In recent years, when we look at our elected officials in government offices, it is easy to get\u00a0 jaded as\u00a0it seems that no matter who gets into office, no problems are fixed and things just keep getting worse.<\/p>\n
I am not saying we should stay out of politics or throw up our hands in despair. But maybe we are losing hope because our hope was misplaced to begin with. As Christians, we should not be hoping in politicians and governments.<\/p>\n
And no, I am\u00a0NOT saying\u00a0that instead, we should put our hope in Jesus. This is true, of course, but it’s too easy to say, and much harder to apply. How do you “put your hope in Jesus” for millions of unemployed people? How do you “put your hope in Jesus” for millions of people without food and homes?<\/p>\n
As I was walking through a parking lot yesterday, I saw a bumper sticker which read, “Jesus is the answer.”\u00a0But that\u00a0depends on the question. There are lots of questions where “Jesus” is not the answer. There are lots of issues where “Jesus” is not the solution. At least, not quite so easily as that.<\/p>\n