong><\/p>\n Here’s the point: If you don’t like your theology and your views of Scripture to be challenged, you probably don’t want to listen to my Podcast. It will be too upsetting for you.<\/p>\n I am not saying I am right in everything I teach. I am learning right along with you. All I am saying is that the people who will most enjoy the podcast are those who also know that they are not right in everything they believe. This is the third reason you might not want to listen to my podcast.<\/p>\n I am not a Bible expert. I am a fellow traveler with you on this road of following Jesus.<\/p>\n My blog and podcast are places where I share with you my life-long hobby of reading theology and studying Scripture.<\/p>\n But if you have all your theology figured out and you know what every verse in the Bible means, then you have no need to listen to my podcast and you won’t enjoy it. You will probably just end up thinking I’m some sort of heretic.<\/p>\n On the other hand, if you know that you have much to learn about Scripture and theology, then you are exactly the type of person who should listen to my podcast, because you are the type of person I want to learn from.<\/p>\n1. Don’t Listen to My Podcast if you are a pastor or professor and want to keep your job.<\/h2>\n
I think churches are beginning to lighten up a bit on some of this stuff, and consider ideas that maybe they wouldn\u2019t have considered ten years ago, but I have heard so many horror stories of pastors being fired and Bible study leaders getting booted out of the church simply because they taught some of the views I have been sharing in these podcasts.<\/p>\n
2. Don’t listen to my podcast if you get uncomfortable when your understanding of Scripture is challenged.<\/h2>\n
No, what I mean is that I have always sought to investigate a matter from every possible angle. While lots of Christians\u00a0only read books and listen to teachers with whom they agree, I always do my best to\u00a0listen to Bible teachers and read Christian books with whom I know I will disagree.<\/strong><\/p>\n
3. Don’t listen to my podcast if you are a Bible expert and there is nothing else you can learn about Scripture.<\/h2>\n
Why You Should Listen to My Podcast<\/h2>\n