{"id":40098,"date":"2015-11-12T08:00:19","date_gmt":"2015-11-12T16:00:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/redeeminggod.com\/?p=40098"},"modified":"2017-11-15T12:07:31","modified_gmt":"2017-11-15T20:07:31","slug":"christian-magic-salt-water","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/redeeminggod.com\/christian-magic-salt-water\/","title":{"rendered":"How Christians Perform Magic with Salt Water"},"content":{"rendered":"
Have you heard that Christians practice magic with salt water?<\/p>\n
It is the most remarkable thing to observe. The magic of salt water turns an ordinary, everyday Christian into some sort of super-apostle of the Gospel.<\/p>\n
If you have been feeling that something is missing in your Christian walk, I suggest you look into having the magical rite of salt water performed on you.<\/p>\n
And I know it works. I have seen it done with my own eyes on multiple occasions during the past few years.<\/p>\n
Step 1: <\/strong> Find a person who is relatively ineffectual in living out the Gospel in their hometown.<\/p>\n They probably attend church quite regularly, and have numerous friends and acquaintances at church, but have hardly any meaningful relationships with neighbors, coworkers, or acquaintances outside of church.<\/p>\n It really doesn’t matter what kind of home life they have. If it’s a man, he might be a great husband and father, but he also might ignore his children and neglect his wife.<\/p>\n It doesn’t matter if the person has a job. They could be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or they could be permanently “unemployed.”<\/p>\n Personal diet and discipline don’t matter either. Nor do Bible knowledge or theological understanding.<\/p>\n The magic of salt water works on all kinds of people from all different backgrounds.<\/strong><\/p>\n The main type of person it works on though, is the person who is at the church building every time the front doors are open (Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night, at a minimum), but because they are at church so much, they don’t have enough time to build quality relationships with anyone outside the church.<\/p>\n Now, take this person, and watch the magic of salt water do its thing:<\/p>\n Step 2:<\/strong> Send this person overseas (that’s the salt water).<\/p>\n If you take the person described above, and send them across an ocean, they magically go from being an ordinary Christian to a person who is to be praised and glorified.<\/p>\n It also helps if you call this person a “missionary.”<\/p>\n It is shocking to observe the transformation that takes places in how this person is viewed by those who remain behind.<\/p>\n The person suddenly is elevated in the eyes and minds of other Christians to a near god-like status. Everything they say and do is now more holy and biblical. Every trial in life they experience (which is normal life for you and me) becomes a direct attack from the devil to stop them from doing “the Lord’s work.”<\/p>\n Most shocking of all, the average Christian in the pew now gets the overwhelming urge to throw obscene amounts of money at this person. While the person may have been living on $50k here in the United States, they now get people to give them $100k or more per year<\/em> so they can go live in a country where the average annual per capita<\/em> income is less than $5k. (That’s\u00a0equivalent to making $1 million here in the States.)<\/p>\n Now that they are living like kings in this foreign country, they are able to hire servants and maids to do their shopping, cooking, cleaning, yard work, and child-rearing. They can afford to put their children in the best schools. And to top it all off, they don’t have the normal, everyday expenses that you and I have. No, they get cars, vacations, and medical treatment all paid for by supporters.<\/p>\n And all of this miraculously happens because they crossed a body of salt water!<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
The Salt Water Transformation<\/h2>\n
Do not Misunderstand! I Love Missionaries!<\/h2>\n