Below is a list of the 100 Top Christian Blogs. If you made it onto this list of top Christian blogs … congratulations! Please let others know with the sharing buttons above.
About this list of the 100 Top Christian Blogs
To make this list of top Christian blogs, I gathered and inspected about 500 Christian blogs and ranked them using a variety of factors. Some of the blogs I inspected are listed below the list of the 100 Top Christians blogs.
I will update this list occasionally, so if you want your blog to be considered for future ranking, and your blog is not listed below the list of 100 Top Christian blogs, please include a link to your blog in the comment section. Thanks!
Oh, and do I need to say it?
I guess so… sigh…
Disclaimer: I do not necessarily endorse all the views or perspectives of the bloggers on this list. The list contains many Christian bloggers who write from theological perspectives with which I have some disagreement.
Like who? (Let’s see who I can offend…) Calvinists, Charismatics, Conservative Baptists, and Catholics, just to name a few. Remember, I, Jeremy Myers, am the ONLY correct blogger in the world. (I’m KIDDING!)
Anyway, if someone is on the list of Top Christian blogs and you think they are a heretic, don’t burn me for it! Go be a troll on their site… (I’m kidding again!)
How I Created the List of 100 Top Christian Blogs
Below is an explanation of how I went about ranking these 100 Top Christian Blogs.
First, I gathered the list of Christian blogs using these sites:
- Kent Shaffer’s Top Christian Blogs
- Jared Moore’s List of Christian Blogs
- Top Christian Blogs ranked by Twitter Followers
- Top Christian Blogs ranked by Facebook Likes
- NewsMax Top 75 Religious Blogs
Second, I removed all “Community Blogs” which had multiple authors. This caused all blogs from Patheos, the Gospel Coalition, and other similar blogs to be dropped from the list. The reason I did this twofold. Many of these community blogs are not accurately ranked by Alexa and SimilarWeb, which are two of the ranking factors I used (see below). But more than this, I wanted this list to honor the individual blogger who started his or her blog from scratch, and has labored away at it for years, slowly building an audience and faithfully writing quality posts which get read and shared. Those huge mega community blogs often overshadow the quality writing and hard work of individual bloggers. So if a blogger was writing on a community blog, I kept them off my list.
Finally, once I had my list of individual bloggers, I ranked them using a variety of factors. These factors include:
- Traffic Rank on Alexa
- Traffic Rank on SimilarWeb
- Back link Count (shows people are linking to your content)
- Pages Indexed by Google (shows that the blogger is writing a lot)
- A variety of other traffic and social signals
The ranking number in the list below is a compilation of these ranking signals. The lower the number, the better the blog ranks.
How to get on this list of Top Christian Blogs
If you are not on this list and you want to work toward getting on it, or if you are on it and want to know what you can do to rise in the ranks of these top Christian blogs, here are six recommendations:
- If you are are on a “free” blogging platform (like or, move over to a “self-hosted” site with Knownhost or Bluehost. It’s only a few dollars per month, and you will be set up for success. If you already have a blog, both companies can help you migrate.
- Once you have your blog set up properly, make sure it loads fast and looks good. If you don’t do this, people won’t read it. I recommend WP Rocket to help it load fast and StudioPress themes to make it look good.
- Write regular blog posts with great content. I recommend 1-3 blog posts per week, with at least 500 words each. Use the free Yoast SEO plugin to help you write your posts.
- Read and leave comments on popular blogs (like this one!). By reading blogs you learn how to write a blog, and commenting is a great way to gain readers for your own blog.
- Get a WordPress plugin like Social Network Auto Poster to help your posts get listed on social sites like Twitter, Facebook, and others.
- One of the primary keys to getting traffic is to get links to your blog from other blogs. One of the best ways to do this is to join the Synchroblog. You will get several backlinks each and every month that you participate.
Here then, are the 100 Top Christian Blogs
100 Top Christian Blogs
Rank | Score | Blog Title and Link | Blogger Name |
1 | 217,403 | Challies | Tim Challies |
2 | 311,841 | A Holy Experience | Ann Voskamp |
3 | 312,177 | Fr. Z’s Blog | John Zuhlsdorf |
4 | 480,359 | : swerve | Craig Groeschel |
5 | 483,757 | Albert Mohlers Blog | Albert Mohler |
6 | 543,006 | Thom Rainer | Thom Ranier |
7 | 555,477 | Redeeming God | Jeremy Myers |
8 | 569,004 | Storyline | Donald Miller |
9 | 639,219 | Rachel Held Evans | Rachel Held Evans |
10 | 708,606 | Blog and Mablog | Doug Wilson |
11 | 716,321 | Alpha & Omega Ministries | James White |
12 | 771,432 | James MacDonald | James MacDonald |
13 | 822,726 | Insight | Grahame Knox |
14 | 908,354 | | Craig Gross |
15 | 912,195 | Mark Driscoll | Mark Driscoll |
16 | 930,966 | Jarrid Wilson | Jarrid Wilson |
17 | 932,673 | Ron Edmondson | Ron Edmondson |
18 | 987,589 | Moore to the Point | Russell Moore |
19 | 1,009,976 | Living Proof | Beth Moore |
20 | 1,040,981 | Biblical Studies | Rob Bradshaw |
21 | 1,180,360 | Red Letter Christians | Tony Campolo & Shane Claiborne |
22 | 1,185,542 | Jen Hatmaker | Jen Hatmaker |
23 | 1,242,598 | The Naked Bible | Michael S. Heiser |
24 | 1,267,270 | Beyond Evangelical | Frank Viola |
25 | 1,323,223 | ReKnew | Greg Boyd |
26 | 1,344,629 | Denny Burk | Denny Burk |
27 | 1,465,513 | Christianity Cove | Mary-Kate |
28 | 1,494,946 | Liturgy | Bosco Peters |
29 | 1,508,259 | Experimental Theology | Richard Beck |
30 | 1,515,386 | Head Heart Hand | David Murray |
31 | 1,584,527 | Frame & Poythress | John Frame & Vern Poythress |
32 | 1,612,339 | Reclaiming the Mission | David Fitch |
33 | 1,658,756 | Worship Matters | Bob Kauflin |
34 | 1,660,143 | Perry Noble | Perry Noble |
35 | 1,672,051 | Canon Fodder | Michael J. Kruger |
36 | 1,707,579 | The American Jesus | Zack Hunt |
37 | 1,749,053 | J.D. Greear | J.D. Greear |
38 | 1,766,833 | Andy Naselli | Andy Naselli |
39 | 1,797,475 | What’s Best Next | Matt Perman |
40 | 1,862,063 | Tony Morgan Live | Tony Morgan |
41 | 1,891,059 | Margaret Feinberg | Margaret Feinberg |
42 | 1,963,329 | Lifestream | Wayne Jacobsen |
43 | 1,985,895 | Zwinglius Redivivus | Jim West |
44 | 2,035,457 | Blogging Theologically | Aaron Armstrong |
45 | 2,112,811 | Sarah Bessey | Sarah Bessey |
46 | 2,304,695 | Faith and Theology | Ben Myers |
47 | 2,309,572 | Communicate Jesus | Steve Kryger |
48 | 2,310,092 | Reading Acts | Phillip Long |
49 | 2,318,301 | Growing Kids Ministry | Lindsey Whitney |
50 | 2,407,916 | Stuff Christians Like | Jon Acuff |
51 | 2,541,554 | The Very Worst Missionary | Jamie Wright |
52 | 2,617,350 | Borrowed Light | Mike Leake |
53 | 2,755,792 | Courageous Christian Father | Steve Patterson |
54 | 2,769,134 | Larry Hurtado’s Blog | Larry Hurtado |
55 | 2,808,869 | Sayable | Lore Ferguson |
56 | 2,864,393 | DJ Chuang | DJ Chuang |
57 | 2,873,396 | Stuff Fundies Like | Darrell |
58 | 2,937,119 | Brian McLaren | Brian McLaren |
59 | 3,023,294 | Unsettled Christianity | Joel L. Watts |
60 | 3,026,191 | Matthew Paul Turner | Matthew Paul Turner |
61 | 3,061,236 | Skye Box | Skye Jethani |
62 | 3,069,675 | Living By Faith Blog | Steve Fuller |
63 | 3,217,964 | Everyday Theology | Marc Cortez |
64 | 3,249,355 | Sam Luce | Sam Luce |
65 | 3,280,570 | Counseling Solutions | Rick Thomas |
66 | 3,326,531 | Adam McLane | Adam McLane |
67 | 3,327,471 | Kingdom in the Midst | Marty Duren |
68 | 3,345,392 | | Darryl Dash |
69 | 3,402,962 | Pastor Joe McKeever | Joe McKeever |
70 | 3,455,879 | Anita Mathias | Anita Mathias |
71 | 3,472,536 | Curious Christian | Matt Stone |
72 | 3,485,259 | For His Renown | Jim Hamilton |
73 | 3,486,291 | Church Leader Insights | Nelson Searcy |
74 | 3,649,485 | Nathan W. Bingham | Nathan W. Bingham |
75 | 3,660,524 | Cerulean Sanctum | Dan Edelen |
76 | 3,710,383 | Redeemed Reader | J.B. Cheaney & Emily A. Whitten |
77 | 3,716,394 | Thinking Out Loud | Paul Wilkinson |
78 | 3,745,997 | Hip and Thigh | Fred Butler |
79 | 3,765,303 | Claude Mariottini | Claude Mariottini |
80 | 3,785,440 | RJ Grune | RJ Grunewald |
81 | 3,819,892 | Religious Affections | Scott Aniol |
82 | 3,918,927 | Christian Apologetics | Maryann Spikes |
83 | 3,974,189 | John Shore | John Shore |
84 | 4,015,635 | Istoria Ministries Blog | Wade and Rachelle Burleson |
85 | 4,087,774 | NT Resources | Rod Decker |
86 | 4,096,481 | Daniel Darling | Daniel Darling |
87 | 4,116,167 | A Place For the God-Hungry | Jim Martin |
88 | 4,117,044 | Pomomusings | Adam Walker Cleaveland |
89 | 4,134,643 | RPM Ministries Blog | Bob Kellemen |
90 | 4,150,303 | Will Mancini | Will Mancini |
91 | 4,160,043 | Daniel Wallace | Daniel Wallace |
92 | 4,234,680 | Counseling One Another | Paul Tautges |
93 | 4,285,168 | Ragamuffin Soul | Carlos Whittaker |
94 | 4,339,169 | Joe Thorn | Joe Thorn |
95 | 4,349,304 | Chuck Warnock | Chuck Warnock |
96 | 4,504,781 | Eugene Cho | Eugene Cho |
97 | 4,544,392 | WithoutWax | Pete Wilson |
98 | 4,554,264 | Kathy Escobar | Kathy Escobar |
99 | 4,620,367 | Fundamentally Reformed | Bob Hayton |
100 | 4,668,710 | On the Box | Ray Comfort |
Previous Lists of Top Christian Bloggers
This is the second annual list of Top Christian Bloggers. Below is a link to the Previous list:
How to get on this list of Top Christian Blogs
I mentioned these above, but let me reiterate it here:
If you are not on this list and you want to work toward getting on it, or if you are on it and want to know what you can do to rise in the ranks of these top Christian blogs, here are six recommendations:
- Hone your blogging skills by watching my free Blogging Tutorial Videos
- Add the Alexa Traffic Rank Extension to your preferred web browser.
- Read and leave comments on popular blogs (like this one!). By reading blogs you learn how to write a blog, and commenting is a great way to gain readers for your own blog.
- Get a Premium WordPress blog theme that is mobile responsive. Most blog readers are reading on mobile devices these days. I only use StudioPress themes.
- Get a WordPress plugin like Social Network Auto Poster to help your posts get listed on social sites like Twitter, Facebook, and others.
- Write, write, write, and write some more!
Thanks so much for compiling this list, Jeremy!
I sat in a workshop you taught back in Dallas about 6 or 7 years ago. It was eye opening about blogging and writing. Thanks!
It’s been said, “If you want to get better at something, then you need to learn from those better than you”. 🙂
I am the owner of Inspiration Point ( and I already know that I got work to do. Because of my limited finance, I am using and I do like the site.
I came here, for a couple of reasons. Your Top 100 Christian blogger list is a good place to learn. Yet, I can certainly use some constructive feedback on my own blog.
For one, I am willing to buy a theme, from I am using Coraline. Why am I using it? It’s nice and clean. The typography is very readable; especially on a mobile platform. I’m visually impaired and you can guess my concerns for readability.
Secondly, there is the issue of the menu system. I’d like to replace it with a new one. When I originally asked “What’s a good name for certain stories? I suggested ‘Random Thoughts’, “Comtemplative Reading’ and etc.” No one said anything to the contrary.
Today, I’ve over 200 articles that can be easily placed in different categories. When I started five years ago, I had no clear ideas. What should I do?
The last item is my Social Media. I do have a Google+, Facebook profile & FB page, a Twitter account and an account on LinkedIN. I’m a member of different groups and G+ communities.
G+ is in the past week. Any ideas? So far, I am doing most of the sharing. Back link?? I’m not aware of anyone backlinking to me.
hi! i have a christian blog, my life as a young dedicated christian.
please check it out! 🙂
Dear Maria,
I am a new blogger on christian related topics. I won’t mind if you would like to exchange ideas and I am willing to learn from you a link to my blog.
Here’s a blog I like. The blogger is a non-apologetic Christian who not only post religious themes but also amusing and family oriented stories. She has also written several books you can download for free!
My blog is awesome;) God is good.
Yes I Agree!
Hi! My blog isn’t a Christian blog per se but it has many Christian ideas.
I word like to get your comments. I won’t say God Bless because He does but, Inspire Someone Today.
wow, am touched by your words. i actually just started a blog and would like to follow you. more grace dear
Thank you so much for compiling the list!
I also am an author, publisher and blogger.
My blog is
Take a look at my new christian blog.
Thanks so much for the work you did for this, Jeremy.
Christmas Season Blessings
Happy New Year to you as well.
Universalism declares that God will save all mankind. The teaching of universalism is that there will be salvation or universal reconciliation between God and man because we are all God’s children and that the Bible teaches that all men will be saved. That would be great if it were true, but it is factually incorrect.
WHO ARE GOD’S CHILDREN? The short answer is those who trust in Jesus and obey His terms for pardon.
John 1:12-13 But as many received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, 13 who were born, not of blood nor the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
[Editors note: I deleted most of this very long comment because (1) It is WAY off topic, and (2) It was written only for the self-advancement of the comment author.]
As I stated in Editor’s note of your comment, I deleted most of it. If you are going to write comments on my posts, please keep them succinct and to the point, on topic, and without notes of personal self-advancement. Thanks.
Great list, Jeremy, and thanks for mentioning Logos Bible Software in your honorable mentions list! 🙂
A good friend and coworker of mine blogs at — I’d like to nominate him for your future consideration.
Thanks! I have put him on the list.
Also, I just checked his score, and he would definitely have made it in the top 100. He got a score of 1,395,446 which would place him around #44.
Thanks for the great work, Jeremy! Marc5Solas is an individual/personal blog (although I do talk to myself while writing.) 😉
Thanks for the clarification. Yes, that list near the bottom is not actually all community blogs. Most of them are individual blogs which I did score. To make it onto the actual 100 list, you need a score lower than 3,600,000 or so. Keep writing and you’ll get there!
Thanks Jeremy. I would appreciate your consideration of Reasons for God ( in your list next year!
I put you on the list! Your current score is 10,095,832. Keep writing and you will quickly change that.
That makes sense to me. I took a four month hiatus from blogging this past August-December, so I expect it will take a few months for the renewed writing to change these figures. All the best to you.
I dropped out of blogging accidentally when I got my third child and a new job over five years ago.
It’s been harder to get *back* into blogging than it was to start in the first place.
Caron, really nice blog. I bet it won’t take you long at all!! I’ve got an older blog I am trying to get moving again as well.
I’ve just explored your suggestion “Register your site at Compete for tracking”, Jeremy. There does not appear to be a place to “register”. Discussions with some others indicates this is not a reliable indicator & particularly for sites outside USA. Mine ( for example is given as, “This site has relatively low traffic”. Well if 1-2,000 visits daily on an ordinary day is “low traffic” then that’s correct – otherwise…
What I meant was to sign up for their “free trial” as I think that may jump start them ranking your site…. but since I don’t want anyone accidentally getting charged $650 for the first month (!!!!), I took that recommendation off.
Someone doesn’t actually need to register with any of those three sites to have their site ranked by them, but it sometimes does jump-start the process.
I do think Compete believes 1-2000 visits daily is relatively low. They say the same thing about my site, and I get around 3000 daily. Just so you know, your current compete score is 122,795, which is quite good.
Can you comment on your favorites? I am ruthless in limiting my internet time, and don’t want to waste time. For example, I am not going to waste time reading Mark Driscoll. Roger Olson (where you comment, occasionally) is obviously worth visiting (it’s like a scholar’s forum). Can you mention a few favorites? I would value your opinion.
I am with you about Driscoll. Don’t waste your time. I love Roger Olson’s blog, and do occasionally comment there, even though I am not an Arminian (I’m not a Calvinist either!).
There are so many good blogs I read, I hate recommending a few for fear of leaving some out…. but let’s see… I am currently enjoying Greg Boyd’s blog, as well as The M Blog by Guy Muse, and of course, Alan Knox, Eric Carpenter. There are many others. I also read lots of blogs about publishing and blogging.
Consider please:
Thanks! I added you to my spreadsheet!
Thank you very much.
A pleasant surprise. Thx, Jeremy, for your labor in pulling all this together. Blessings!
Keep up the excellent work on your blog!
Thanks for putting this list together! I’m surprised Michael Hyatt isn’t on this list. Next year, I’d love to have you consider our blog ( and also my friend’s blog, Salt+Light (
It’s tricky because while Michael Hyatt definitely would have made the list, this list is not actually a list of blogs written by Christians, but a list of blogs with distinctly “Christian” content, that is, blogs primarily about Scripture and theology. Hyatt’s blog is about leadership. Certainly, it is leadership from a Christian perspective, but I had to make some (subjective???) decisions about where to draw the line.
So I think your blog might qualify… though again, it is more of a blog about parenting and marriage than about Scripture and theology, and Paul’s is quite a bit like Hyatt’s, in that it is about leadership and influence. Yes, both from a Christian perspective and with some theological posts sprinkled in.
Also, I know I have some blogs listed above which are about marriage, parenting, and family.
It gets difficult to know what to include. Right now, I have included your blog ion the list for next year, but not Paul’s.
Hi Jeremy,
I see what you’re saying and that makes sense. My wife and I actually have had this discussion a few times regarding our blog, whether it should be a blog written for Christians, or a blog written from a Christian perspective for anyone interested in marriage and parenting.
Anyways, we appreciate the thought you’ve put into this list. Blessings to you, Tim
Thanks for putting this list together. Honored!
Glad you are on it!
You forgot
Yikes! I will fix that. He is now 9(b) on the list. totally deserves to be considered! I’m not her btw.
Thanks! I put her on for checking next time.
Bless you. Jesus is Lord. Please do check out my ministry when you can. I trust that God is doing a mighty work in you and many others. Here is my webpage:
I put you to check for next time. Thanks! ??
Thanks for catching that oversight. I didn’t want to drop anyone off the bottom of the list, so I put him in at 9(b) on the list.
Thanks for Including my blog Jeremy.
Thanks for writing a great blog!
Worth a shot – consider maybe? Curious what my number may be.
I put it on the list. It looks like you have a good start, but I recommend you follow the steps suggested above. Especially the Alexa one. Alexa doesn’t even know your site exists yet. Also, it seems Google may not know about your site either. Or at least, they are not indexing any of your posts. Have you set up a Google Webmaster Tools account?
Thanks. I’ll see what I can do to get it listed. Appreciate the info.
Well, it looks like doesn’t hit because it’s just a virtual name for the site. Still, not too high on the hits according to Alexa. Here’s the actual site title –
Check out my blog for women:
I put it on the list. It looks like Google knows your site exists, so that is good. Keep writing, commenting on other blogs, and posting your posts on social media sites (without spamming them), and you will do well with blogging.
For some reason I’m only seeing a list of sixteen blogs. Am I missing something?
I’m seeing only 16 also, looks like there is a paragraph tag in between the table rows which is knocking off the next 84 blogs.
Yeah, made some changes to the list, and introduced an html typo. It should be fixed now. Let me know if you are not seeing the whole list.
Please add mine to the blogs you track you future updates. Thanks. Dreaming Beneath the Spires
Whoa! Anita! How did I forget yours!? I will add it right now…
Just so you know, you score about about 4 million, which as you can see, is almost in the top 100. Good job.
Wow, that’s great. Look forward to your next list. When do you plan to do one?
I do a light-hearted and barely scientific one, which you have kindly linked to, but have omitted so many of the people you list, usually because I did not know about them, and sometimes because they weren’t personal blogs.
Will re-do my own list in the light of yours and share it in April or June.
By no means do I deserve it, but I would be honored. My blog is a newcomer, launched less than six months ago, but has peaked some interest.
Thanks for taking the time to analyse the data for this post, and bless many faithful bloggers.
I have added you to my list. Good job starting a blog! Keep writing!
Great List Jeremy, It really is something useful to go back to over and over. I’d love to be able to add Wisdom Calls to your list –
Thanks !
Added! Will update soon.
Jeremy, thanks for posting this list. I’m looking forward to reading some of these now that I know about them.
If you would like, you can add my blog to the list.
Any tips for blogging are really appreciated!
I’ve added you to the list.
Thanks for your website. I’m just passing on to you my blogs. I’ve listed the WordPress one – Learning From God’s Word – in the information you’ve asked for. You may also be interested in my Blogger blog – “Christ In All The Scriptures” (
God bless you.
Great job !
Can you please enlist my website. It’s a motivational and personal development website based on the Biblical principles. It’s called the Dreamcatcher.
It ‘s on
Thank you
I’ll check it out!
Please add my blog to the list to track for future updates.
Will do!
I’ve got a blog for you to consider for future lists. It’s called REThinker, and it looks at issues in our culture and in areas of scripture from a Strategic Christian perspective. REThinker transplants the scriptures and tenets of God into the real world with applicable and “resonant” results.
thanks for the consideration.
Thanks! I’ll check it out.
Please include my homourous Christian blog in your next list. I would like your input anytime!
It’s been 2 years and we are growing slowly but surely. Thanks.
Slow and steady is the only way to go!
Unfortunately, dropping ALL Patheos blogs is unhelpful – sites like Unequally Yoked (Leah Libresco), Bad Catholic (Marc Barnes) and Cranach (Gene Veith) are all maintained by individuals, and joined Patheos after their initial founding.
Yes, but there is no way to accurately track individual Patheos blogs to accurately rank them.
I would like you to consider posting up my Christian Apologetics Blog on your next updated list if at all possible?
Thanks for your consideration
Will add you to the list. THanks! is not an individual, it has always been more then one involved
Yes, that is true. So I should remove it as a “group blog”?
Hello Mr jeremy, nice work here.
You can also check out my blog
It is a christian blog that teaches christians on how to create wealth that won’t cost them their soul.
I hope to know what you think sir.
Do have a great day.
Thanks. Is your blog mainly about money or mainly about Scripture and theology?
Hello Jeremy,
This blog is about personal finance from a Christian perspective, all the content on the blog has it root from the bible.
I invite you to check it out for yourself.
Thank you
Jeremy –
Thanks for this great resource. Please consider my blog, Zōē Perissos, when you update.
Would love to see The Boundless Blog tracked.
Will do!
Jeremy–I’d love to put my own blog on the list to be considered. I’m just 2 years into blogging, enjoying it, and seeing that “slow and steady” growth in exposure. I call my blog “The Brilliant and Beautiful Blog”–it is about Christ, not me!
warmly, Paul
Thanks! I’ll check it out.
Will you please track
Thank you 🙂
Would love to see Godspace on your list
You’re on it, Christine!
Oops should be I know I used to be on your list but my blog address changed and I could not see the new address on your list. Thanks
I have been blogging since 2005, I blog at I would love for you to check it out and if you like it, consider adding it to future lists. Thank you.
Will do! Thanks.
Enjoyed looking st this. Fascinating. I hVe a small but loyal group at also a dhadow psge dancjng fsith on facebook. Which has the most traffic. I am a mental health counselor, pastor in remote rural Oregon. Would love to have you visit one of my sites. SK
I have a blog at and I am a Christian author. Feel free to join me on my website to read Christian blogs on various subjects about God and His soon return as well as the latest on my books.
I know I’m nowhere close to breaking the list, but I’d be interested in knowing my score if you have a minute. Thanks!
Thanks, I’ll take a look!
I am new here but i will like to know my score if you dont mind please God bless you
Check here also, it is Bible teaching blog with scriptural references to help you understand
Hey guys! I too am a Christian Blogger!
I wouldn’t mind being listed either 😉 lol
I would like to be added on the list. I am a Christian Blogger for The Grace of Jesus Christ Revealed.
I will check it out!
I have another blog now. The alexa rank is averaging 650,000 I hope it is better than the previous one. I will be honored if you could check it out.
I love this list! I spend hours going down the list and reading recent posts from a lot of these guys. Excellent collection. This list is proof that the internet is not a lost cause for Christians. There are plenty of awesome Christian authors influencing what people see online.
Consider adding: to the list.
My blog is called Sally’s Christian Blog and was started two years ago.
I don’t have masses of visitors yet, but it is written from the heart and for the Lord.
I would appreciate your observations.
Kind regards,
Please consider my blog, Courageous Christian Father.
Jeremy, please consider Attempts at Honesty ( in your rankings.
Will do! Sorry for missing you the first time around!
When you get a chance… Check out It is new, but it’s growing with traffic quickly.
I’d like to be considered for your list. Thank you for committing the time to do this!
Another great tool for you to use that’s free is where you can create bible studies, start crowdfunding fundraisers, etc. Its more than just another social network its a ministry toolbox. GodsNation even has ministry building web applications that allows you to analyze your community, city, and state to find the best ways to reach and minister to them. Enjoy!!!
appreciate your work and wanted to pass along a link to my blog. As you wil see if you visi, it is young and not yet known by many peole. This comment is part f m effort to tell others about my blog. Thanks!
God bless,
GREAT Site!!
I would welcome being considered for this list. Check us out at
Have a BLESSED Week!
This is a great list. Thanks for doing the work to compile it. Another one I’d like to nominate is Caleb Wilde’s Confessions of a Funeral Director at
He might not consider himself a Christian blogger in the sense of your list, but he’s a Christian blogging, and much of his work in death and grief has wonderful pastoral and supportive application.
God bless!
Hi, my name is Mike and I am currently working on a book called, ‘How to Debate Atheists.’ I have completed the first three chapters and would appreciate any feedback.
Hi, can you add my blog to the list? I have a real niche blog where I introduce and analyze Christian literature from the Victorian era.
I’d like to add my blog into consideration for next time. You can find it here:
Thanks, Jeremy!
I’ve added you to the list for the next update.
Jeremy, you beautiful man you. Quite an excellent list you’ve got here. I keep seeing your face popping up all over the web man! I’m sure as a result your blog grows in leaps and bounds in it’s success and reach. God bless you sir!
I will like you to add my Outreach blog to list in your next update.
Thanks, Jeremy.
Hi Jeremy,
This looks like quite the undertaking, thanks for sharing your work. I would add April Fiet and my own blog
What an impressive listing! I started my blog, Along Life’s Path, several months ago. Would you please consider my blog for future lists, “Words to Encourage Your Heart & Strengthen Your Faith.” Thank you.
I hope to update this list in January. Your blog is so new, it would not make it onto the top 100. Keep writing!
Here is a new blog to help followers of Jesus ignite their walk with the Lord in the End Times Helpful articles on Spiritual growth and topics relating to end time prophecy. I just recently launched this blog so be on the lookout for more to come! Thank you for the support!
The Ever-Learning Disciple —
I blog at this address and would be very grateful if you would like to have a look. I post about a variety of different christian topics including some mental health ones. I started my blog because I feel that God was asking me to use my experiences in life which have contributed towards growth in my relationship with my Lord and saviour.
I blog about God and living life as a God Of God. Love this blog
Hello, I just wanted to submit my blog:
“Behold, I come quickly” – Revelation 3:11
I’d like to be be more popular but I’m not concerned about being on the list. It’s not a competition.
Keep me in consideration for next year.
Thanks for this excellent work!
I have a long way to go still but I am currently watching your videos and am trying to improve my writing skills as well. Thanks for the tips!
What can you do to not be saved? In order to not be saved, all you have to do is ignore the New Covenant terms for pardon.
The following are some of the ways you cannot be saved under the New Covenant.
1. You cannot be saved by a whirlwind.
2 Kings 1-11 And it came about when the Lord was about to take up Elijah by a whirlwind to heaven…..11 As they were going along and talking, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven.
You cannot be saved by a whirlwind under the New Covenant terms of pardon.
2. You cannot be saved by works of love and faith.
Luke 7:44-50 ……47 For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; ….50 And He said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
The woman had her sins forgiven because she washed the feet of Jesus with her tears, kissed His feet, and anointed His feet with perfume. She loved much and had faith. Men today cannot be saved by works of love and faith. That is not the terms of forgiveness under the New Covenant.
3. You cannot be saved by the publican parable.
Luke 18:9-14 …..But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!” 14 I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Men today cannot be justified like the publican. The publican did not confess that Jesus was resurrected from the grave. There is no evidence the publican even believed that Jesus was the Son of God. Simply saying a humble prayer to God does save anyone. The publicans were Jewish tax collectors. Saying the prayer of a Jewish tax collector is not the terms of forgiveness under the New Testament.
4. You cannot be saved under the Judaizer’s salvation plan.
Galatians 5:1-5…..3 And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. 4 You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.
You cannot be saved by blending Christianity and the Laws of Moses. That is against the terms of pardon under the New Covenant.
5. You cannot be saved like the thief on the cross.
The thief believed that Jesus was the Christ.(Luke 23:39)
The thief feared God.(Luke 23:40)
The thief asked Jesus to remember him when He came into His kingdom. (Luke 23:42)
Was thief saved? Yes.
The thief did not believe in his heart that Jesus was raised from the dead by God the Father.(Romans 10:9)
The thief was not baptized in water. (Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16, Peter 3:21)
If you believe you can be saved like the thief, then you have to believe you can be saved without being baptized in water, and that you can be saved without believing in your heart that God resurrected Jesus from the grave
The thief died under the old covenant and got a direct pardon from Jesus. Men, today, are living under the New Covenant. You cannot be nailed to the cross today and get a direct pardon from Jesus. Jesus is not on the cross He has been raised from the dead by God the Father.
6. You cannot be saved like Enoch.
Genesis 5:24 Enoch walked with God: and he was not, for God took him.
Enoch did not believe Jesus was the Son of God. Was Enoch saved?Yes.
Enoch did not confess that God raised Jesus from the dead. Was Enoch saved? Yes.
Enoch did not believe that Jesus shed His blood on the cross so he could have his sins washed away.. Was Enoch saved? Yes.
Enoch was not baptized in water. He was not immersed for the forgiveness of his sins. Was Enoch saved? Yes.
Was Enoch born of the Spirit? No. The Holy Spirit of promise was not given until the Day of Pentecost. Was Enoch saved? Yes.
Can men today be saved like Enoch? Absolutely not. Men, today, can only be saved by meeting the terms of pardon under the New Covenant, also know as the New Testament.
7. You cannot be saved like the paralytic.
Luke 5:18-20 And some men were carrying on a bed a man who paralyzed; and they were trying to bring him in and set him down in front of Him. 19 But not finding any way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles with his stretcher, into the middle of the crowd, in front of Jesus. 20 Seeing their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”
Jesus forgave the sins of the paralytic because of the faith of friends. Can men today be saved like the paralytic? No, they cannot.
The paralytic was saved without personal faith.
The paralytic was saved without repenting.
The paralytic was saved without confessing Jesus as the Son of God.
The paralytic was saved without being baptized.
The paralytic was saved without believing that God raised Jesus from the dead.
The paralytic was saved without confessing Jesus as Lord and Christ.
The paralytic was saved before the New Covenant was available.
The New Covenant was not in effect until Jesus died. The birth of the church of Christ was the Day of Pentecost.
Hebrews 9:15-17 For this reason He is the mediator of the new covenant, so that , since a death has taken place for the redemption of the transgressions that were committed under the first covenant, those who have been called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance. 16 For where a covenant is, there must of necessity be the death of the one who made it. 17 For a covenant is valid only when men are dead, for it is never in force while the one who lives made it.
The apostle Peter told all men how to be saved under the New Covenant. (Acts 2:22-41)
FAITH: John 3:16
REPENTANCE: Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19, Luke 24:47
CONFESSION: Romans 10:9-10, Acts 8:37
WATER BAPTISM: Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16, 1 Peter 3:20-21, Acts 22:16, Colossians 2:12-13, Titus 3:5, John 3:5, Galatians 3:27, Romans 6:3-7
You left off number 8.
8. You cannot be saved like the people in Acts 2.
These are Jews who were responding after being told they had crucified their Messiah (Christ)(Acts 2:36-37) . As a matter of fact every sermon preached in Acts 1 – 7 mentions their crucifying Jesus. This was a Jewish church calling the nation of Israel to repentance. After the stoning of Stephen God sets Israel aside as a nation the gospel goes to the Samaritans (Acts 8) and then the Gentiles (Acts 10). After Paul is chosen as the Apostle to the Gentiles he preaches “both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21).
Mark 16:16
Refers to the early (Jewish) church going to the nation of Asrael in Acts 1-7.
1 Peter 3:20-21
Note that the people saved were the ones that were kept dry in the ark while the ones who got wet perished.
Acts 22:16
This is not teaching baptism for salvation else Paul wouldn’t have made the statement he did in 1 Corinthians 1:14-17.
Titus 3:5
Not a reference to baptism.
John 3:5
Not a reference to baptism. Born of water refers to our natural fleshly birth, not baptism. Compare with John 3:6.
Spiritual baptism
Romans 6:3-7
Colossians 2:12-13
Galatians 3:27
You cannot be saved by being a know it all and claiming your list is the Truth.
The Truth is Jesus Christ. He has all power, all honor, all glory, and all everything.
Writing a list like you have written may put you outside of His grace, as He alone decides who gets saved, when, for He has been given all authority.
Now you may feel as though God is blessing you and your self righteousness, but you may be as a King of Syria in Isaiah 10, with God simply using you for His purposes until your end.
But the promise of God is that your end will come, and in your end is a new beginning, truly in Jesus Christ.
So keep plotting and planning your own salvation, as it will lead you to where you need to go. Down, down, down until you have completely destroyed yourself, and freed yourself to finally receive that which is constantly on offer to all, complete you and complete joy in Jesus Christ.
Hey Jeremy, thanks for the list, can you check my blog out?
Thanks for the list! Great list of blogs. Here’s mine for future consideration:
Hi Jeremy, I was just doing a search of other Christian sites and came across your list. I have a Christian site, and have been blogging for a little over two years. From your comments, it looks like you are saying your rating will go down quite a bit when you join Alexa? Is that correct? I am about to as soon as I finish my blog redesign/branding.
I think I’m in the 4 millions right now but I was not doing SEO properly before. I’m in a class right now on building a blog business.
Would love your thoughts on how to improve so I can make your list. I’m also a Christian Coach/Consultant (the reason for the blog redesign).
So glad I ran across your blog and list. I do read several on there already.
Hi Jeremy, indeeed an interesting list of Christian blogs. I wish there were a way to “subscribe to all” – all at once, or somehow to have a place where you can “read them all” via an rss feed or something like that. There has to be an online community where the lovers of Christ are just overflowing with what they enjoyed in His word and experienced of His life….
Here’s my blog,, where I write almost daily from what I enjoy of the Lord in His rich and wonderful word.
Maybe you can review the list at one point ( is no longer a reference website, and there’s more social metrics we can look at), and, who knows, maybe you include my blog also.
Hi, Jeremy!
Thank you for this! This has given me a thorough knowledge on what Christian blog to follow.
Hey Jeremey, please check out and consider it for your next list. Thanks!
20 years ago I met an angel briefly in a bar, the only experience in my life resembling that.
What blog would be suitable?
Thanks for the list! Would love to see on there sometime!
My Christian Blog:
Please visit my blog.
Make that 101.
Just kidding 🙂
Thanks for the list Jeremy.
I just started my blog today.
It’s been a real struggle whether or not to share certain things but I have decided to obey God unreservedly on this one.
My blog is about the Grace of God especially as it affects people suffering depression through shame, guilt and past experiences.
I would appreciate your feedback when you have the time.
Thanks and God bless.
Jeremy, We would love to see your great articles on Please join and share with our Christian Social Network.
Please check out my blog site. I am new at this. I feel that the Lord had given me this tool to share with others and encourage them in their walk with Christ.
Praise the Lord ,i am akash from india. Wonderful website to visit to know about blogs and Gods work.I have made a dynamic website for india , which is free information portal to help people.Please visit and bless us. Thank you all. God bless you.
Thanks for this great resource. Very useful!
Hi! Please add my site. I’m blogging chapter by chapter through the five books of Moses and showing how they are connected to the NT. My site address is below:
Hey Jeremy,
Consider my blog too…
Will be thankful to u…
Thanks for compiling this list. I am going to bookmark it for future reference.
Have you checked out They have some interesting blogs.
No, I haven’t checked that out, but I will. Thanks!
Useful list. Keep it for personal use in future
Hi, thank you for the insight. I also have a blog that talks about christian life in general. This is one of the articles but it has more.
I started to write this very personal blog after my husband’s affair. I’ve been a believer almost all my life coming to believe in Christ at 16 years of age. Faith in God helped us to survive the affair and put it behind us relatively quickly. I’m sharing how God moved in our life in that time and I post about once a week. I help other friends in similar situations and thought it would be good to have it all written down.
You can take a look at:
Let me know if you have any idea how I could improve it!
I would like to send my blog in for consideration as a Top Christian Blog. I share my blog with my co-blogger, Cassie who is a Christian mother like me. Our blog is a Christian-based parenting blog focusing on faith and the family.
Hello Jeremy Myers. I am brand spanking new to the ‘Blog’ world. My mission and purpose is to help bring understanding to Christians, unbelievers, clergy and lay persons; regarding the Book of Revelation.
I need to learn how to circulate my blog to the public using social media, advertising, and Christian community entities. I am also desirous of presenting my “Revealing the Book of Revelation” in person on a circuit level. Thank you in advance, Dr. LeSure
I have a few videos which might help you get started over at You can also hire me for various services there as well.
My first recommendation is to get off of BlogSpot. I explain more in one of those free videos.
I’d love to have my blog considered for future ranking kudos. I don’t suppose placing the badge on my site ahead of time, in the hopes of achieving the award is ethical… 🙂
I see that you’ve suggested getting off of blogspot…but that’s where I receive most of my traffic. My actual site is the place where I simply copy/paste older posts from my blogspot site. There’s no harm in keeping both, right? Just to achieve a greater breadth of an audience?
My blogspot site gets huge hits, while my full site just kind of sits quietly in the background.
My site(s) walk through the journey of repentance, forgiveness, and restoration in a marriage where infidelity has occurred.
You could always redirect your BlogSpot blog to your other blog, and in this way, keep all your traffic on one site.
Thanks for listing
I’m new to blogging but giving it a shot. Here is my site:
Something a little different. Humour with a Message.
My blog is new but I have over 60 posts. It is a compilation of growth letters I have mailed to my friends for five years. Thank you for your concideration.
Wow, very interesting list and comments. Would you consider my blog at all?
Please consider us in your top Christian blogs!
Thanks for compiling this list Jeremy. Please consider my blog at:
Many thanks!
I would love for my site to make your list!
I would thoroughly enjoy being considered for this! I am targeting teen girls!
I really enjoy the list of the TOP Christian blogs.
Hey come and check out my latest article:
Thanks for the list. I will visit these blogs and learn from the best. Happy New Year! When are you going to make another list?
Hopefully in the next 6 weeks or so.
Don’t know if I’d qualify, but would like to be considered for a future listing… The Writer’s Blog at
Thanks. 🙂
Jeremy, I’d like to throw my hat in the ring. Submitted my old url ( and would like to replace it with my new one (
Thanks for all the work you do here.
Thanks. I will add it to my list to check.
Hi there. I’d like to humbly submit my blog for consideration. It is 1Glories, located at Blessings and thanks.
Don’t know if I should have put my blog in the comments so here it is
The blog mentioned below is what I’ve been inspired to write for God’s glory.
I would like to see this blog for consideration and know your feedback . Thank you. God bless.
This article is genuinely a nice one it helps new internet visitors, who are wishing in favor of blogging.
My blog is “Thinking for Life,” at
Women, read this blog! This blog really shows how to act as Christians on Valentines day!
Hey Kasandra, that’s a stunning piece of writing from a Lil’ Princess which is far too difficult to find with the understanding of the Word. God bless you ma child.
Pretty interesting list. I’d love to be considered in the future…
but I like to know and I am NOT alone of course why you were let go or fired from GES. Doctrinal differences?????
I responded to your email on this.
Thank you
Jeremy Myers , But YOU never answered my church quesrions???? So do you go to church? Do you believing in people going to church (where people gather) and sit under a pastor-teach??? And You question “Inerrancy”.
The Objection That Inerrancy Is Based on Non-Existent Originals
Some object to inerrancy because it affirms that only the original text is inerrant (there being admitted errors in the copies), and the originals are not extant. Hence, all the doctrine of inerrancy provides is a non-existent authority; supposedly, this isn’t any different than having no Bible at all.
This allegation is unfounded. First of all, it is not true that we do not possess the original text. We do possess it in well-preserved copies; it is the original manuscripts we do not have. We do have an accurate copy of the original text represented in these manuscripts (see Geisler and Nix, GIB, chapter 11); the nearly 5,800 New Testament manuscripts we possess contain all or nearly all of the original text, and we can reconstruct the original text with over 99 percent accuracy.
Also, there is a difference between the text and the truth of the text. While the exact text of the original can only be reconstructed with 99 percent or so accuracy, nevertheless, 100 percent of the truth comes through. For example, recall that if you received notification that “Y#U HAVE WON 10 MILLION DOLLARS,” you would have no problem understanding 100 percent of the message, even though the text is nearly 4 percent in error (1 letter out of 26).
To illustrate, were the original U.S. Constitution to be destroyed, we would not lose the constitutional authority for our country, even if all we had were copies with flaws in them. The original could be reconstructed with enough certainty to assure the continuance of our constitutional republic. The same is true of the Bible in our hands. Even though it is based on copies, they are accurate copies that convey to us 100 percent of all essential truths in the original.
In brief, the Bible in our hands is the infallible and inerrant Word of God insofar as it has been copied accurately. And it has been copied so accurately as to assure us that nothing in the essential message has been lost (see Geisler and Nix, GIB, chapters 22 and 26).
I’m confused. You say we possess the original text, but then you say we possess it in well preserved copies. The original text is just that; the original writing that God inspired to man. The original text no longer exists. There are now copies. These copies have been translated. Twice you mention “the Bible in our hands”. Which Bible are you talking about and do you consider it translated with 99% accuracy since you said we can reconstruct the original text with over 99 percent accuracy.
Jeremy Myers , also, Those who raise the objection that we don’t have the “original autographs” and, therefore we can’t really be sure what was in them are actually veiling a much more radical idea underneath the objection itself. It is something of a red herring.
The implication that they make is that if only we had the original autographs we could then know for sure what was in them. The problem is that if we actually did have documents that were claimed to be the original autographs, how could anyone be absolutely sure that they were in fact the absolute, unaltered originals? We couldn’t, and the same people who raise the objection that we can’t know what was in the originals because we don’t have them, would be claiming we can’t know they are really the originals if we did claim to have them. The real issue under masquerade here as a legitimate scholastic question is really the issue of how can anyone “know” anything. If followed to its root, the issue underlying their objection would lead us to the conclusion that no one can really “know” anything for sure. Epistemological incapacity of humankind is the core problem that is being peddled under the guise of academic integrity. And that conclusion is not only unacceptable, but ridiculous on its face.
The bottom line is that if all the manuscript evidence we have points to a consistent transmission of the text with only random typos and scribal errors that are easily discernible (and it does that in spades), and no one can offer any textual versions that both predate what we have exhibiting that substantial, intentional alterations have subsequently been made to the text, then all we have in this line of objection is bare speculation from the standpoint of theoretical possibility in the face of overwhelming evidential improbability. No rational person makes decisions based on such distorted logic in any other area of life, and decisions regarding the textual veracity of the Biblical text should not be an exception to that rule.
You have to have faith in the Bible when it says all scripture is given by inspiration of God. Notice this inspired scripture is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works so it must be something we can put our hands on and read and study.
I should say bravo like in a single word. This updated list is really helpful for getting all the bloggers altogether. Basically, I am owner of “Namaste UI” and follow some of blogger that you have mentioned in the list.
Things like, this surely motivate all the new bloggers who are getting hike among the blogger’s platform. It would be really good if regular basis update stays constantly in this list. Thanks a lot.
Sourav Basak [Blogger, Entrepreneur, Thinker]
Hi, Jeremy. I must confess, I love your writing. One of my favourite posts is the one about misrepresenting Christ to the world (titled ‘I have an apology to make’ or something like that).
I recently started my own faith blog, it’s @ Can you review it for me? Would love that! Thanks a ton!
Thanks for reading! You are doing some good writing on your blog. Keep it up.
1. Make sure to break up your text into smallish paragraphs. The one post “Choose Forgiveness, not Revenge” is a big wall of text. Very hard to read.
2. Add images to every post.
3. Use headings in every post to help the reader know the main points.
4. Write, write, write! Blogging takes a lot of practice and perseverance.
5. Comment on popular blogs and include your blog in the URL section of the comment (as you did in this comment). When people like what you have to say, they may click on your name and be brought over to your blog. This is how I received a lot of traffic in the early years of my blogging.
This is a massive list… I’d love to be able to get my blog on here (, do you know how?
I mean I’m just gonna go ahead and put it out there since everyone else is 🙂
Thanks for this, Jeremy! I’m inspired to work harder on my blog, Proverbs 31 Woman. I’d love to be a part of this next year!
Hey !! Praise The Lord..Thats a nice list..Please do check out my website and share..
Thank you
I just found your site and I must say, thanks for putting it up. I know I’ll be back to check out all the blogs out there. I have just redone my site as a blog and I’m writing and posting something every week as the Lord leads. I’m going to have to watch your video as well. Thanks again for all the tips and ideas.
I would love to be included in your list, but I fear it’s going to take a while for me to catch up with all the others. Any thoughts you might have once you’ve looked my blog over would be helpful.
To God be the Glory.
We are Christian Bloggers just starting out. We launched our website Jan 1st 2016. Please visit our site today and subscribe.
Hey Jeremy
Can you checkout my blog
and let me know your thoughts? Thanks!
Have a blessed day!
I have a new Christian blog aimed at those who may have had bad experiences with churches but still have a great longing in their heart to know more of God. It is
I invite you to come and check it out.
Pastor Chris
Dear friends in Jesus Christ,
I believe that God has called me to build a Church for him, not with bricks and mud, but with people’s hearts, for may be God is speaking to you through me in the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of father to theirs children and the children to their father’s to prepare the way for our Lord.
So this blog was actually God’s idea, a seed, for His glorious plan for us.
And if you have free time, do check it out, for I am no one, but it God who does all things through me, Hallelujah
Many believers proclaim certain things that they believe to be factual, but do their actions comport with their assertions?
Example number one: Many claim that the 1611 version of the King James Bible is the only accurate English translation of the Bible. The problem is the original 1611 King James Bible contained 80 books. The 14 books of the apocrypha were included in the original 1611 King James Version. The so-called 1611 King James Bible found in most book stores is actually the 1769 King James Version with the 14 apocryphal books removed.
King James only advocates do not read the original 1611 King James Bible.
Example number two: Faith only believers deny that water baptism is not essential in order to become saved. They discredit what Jesus said in Mark 16:16 “…and is baptized will be saved,” by saying that because some of the earliest manuscripts did not have Mark 16:9-20, therefore Mark 16:16 should not be included in the Bible.
If they really believe that Mark 16:9-20 should not be in the Bible, then they should take scissors and cut it out of their Bibles. Does this happen? I doubt that it does.
Example number three: More than a few who deny the water baptism is for the forgiveness of sins say that Acts 2:38 has been mistranslated. They state that the Greek “eis” translated for the forgiveness of sins should have been translated because of the forgiveness of sins. I know of no translation that translates “eis” as because of, in Acts 2:38. I have checked out 60+ translations.
If men believe the Greek “eis” in Acts 2:38 should have been translated as because of, then they should take a black maker and blot out for and write in because of. Does this happen? I would guess it does not.
The list of blog listed are great. It will be nice if you can also consider to list Wisdom Exploits of James Taiwo’s blog site which contains daily Christians posting. It will be beneficial for the readers.
Good to see that someone is honoring the Christian bloggers out here.
I also hope to be on the list in the (near) future 🙂
Visit me at
God bless you all!
Nice compilation. I am a Nigerian Christian Blogger and I will love my blog to make the list! Check it out – God bless you!
Thank u 4 making this List it real helped me get more ideas 4 my blog.if u have Time i would really appreciate it if u will visit my blog.its new But i Know that i will be able to spread the gospel With it.
Were the thousands of those who rejected the gospel on the Day of Pentecost preordained to disbelieve and die in their sins? Three thousand obeyed the gospel and were saved, however, thousands disbelieved. (Acts 2:22-41)
John 8:24 ‘Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” (NASB)
Why did Jesus tell the unbelieving Pharisees they had to believe in order to have their sins forgiven if they had been preordained to believe and be saved or had been preordained to disbelieve and die in their sins? Why? Because, like everyone else the Pharisees had the free-will to believe the gospel or reject it.
Christians have been predestined for salvation, however, individuals have not been preordained to believe and become Christians.
I’m a little confused – If the top blog is #1, why does it have the lowest score? My blog is I checked out the other 6 women’s blog on your list. My blog is more political, literate, and often funny. Plus I throw in some of my artwork for free!
As an added bonus, I don’t claim to be a Christian feminist, just a Christian woman.
PS – Your link for Maryann Spikes is a group blog.
If I gave you a list of the “Top Ten Cities in the World,” would you expect the “best” city to be in the #1 spot or the #10 spot? Obviously, the #1 spot, even though it has the “lowest” number. This is how rankings always work. The lower your number, the better your rank. If I were to rank ALL the websites in the entire internet, the #1 blog would have a score of 1. So really, using my ranking system, the blog score is actually the rank of that particular blog out of all websites in the entire internet.
As for why your blog is not on the list, you probably would have benefited from reading the introductory section of this list which explains how the blogs were ranked. That will answer your questions and provide you with some suggestions for how to rank your blog.
#1 has a score of 217,403
#10 has a score of 4,668,710
I didn’t ask why my blog is not on the list???
Right. Which is why I wrote this:
If I gave you a list of the “Top Ten Cities in the World,” would you expect the “best” city to be in the #1 spot or the #10 spot? Obviously, the #1 spot, even though it has the “lowest” number. This is how rankings always work. The lower your number, the better your rank. If I were to rank ALL the websites in the entire internet, the #1 blog would have a score of 1. So really, using my ranking system, the blog score is actually the rank of that particular blog out of all websites in the entire internet.
Oh – now I get it! Thank you
Thank you Jeremy for putting this site together. The information is very helpful. I also have a blog I would like you to consider for future lists. It is called THE WALK. Here is the link:
I am the founder of ZionGirlZ which is an online and onsite ministry for teen girls and women. My blog is an offshoot of this ministry. Thanks again for all you’re doing!
Very good list. Praise God! Please check out my blog also. I am really grateful the Holy Spirit is using this list, you and many bloggers to tell the blessed stories of miracles and blessings we are having in the name of Jesus.
Our ministry is on the power of words and using the name of Jesus based on scriptures with our musical, affirmation downloads. They are blessing many online and many people have downloaded them. When we pray we must believe we receive what we have prayed and our downloads have many. Please consider. With confidence we know you will be blessed indeed!
I write a blog for a Christian radio station in Minnesota. It’s tiny (I think I had 14 followers at one time) and I don’t actively promote it because it’s not about me, it’s about Jesus. I’m not trying to be famous. I’m trying to lift up, support, and encourage believers while bringing glory to God.
Hey Jeremy great list
I’d like to throw my blog in the ring!
It’s getting some excellent traffic these days, around 10,000 unique visitors per month.
Christian Blogger of the Year – was awarded to my blog a few months ago by a manual (ie human) group of judges here in the UK. Please consider it for your ranking:
I’m a new blogger and a Ive been saved for about 2 years. Checkout my blog “Her Brand New Life” as I journey through my years of being in the world and why I got saved.
Since everybody else is asking I will add my web log, too. Asking to be on the Top 100 list would be prideful so I would settle for a Top 1,000 list, if you have one. Sincerely.
Thank you, Jeremy for these great tools. I will dig in and learn more. My blog is The purpose of my writing is to bring God’s treasures out of life’s dark places, as promised in Isaiah 45:3.
Thanks. This will be interesting to see these different blogs.
I am new to this and I am searching for help in my journey. I appreciate your work and look forward to reading through your writing. I newly started sharing inspiration and encouragement from women to women through the word of God and Life experience.
At the moment …. I rank 0 … thanks 🙂
I have almost gotten exhausted while searching for a blog like this. Really this is helpful to newbies like me. Thank you so much
Thank you for the great list. I am starting a new daily devotional website and would like your readers opinions or advice. Thank you.
God Bless you and let Wisdom shine in you always. I would also edge all to view this amazing Christian blog of mine
Want to read a blog that helps you see Jesus? Check out Lift Up! Please consider adding to this list.
I began blogging as a New Year’s resolution on January 1, 2016. I wanted to give more to God. My idea was to offer practical advise, biblical wisdom, and some NY attitude. The blog is at: Please consider me in the future.
Thank you
Enjoyable list and some great information. I write devotions at and would love to get your thoughts on the website and the blog:
I love this least, but i would love it, if you could kindly put my site there too, check it out, i have worked on it seriously, and i am sure that when you see the site yourself, you will say “where have you been all my life”. Thanks, I really do love yoursite i must say, i must admit i am really jealous
I gave myself permission to write again. Years ago, I wrote a column for the local newspaper but was trying to find my voice and it was with the overriding desire to make it big. I went places I didn’t want to writing for the atta-boys at church instead of attempting honest writing. While some things worked, I wrote a lot that I regret.
Now it is a good indication of my spiritual place. If I am reactive and just want to throw my voice in the din then I don’t need to be writing. But when I truly want to give to others – whether through encouragement or humor – then the act is one of love and helps keep me sane. Stop by
Is interfaith ministry a Christian concept found in Scripture? Yes, it is, however, the interfaith ministry found the Bible teaches converting men of all faiths or no faith at all to accept Jesus as The Christ the Son of the living God and the only way to the Father. The interfaith gatherings in the Bible were not a forum used to proclaim that there were many roads that lead to heaven. The interfaith meetings were not used a symposium to agree that all religions may lead to salvation.
Acts 17:1-3…they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews. 2 And accord to Paul’s custom, he went to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and giving evidence that Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, saying, “This Jesus whom I am proclaiming to you is the Christ.”
At his interfaith meetings Paul did say we are all trying to reach heaven, but we are just traveling different avenues. The apostle Paul did not preach a compromised gospel.
Acts 17:13 But when the Jews of Thessalonica found out that the word of God had been proclaimed by Paul in Berea also, they came there as well, agitating and stirring up the crowds.
If your teaching and preaching is not stirring up the crowds, is it possible, it is because your gospel message has been amended to mollify your listeners or readers?
Acts 17:22-34 So Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said. “Men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all respects. 23 For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription, ” TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.’ Therefore what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you……32 Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some began to sneer, but others said, “We shall hear you again concerning this.” 33 So Paul went out of their midst. 34 But some men joined him and believed……….
When Paul was preaching at the interfaith conference at Athens what took place?
1. He did not tell them it does not make any difference what you believe as long as you are sincere.
2. He told them they worshiped in ignorance.
3. Most rejected Paul’s preaching.
4. Some believed the truth of the gospel.
The apostle Paul did not change the gospel to make it more palatable to the crowd. He did not tell them that all religions are approved by God.
Galatians 1:6-8 I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; 7 which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven , should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you , he is to be accursed!
Paul was preaching to a interfaith/interdenominational group, the Judaizers at Galatia. Judaizers were Jewish Christians who were advocating keeping Jews customs in order to be saved. The apostle Paul did not say that all denominations could teach different terms for pardon. He said if they taught a gospel contrary to what the apostles taught that they should be accursed.
1. FAITH: John 3:16
2. CONFESSION: Romans 10:9-10
3. REPENTANCE: Acts 2:38
4. WATER BAPTISM: 1 Peter 3:21, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38
The apostle Paul was not a fan of interfaith/interdenominational meetings that advocated all faiths or that all terms of pardon bring about salvation.
The apostle Paul believed in the ONES: (Ephesians 4:4-6)
One body.
One Spirit.
One hope.
One Lord.
One Faith.
One Baptism.
One God.
One Father.
Check out my blog>>>>>>
What were the terms for salvation taught by the Apostles?
Paul taught salvation was a gift of God: Ephesians 2:8, Romans 5:15,16, and 18, 6:23
Paul taught salvation occurred when you believe the word of truth: Ephesians 1:13
Paul taught salvation was apart from works: Ephesians 2:9, Romans 11:6
Paul taught the believer is indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption: Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:30
Paul taught repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ: Acts 20:21
Paul never taught baptism for salvation 1 Corinthians 1:14-17
Paul received his knowledge of the gospel from Jesus Christ: Galatians 1:11-12
A lot of work was put into this collection of sites and their descriptions. You’ve performed a valuable service for us bloggers. Thank you.
Thanks for doing this every year Jeremy.
My blog is for your consideration
Have a great day 🙂
To add my thanks to the many others, thank you so much for compiling all of these.
My blog: Running and Fixing:
What could be better than talking about Jesus and jogging in one place?
Have a great weekend!
am so wowed by the comments especially of Steve Finnell. God bless you all, my nigerian fellow bloggers too. Am glad to join the family of Christian bloggers worldwide. god bless you all. Am subscribing to every blog post here and if i didn’t remember to subscribe to yours please do send updates to be*********@gm***.com.
thanks Jeremy for this.
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks so much for compiling this list of top Christian blogs. I read quite a few of them myself and I couldn’t agree more with your choices! 🙂
As a professional and recreational writer, I’ve also founded a Christian blog ( meant to help new believers and the sick at heart. It’s also an online portfolio of my best written works, some of which have been published in magazines such as the Salvation Army’s Caring Magazine and the Catholic Liguorian Magazine.
Since I’ve only been focused on getting my works published in printed magazines thus far, I’m shifting my efforts to increasing my blog traffic. I can write my head off but it wouldn’t mean anything unless it actually benefits people :), which means they would first need to discover it on the web.
Please give it a look for yourself and if you believe it fulfills its job excellently, I kindly ask for a shot at your list.
Hi! This is a great list and I found some blogs that I may start following because of it. My husband, Dr. Kerry Lee Jr, and I started a blog recently (he blogs and I do the graphic design). It’s called Hopefully someday soon it will make it onto your list!
Hi! Researching, compiling, and providing the list is a great accomplishment! Bless you!
My blog (social and prayer website) is . I pray that it can become a resource for many.
Andre Brown
Glorifying God through athletics! Still in the beginning phases but check out my blog if you get a chance!
Thanks for this! Very insightful. I have never heard of you till now-great stuff! I’ll stick around
I hope to be on a top anything list someday lol. Currently I am asking for input.
Very cool list! I’d love to get added to it; potentially.
If my site ever made the list, I’d be shocked, honored, humbled, and happy all at the same time. Please take a gander at my site:
Supernatural Truth in Christ
I’ve been at it for about 1 1/2 years now, have 46 pages, & 117 posts. I’d be thrilled if you could have a look at it. Thanks and God bless!
I pray that my blog will be on this list
This is a very diverse list. Thank you for sharing. I have a few places I need to visit!
Very informative! I pray to be on this list I speak it into existence now!
Jeremy, thanks for publishing this list. My blog is a mish-mash of current events and how they relate to Scripture, life and hobbies.
Again thanks!
Thanks for posting – I can already see how I can put some of your tips to work! I’m a Christian blogger at I’m trying to generate more interest in my fantasy adventure YA series, Touched. The ball is rolling but slowly, LOL! I’m currently offering a free download of the original book on my website to all who are interested. Any advice would be much appreciated. Be blessed.
I’m a physician who just began a Christian medical blog. Would love to he on this list!
I’ve not examined the list fully yet but it would be interesting to include which countries the blogs originate from, and whether any blog in languages other than English.
I’ve lived on three continents and picked up facebook friends in a few more so was pleased to see one some current posts on my personal blog viewed in 18 countries in just a few hours but I’m not expecting to make it to the list of 100 top blogs anytime soon.
Most people like to see their content accessed widely and so can learn some great tips (as well as read some good content) from these blogs, but ‘most popular’ doesn’t always mean ‘best’ I’d say that for any blogger a key to judging your own success is to think about the purpose and intended audience of you blog – if you have a niche audience in a specific location you may not get a huge following but if you set out to acheive something worthwhile through your blog and you achieve it then that counts as success.
Thanks for all the content you provide. For those interested in Christian Mysticism, you can check out my site at
Please include my blog as you rank websites.
Thank you so much for putting this list together! I would like to add TherapyCable’s spirituality blog to this list. They publish articles fairly frequently on religion, spirituality and a lot of psychology topics. Give it a look 🙂
I loved reading your encouraging comments and the great list of Christian blogs! Thank you for putting it together. I also write a Christian blog called Would love for you to check it out!
Grace and Peace
I just started my very first blog this month called “INTENTIONAL MEN”. God laid it on my heart and I’m just trying to find ways to get this word out.
Do you give me permission to put my Blog here? Is a Portal with the most powerful psalms of the Bible and they are ccompanied with videos, images and a short study about the prayer. here`s the link: .
Have had a Christian Blog for almost 9 years now. It is about Birdwatching From a Christian Perspective. It is called, Lee’s Birdwatching Adventures Plus. Fly on over and check it out.
Our blog is growing all the time. We are listed in the Top 50 blogs out of 978 member blogs at the Fellowship of Christian Bloggers. Visit us anytime at
Hey! Have a look at The David Makuyu Christian Blog
How To Become A Christian? By Steve Finnell
How do men become Christians? They become Christians by believing and obeying God.
Galatians 3:26-27 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27 for all of you who were united with Christ in baptism have been clothed with Christ. (NIV 1973)
Does complying with denominational doctrine result in a person becoming a Christian?
The Roman Catholic Denomination states that non-believing infants become part of the body of Christ when they are sprinkled with water. Those infants become Catholics, however, they do not become Christians.
Faith in Jesus precedes water baptism. (Mark 16:16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved…) NIV 1973) The Ethiopian eunuch heard the good news about Jesus before he was baptized.(Acts 8:26-40) The 3000 on the Day of Pentecost believed before they were baptized. (Acts Chapter 2) In every conversion account in Acts they all believed before they were immersed in water.
According to most Baptists denominations water baptism is not essential for salvation. They believe water baptism is essential in order to become a Baptist. Being baptized in a Baptist church makes a person a Baptist; but does it make them a Christian?
Question, do you know what your denomination teaches concerning becoming clothed with Christ?
Claiming to be a Christian does not make anyone a Christian anymore than claiming to be a medical doctor makes a person a physician.
You are invited to follow my blog>>
This post has helped me a lot. I have a blog where I write mainly for myself and a few people that keep insisting that I should keep at it.
Disclaimer: It’s got a lot to do with Israel and the Hebrew nation in general so if you find that offensive, you might want to ignore this comment.
Anyways, this is my blog for anyone interested to check it out:
God bless, and thank you
Jeremy, Thanks for compiling this list each year. I have been watching it for the last couple. I would love to be considered for your list next year. I have made it a personal goal to make it on the list. 🙂 I blog on Living By Christ at
Thanks for all your work brother. Keep it up.
Here’s a link to my blog for consideration:
Hi Everyone,
Please do visit my blog. Hope you will be blessed.
Best regards,
Tanya George
I have so enjoyed this christian blog by Jim Corbett. It’s called M.A.S.H icu and it is mainly directed towards men. It is a daily blog and teaching series to help restore the offices of husband and Father but I as a wife and mom have also been so encouraged by it as well! Give it a read 🙂 It’s been a huge blessing for me and my family
I wanted to share our blog for consideration. This is a wonderful list 🙂
Hi I have just started blogging. Thanks for putting this list together. There is so much to learn from other bloggers.
I would love you to check out my blog at:
Would love for you to check out my blog!
Thanks a lot, I really love your post. Just started, but I would really love you to check out. It’s more than just a blog, and I’m sure you would love it.
Hey Guy, it looks like number 36 ‘the american jesus” is actually about hacking the game called “clash of clans”. it does not appear to have anything to do with religion, Jesus, or christianity.
Thank you so much for this post. I have spent hours going through each blog, taking notes of what I like and brainstorming what I want to put on my own blog.
I really want to start a blog, but I want to do it right. This has been the mother-load of great content.
Resources for pastors-inspiration, free studies, videos, Christian quotes, current Christian news, etc., etc. :
🙂 🙂
Sharing my blog for consideration in your next list:
I’m a student who just began a Christian blog. Would love to be on this list in the next update!Thanks
God bless!!!!
Check out my motivational, Christian blog. I think you will really like my writing style. Can you let me know what you think? Any suggestions, comments, likes, or shares are always apreciated.
Thank you for including my blog. It’s a joy to serve my readers.
We would love to get some feedback on our blog/site – Rambling Ever On. We cover many theological topics, but venture into the world of pop culture, sports, family, and societal concerns.
Good list. Please check out my blogs at the website listed below. I’m an evangelical minister to all Christians, including Catholics. I love Jesus Christ and highly value God’s Word. I’ve been a pastor, writer, and editor of Christian books for more than 40 years. My blogs include pieces on abortion, atheists, Christmas peace, why believers don’t read the Bible (to help them read it), and the power of Christ in the life of every believer. My latest blog, just posted, is a mind-blower for some: “The Great Pre-Tribulation Rapture Hoax.” My goal is to help believers know and love God more, believe the truth of the Bible, and let Christ and the Holy Spirit grow in their lives.
How awesome is this! There are so many creative writers out there and it is a blessing to see God’s heart shared across the nations. Please consider my devotional blog for women, men, and young adults! A new blog is posted every Tuesday. I also feature encouraging poems once a month written by my husband. Please visit below link and please feel free to share.
It’s really encouraging to see all these committed writers spending their time encouraging and empowering them through their writing skills.May God bless them
I have thoroughly enjoyed your article. I do recommend the following blog specially because it has so many resources.
Hey, great compilation. I have only been blogging for a little over a year but here is mine if you would consider it.
Thanks for this post, I really appreciate you doing this! Please check out and consider my blog:
Thanks again!
A very interesting read. Hard work pays.
This is very great. You are well done. I’ve been looking around for some Christian blogs around and see what pertains out there. There’s a new blog created by some of my friends and I to help the millenial Christians especially the young ones. It is just a new blog but it’s worth checking out
Very Useful. God Bless You
I love your list of blogs! Would you please consider mine as well? It is Touched By Him Ministries where I blog between one and three times every month, and I have been blogging for three years. Thanks for the opportunity! Blessings.
Created Creative Collective is a growing tribe of Christian Creatives. We feature regular chats with emerging Christian Creatives. It’s a new site, and great place to be inspired in your creativity.
Thank you for compiling a great list!
I would love to be considered for future lists. My site is called Rethink. We challenge the way people think about Jesus, Church, and Culture.
This is awesome. I am about beginning in the world of blogging. Being a Christian, I find the Christian niche appealing, so I stopped to check on the front-liners and top performance in the industry, what I saw is amazing.
Didn’t know Christians blog this much too.
Thank you for putting this together.
God bless.
Finally, I found a guide to successfully blog as a christian. Great job. Thanks
Hello, I’m a new Christian Blogger and would love to be featured on your page! My blog discusses various religious topics, particularly singleness. My Blog Name is The Power of Wealth
Check out my Christian blogs and please add me to the rankings
God bless you all !
Hope you don’t mind looking at this website:
WE exclaim truth !
Would welcome your feedback –
In Christ
Chuck Hannon
This is really interesting.. Can’t wait to be on the list
This is a great list! We would love to be considered as well.
Great work.. I just started a new christian blog ” dailygospelvibe” i would love if you do check for next update. Thanks.
This is a very good resource, thank you for this! I have started a blog I would like you to read and consider. Thanks!
Also check out
Thanks for this list of top Christian blogs, it’s a great resource!
If anyone’s interested in discussing faith, discipleship, and theology, check out my blog. I’ve been blogging since 2012 but recently gave my blog a revamp, to make it smarter and more mobile-friendly. I’ve written over 150 articles on everything from free will to the nature of God to the reason why we suffer. And I share my testimony, which I’d love for you to hear.
Visit and feel free to say hi! Blessings everyone!
A blog about life lessons learned from a music teacher/church worship coordinator. Please check it out thank you!
Check out my motivational, Christian blog. I think you will really like my writing style. Can you let me know what you think? Any suggestions, comments, likes, or shares are always apreciated.
Great article! Very helpful!
Thank you for your work. This will help many people discover good blogs.
I just have a question about the rankings. I just checked Alexa is my blog is 1.5m, however in your raking my blog ranks 3.7m. Why the difference? I am asking because I just want to improve the way my blog is seen by others.
Thank you again for your good work.
Claude Mariottini
This is great and exciting to know that Christian blogs can have such a great view and readership. Please keep with this good work. A newcomer like me is surely encouraged to work harder if I want to be on this list. My blog is
Hi i’m so much impressed to see such a great number of christian bloggers . I didn’t quite know that Christians are really making waves as such in spreading kingdom messages to the dying world via setting up blogs, to God be the glory. Although i started mine last year as the burden came so strongly on me and i couldn’t resist the move of the Spirit of God, i first of all learnt how to design WEBSITE before i now design my own BLOG and since then, it has been writing all the way. I’m quite sure that one day i will be among the top 100 christian bloggers world wide as i will be linked up by all my predecessor bloggers. My blog is
Wow! This is wonderful. I will be grateful if you can review my blog and reply with your findings
Quite interesting resource. I encountered this piece in response to what I believe is divine direction. I intend to be around here for a while as the Lord leads. May the Lord strengthen your hands in kingdom work. Thanks.
Thank you for this great resource, look forward to reading more from you.
Thanks for all the links!
Please share my new blog.
For women who struggle with depression.
I have also write a blog about reality of christianity. Known as What is Christianity (A Hidden Truth) . Must read..
Thanks for all the links! I seriously recommend you add this website to your list:
Basically has overwhelming evidence for Christianity! It’s a great site, probably better than some of the above!
Thank you Jeremy Myers for sharing this valuable information. I have been writing blogs for a few months prompted by my publicists at FaithWords to promote “The Disconnected Man” to be released December 2017.
Would appreciate visits my website and sharing the blog posts.
God Bless!
Thank you for compiling such a great list of Christian bloggers! Such great resources for inspiration and Christian views and news.
Regards and be blessed,
This list provided are helpful to reads on Christian faith. I also consistently write Christian blog post (virtually on daily basis), and you may read and consider to add the blog to your list. Here is the link
Thank you for the resource.
Our blog has grown from our experience following Jesus through homelessness, deprivation and sufferning. We learned much about faith, spiritual maturity and, more importantly, just how sneaky, evil and dangerous our ‘self’ nature is. We have been encouraged to share the lessons we have learned with others freely.
If you are interested in our story you can read the book free from here
God bless you,
Homer Les
We would love to be considered. Our site has been around since 2009. We feature Bible studies, Bible Q&A, Verse of the day and daily news from a Christian perspective. Thank you for your consideration.
Please tell me if I am reading the table above right?–
Would it be correct to say that according to — the site of Albert Mohlers Blog ranks 5th in the ranking of top 100 Christian blogs…. and that ranks first among the top 100 Christian Blogs?
In other words the ranking of #1 is the most popular blogs among all Christian blogs. And of course this is according to the process that Jeremy has made his calculations. All of this is probably obvious to all but I just want to make sure I am getting my facts straight. Thank you much. Ken
Yes, you are reading that right. But the list is about 2 years old. A lot has changed.
Thank you Jeremy for replying to my question. It is very kind of you to personally respond! Do you think that is still ranked 1st in 2017?
The reason I asked the question above is that I am quoting in a book that Tim Challies is ranked #1 among Christian bloggers.
Would Challies also be rated #1 among Christian book reviewers?
Sorry Jeremy…. one more question — Would Challies be ranked in 2017 in the top 10? Thanks my friend!
Jeremy, thank you for the list. Do you have a 2018 list or if you are making a 2019 list. I’d like to humbly submit Uncommen.
We are a International Men’s Ministry – Uncommen ( We encourage Husbands, Dads and Leaders to be the men they were always meant to be through weekly blog content and devotionals.
We currently provide Bible Reading Plans and Blog articles to partners such as YouVersion, Olive Tree and Covenant Eyes on a monthly basis with over 25 studies and 1 million subscribers and counting. Our content goes out to approximately 500k men across the world each week.
Looking forward to making the list in the future.
Thank you
Hey Jeremy not sure how to go about this but I am a new blogger and ordained minister. My blog is available for reading as well.
Hi Jeremy!
I’m an individual blogger in Singapore who writes Christian posts on my blog .
I’m 25 years old and I’m a full time dad to a 23 month old daughter.
My blog averages monthly about 150,000 pageviews and 40,000 unique visitors.
I believe that we are saved by grace through faith, not of works.
I also believe that by Jesus’ one sacrifice on the cross, our sins are forgiven once and for all and there is no more condemnation for a person who has believed in Jesus as their own personal Lord and Savior.
I would love to be considered to be ranked in this list! Thanks!
God bless and Shalom,
Milton Goh
Good to find a list like this. Trying to build my readership at my site.
Thank you for writing this helpful list!
Nice compilation of Christian inspirational blogs! Check out our blogs on Christianity and Christian Publishing here: #christianpublishers
Interested in feedback
Thank you for the list. It’s good to see so many Christian blogs having an impact for Christ and the Gospel. Take a look at mine when you have the opportunity. It’s a sermon blog with WordPress. The domain name is
These past few days I have started spreading godly messages (in a way it would sound like any other message but still prove a strong point) on a chat room game that a lot of teenagers go on. I am a teen my self, so a lot of the messages I share are my about my own struggles that I go through as a teen (forgiveness, anxiety, kindness, bullying, etc…). It has been astonishing how much I’ve impacted some of these teens. Even though the game only shows an avatar the person made, people are always telling me how much my speeches help them with their struggles. It has been eye opening seeing that my words can help others in their lives. Does anyone have any suggestions of more ways I could help out teens, and spread the word?
Thanks for the advice Jeremy!
I just started my blog titled “The Liberal Christian Blog” to provide support to my clients. I would be honored if you checked it out and gave me any feedback you like!
Hello and thanks for the list! I’ve added my blog to your comment field for review. I post content for leaders in ministry, both vocational ministry and volunteer ministry.
Leadership In Ministry
I am Bro. Edet, A Nigerian Gospel Blogger.
Get Breaking Christian News, God’s Word Daily, End Time Happenings, Life-transforming Teachings, Ebooks and Lots More at
Please consider listing my blog after reviewing it, if you’re led to. Thanks and God bless.
Kindly note that this blog address has been changed to:
Great list! Please consider my Christian Apologetics blog on your next updated list. Thanks!
Great insight. You should look at this blog a look. Really though provoking and always practical.
Hi Jeremy,
His Own Heart, a devotional blog I write weekly, is accessible at Would love for you to check it out.
Hi everyone,
Jeremy: This list has been very helpful.
Thank you,
Southern NH, USA
Thanks for mentioned this list ! Listed website have high quality website my blog also related to all this niche which update with prayers to world in peace
Hello. I want you guys to know yes, you can trust in Jesus as paying your whole sin debt, but after you do-do not walk in sin. Jesus is true and so is the bible. At all cost get rid of it. Repent now while you can! You see as humiliating as this is apparently as I’m demonized and am out of God’s will as it keeps saying. You see I’m not finding deliverance. I hope to do you good with this. And yes, I took that because I was in pain for years and doctors weren’t very helpful. I gave up on them and tried to tough it out until one day unexpectedly heroin was before my face and I caved in. So this started a progression and now I’m in bad shape. i was already in worse shape than I knew by then. Look guys I’m no minister to qualify as that at all. Yet I know this just put away sin from your lives at all cost. Also repent and make sure to guard the heart. Read your bible and make sure holy spirit is with you and do not quench him like it says. Follow him obediently. If he isn’t with you or is quenched put off sin and run to God with all you have. Pray, pray, pray. Please take God seriously for He is Holy and yes, good always. I hope this does you some good.
Hello, I have been doing a daily blog on the language of the dew. I over 35,000 comments within two years. Check it out . You may find it interesting. Craig
Many thanks for your contribution compiling this list.
Please, subscribe me via email to your Mailing List and Newsletter.
Thanks again for sharing the sound doctrine of the biblical gospel of Jesus Christ .
Great information for me
I’d like to contribute my blog:
Sharing the new blog my son is working on.
Website is:
Thank you for this, been looking for other Christian blogs to read except mine.
Mine is (, yeah its a free domain for now because I am a startup and I don’t want to go broke YET!
Nice resource page for the top 100 Christian blogs, I read your requirements to be listed here and I want to say that I already have quite a few of those done but I am here today only to leave a comment on this great blog.
Please consider Bible Gateway Blog for this list. Feedspot has named Bible Gateway Blog among its “Top 100 Christian Blogs on Jesus Christ, Bible & Christianity in 2018” ( and selected Bible Gateway Blog to be included in its list of “Top Christian Blogs on the Internet Today” ( Thank you.
So awesome to see many believers out there searching and sharing good content. Truly encouraging. I created a website that helps with Scripture memorization, apologetics, etc. would love for anyone to drop by and give me their feedback. God bless.
Oh I’m there. Lol
I would appreciate any constructive criticism. My blog is two years old and has made little traction. I am working to improve my writing, content, and visual impression
Thanks for the list.
Hi Jeremy:
Thanks for compiling this Christian bloggers list. I have just started my own blog, “,” which I think will be useful for those who are actively trying to sort out what Christianity means to us in the 21st Century. It will include material about the evolving nexus between psychology and God, which most pastors have not yet considered. Two posts thus far. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Pretty cool list, lost sites I wasn’t aware of, and maybe I can add my own to the list: | Walking Towards Christ Jesus
I focus on presenting the gospel as it was handed down once for all time in Scripture, without the false teachings, deceptions, schemes and outright lies of man that are common in today’s “modern”, liberal and so-called “Reformed” Christianity. Be not deceived, do not let anyone take away your Crown of Life! Maranatha!
R. John Anderson
Thank you, Jeremy, for the list, the insights, and the suggestions.
Hello. Do you have any favorite missionary blogs?
Awesome list, Jeremy! Thank you for sharing this information as well. I too am a budding blogger in need of some feedback and constructive criticism. Please visit my posts at
Thank you and many blessings!
Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and insights of highly successful Christian blogs. Thanks for sharing your talents.
Would love to have my blog considered. Thank you.
Very informative and useful article. Hoping to find time to go through many on the list.
I’m new here… I would be happy if you can check out my website on
I write mainly christian stories using the verses of the Bible. I will soon much appreciate your advise. Thanks Sir
I also attended Moody Bible Institute. While there I started asking questions about Christianity and did not receive many answers. So for the past 45 years I have been searching. My blog is different from most Christian blogs in that it asks questions about our faith. The questions are not to discredit Christianity–we have as much or more evidence for our faith as any other religious or secular world view. My questions are stimulate a discussion so we can better understand our faith. Please take a look at:
I would love to get some feedback on our “blog.” I write for with a group of friends. We cover theology, the arts, some sports, and even family issues.
I’d invite you to check out my blog site: Selah Musings ( It isn’t the fanciest blog site but has the daily devotionals that are written and posted every morning, so it is constantly fresh.
Other features, of the site include Musings – A general occasional chat about God in our lives and the life we live in him, Passages – “Passages for Today!” containing random scripture passages that I am just sharing with the readers and Testimonies – The least utilized portion of the site because it requires reader input to grow, and y’all are too shy!
I’m looking to see about getting some professional help on the layout because while I am capable of tossing up a site, I’m better suited to writing content.
Blessings, Kip
i love your list of top Christian blogs and i hope to be on the list. i blog at
Jeremy, you have obviously put a lot of time and effort into this list. Thanks for making it available. You are welcome to visit my sermon blog: I’m currently studying the Gospel of John, and have over 130 of my sermons on-site.
Nice list, good work
Jeremy! Another Christian blog for your list! Great article!
Hey, I’d love if you included my site on the list! I (humbly) think it’s worthy 🙂
Hello! Please check out my website I would love to be included in your next list. My site is aimed at those who may be feeling spiritually weak and need some encouragement. Thank you!
Soon I will be part of this list! Thanks for coming up with this list and sharing it. I am learning a lot and very inspired! By the way, I am a new in blogging…
Hey Jeremy, thanks for the list, it’s pretty insightful, and spending a few minutes on your blog, i’ve gotten to learn a lot. you could check out this Christian blog as well:, it’s got a devotional that’s amazing
Thanks for the list, and the opportunity for a review. I have been blogging at for several years and would appreciate your consideration of it. It is a labor of love, but has been hard to gain a lot of traction.
Thanks for taking the time to put this list together, i’m still working my way through. There are hundreds if not thousands of christian blogs out there. Here one more to add to the list: Godinterest is a safe place to blog about faith, culture, life and all that other stuff.
God Bless Jo
Great post, so many wonderful blogs I can read for inspiration and ideas.
My wife and I have been working on a blog about being a Christian family.
This list of great blogs will help us quite alot, thanks so much for taking the time to compile this list. Very happy I found it.
Oh let my wife and I know what you think of our blog – we would really appricate your feedback.
God bless you all.
Kindly consider adding my new Christian blog:
God bless you
Thanks for this list.
Here is my site & blog: Pursuing Intimacy With God
I’m nowhere close to making the top 100 but wouldn’t mind you checking my blog out.
Very insightful information! Thank you!
I am always learning! God has been so good to me. My blog began a few years ago when I was recovering from my divorce. My former husband of 20 years decided he was gay and left me with our 4 children. Looking back, God has always had my back. He prepared me for that season and has always provided me with love and security. Life is messy and I write about how God is always there for us. I write devotionals because we continually need reminders on how to train our brains to trust God. Sometimes God wants us to be living examples of His redemption. My story is one of those.
This list is great!
Hi! I’m a new kid on the block and I have been blogging about my journey of forgiveness, emotional healing and reconciliation. There have been setbacks and victories but God is faithful and I am sharing my story as well as offering free Christian resources like personalized prayers taken directly from the Word of God – because He’s awesome!
I also am writing some funny stories about my experienced being mixed-raced. It’s always interesting.
Do you still have your blog? It sounds like it would be great. I clicked on the link but could not connect.
You can email me at ja***@we**************.com
Or find other ways to get ahold of my website:
I hope to hear from you and I hope you are still writing
Thank you so much for this much needed information. I started my blog, Created for Destiny, while I was recuperating from surgery. Fulfilling destiny as been a heart-cry of mine for many years. My book, Destiny Denied, addresses concerns that have prevented people, especially women from fulfilling their destinies in some traditional churches. My blog, however, is not limited to women or the church—it is for all of God’s people, even those who are not saved. I have desired to know how to get people to my blog, so I truly appreciate this.
Very informative! Thank you! I had no idea the community, and community it is, was so large! I’ll start looking around immediately to find out more.
Lol. Yes it is a large community but a wonderful one at that. I have searched all over for people who love God with all there heart. I just didn’t think I would find so many of them online but I am amazed. Very pleasantly surprised. Thank God for such a wonderful gift
Praise the Lord Jesus.
Wow, this is an incredible list! Thanks for all the work that went into this! I now have a few new Christian blogs to add to my list!
Good morning! Just finished writing a book on life change. I was saved 16 years ago, and was inspired by the Spirit of God to write it! It’s in the final phases for publishing! I PRAISE GOD for that! I will have a blog post coming soon, and want your followers to keep an eye out for when it’s released. Here is the book trailer, hope this is ok to post on your site. I’m truly am a techno infant … and feel so inept when I watch my millennials on their devices and social media! I hope to get much better! Here’s the link: If this in not, I understand! Have a great day of worship!
All I really can say is “wow! This is an excellent list.”
I would love to have my blog listed on the top 100. With that said, I am working hard in the background to get it there. Keep up the good work and see you soon… on the top 100 list that is. 🙂
This is nice! I can easily choose the blog that i want to read because they are already list down. Good job!
Which blogposts do you recommend on early Christianity?
I have a wonderful Christian blog where I share the divine visions and dreams I receive from the Lord in the night. I also share the divine revelations that God gives to His Children in this beautiful blog website of mine.
Here is the blog website:
Hello. Thank you for this list. I have a Christian blog I am passionate about. This is the link
Thank you.
RSS feed and html blog…
hope they challenge you
Please consider this Christian blog:
I’m interested to write blog and write about God my intention is this that I want that yo reach every unbeliever first and the believers too.
The Gospel message of truth explained, Genesis to Revelation:
thanks for providing a lot of options.
Thank you for taking the time to share this content with us. This is not only informative but very detailed too. Appreciate the effort, hard work, and dedication you have put in this.
In your content, I find this very interesting – Hone your blogging skills by watching my free Blogging Tutorial Videos – Would you be able to share your youtube channel? Would like to subscribe asap.
I am a Christian, and I would like to be able to share more content about Christianity. I believe your tutorial would be of great help.
I’ll be looking forward to your reply.
Thank you.
This is a student written Christian blog to empower young Christians to share the gospel.
Very helpful information. I am an author and poet and am new to the blogging scene. Always looking for tips I can use. I post daily. Thanks
This is a great list! Thanks for the insight for starting a blog. I have recently starting a coaching business working with Christian women who have experienced addiction, abortion, or domestic abuse and have been considering adding a blog to my website. I will definitely keep your pointers in mind if do go ahead with it. Thanks again!
The above lists are great blog sites and had visited some of them. They write inspiring articles, and I am glad we are all sharing our thoughts on Christian faith. Nice work and hope that destiny moulders will one day be ranked among the list.
Are you still actively involved with your blogging and updating you blog listing then I would love to be added
great work
I see that this post is a few years old but I am just now getting to read and enjoy it. This is why the internet is such a powerful tool for the kingdom of God. When we publish something, it can keep making an impact on people till the end of time(assuming we always have internet). The impact we have online has a real impact of people’s salvation and their sanctification process.
I want to thank you for all of the advice you gave and even for a couple of pointers I had never heard of before. Thank you for all your hard work and for encouraging others with a shared purpose to make a difference with their writing.
I have been writing my entire life but I just started publishing last month. I would be thrilled for you to check out my blog at
I welcome Everyone.
God bless you and all your readers Jeremy.
Hi there!
I would love to reach more people, more ladies who need to hear God’s healing truth. There is a lot of spiritual abuse, demeaning of women in religious cults, and in certain independent churches. There is a lot of pain and these issues can push women away from God. In my opinion, these issues do not get enough attention and certainly are not addressed properly. I share truth from God’s word and use wisdom and my experiences and observations as well, to bring edifying material to the ladies at
Keep it up for this great work
This was a very helpful article! Thanks for the tips!
Hi Jeremy Myers, this Christian blog writes inspirational articles to help believers in Christ Jesus to grow in their spiritual lives. Believers in Jesus will grow their relationship with the Holy Spirit and personal relationships with others.
Believers in Christ Jesus will learn a lot through this blog and download several free books to upgrade their lives. Guest post are also accepted on the blog:
I am hoping I am reading the ranking right. Would it be correct by saying that is the number one blogging site in the USA? That is probably a dumb question….
Many thanks for the helpful pointers for blog writing, trying my hand with blog writing and Bible Teaching at John Gillespie
Very nice information.
Wow!!!! Thank you for these beautiful tips.
Just started a theology and faith website
God Bless you Jeremy. A very interesting and diverse list. I particularly like Tim Challies, and Christianity Cove. Unfortunately, Christianity is in decline. Christians are becoming quieter, and quieter, despite their calling to share His word. The more Christian websites and blogs that are out there spreading the gospel the better.
We would love to be considered on this list here at Deep Spirituality! We post weekly blog content as well as videos and podcasts. We are currently finishing our 12 week parable series, you can check it out on We are always looking to grow our audience in spreading the scriptures, check it out!
Hello! Thanks for compiling the list. I would love for you to include my site if it meets your criteria:
My goal is to empower and heal the hearts of Christians! Adorned heart is a blog that explores self-love, relationships, and faith. The goal is to develop emotionally healthy Christians that can live empowered lives in every sphere!
I’m also working on a new male centered focused blog and one on understanding dreams:
Let me know if there is any there way we can partner and mutually beneficial to you as well 🙂
Thank you for your comments. My site is Matney Woodard Entertainment. It features Christian children’s stories, songs, poems, sermons, Bible stories and over 100 pages of Christian content for Believers of all ages. I would very much appreciate your consideration for future rankings.
Again, thanks for the advice!
Wow. I needed some Christian blogs to follow and the search got me here. You’ve lots of them to help me learn from them. Thanks for sharing this great list. Hard work. And I’ll be glad you review mine,, to add it to your list. You’re blessed.
Francis Quarshie
Thank you for this list of bloggers to follow. My daughter and I recently started a blog. We are here to serve others by offering encouragement and inspiration as people choose to deepen their relationship with God and get close to Him.
Thank you for compiling that list.
It is very comprehensive.
I wonder if you can include my humble blog:
I started this blog because I was moved in spirit to share some of the ancient views of Christianity, Chruch Fathers on Virgin Mary. Particularly the role of the Virgin Mary played in the salvation of the world. We can learn from her role because each of us has a part to play; we are created for this purpose. I believe that spreading these views might help some people in fulfilling their purpose in life.
The views on the blog are all from the Church Fathers’.
I am new to blogging and am still learning how to use the technology.
Thank you in advance
Thanks for sharing the list. God Bless You!
Oh! I’ve stumble upon this today only. It’s great to hear so many believers put an effort to write out their heart according to God’s word!
March on!
I write Bible teaching articles and publish them online at
They are in Bible book order, so that a reader can study a complete Bible book by working through the verse-by-verse articles.
Everything is in simple English using the EasyEnglish system (2800 word vocabulary and restricted grammar). It makes the articles easy to understand, even for many readers whose first language is not English.
My background is working with the team from Wycliffe Associates UK (now called MissionAssist), where I lead the EasyEnglish Bible Commentary team for several years.
I suspect my resource isn’t suitable for your list, because to make things practical, I put the articles in Bible book order, not ordered by date of writing. Also, I pass each article through a lengthy checking process rather than publishing it at once. However, I’d really appreciate if anyone reading this would like to pass on the information about it or, especially, to link to it.
God bless.
I believe I came to the right place.
It was a “struggle” discovering this page. Maybe it can be SEO optimized for convenience of searchers like myself.
Secondly, I didn’t notice immediately any offer to subscribing with you (I might be wrong)…It’s not easy to see it.
Thanks for your great work, I will definitely follow your work!
Thanks for this opportunity! My blog is titled “God, Life, and Beauty” and has numerous evangelical/Reformed Christian poems, essays, book reviews, and meditations on the glory of God and on life as a faithful Christ-follower. It is located at
There is no one who is insignificant in the purpose of God
I would like my blog to be considered for future ranking:
I founded Changing Us after personally experiencing how difficult it is to get Biblical guidance for very challenging relationships. Many times when Christians seek help for their relationships, well-meaning pastors, counselors, and mentors encourage couples to simply keep trying harder, forgive each other, communicate better, schedule date nights, pray more, and other such tips – even if you’ve already been doing all that and nothing is improving.
They don’t acknowledge that sometimes there are character issues that get in the way of people having a healthy relationship. Selfishness, anger, indifference, resistance to feedback, legalism, and so much more can be a barrier to the success of even the most well-intentioned marriage advice. And, for these relationships to improve, those character issues have to get addressed. But many pastors, counselors, and mentors simply don’t know how to recognize them or know how to address them.
That’s where I come in. From my own journey and from over 14 years of experience as a counselor, I help identify character issues and what is needed to address them so that people can have healthy relationships.
This year, we will observe International Women’s Day on March 8. (IWD). The day serves as a reminder of the continuous fight for women’s rights, a celebration of women’s accomplishments, and a call to action for gender equality.
My author website has a blog. It’s not long yet, but it is Christian. Sometimes I don’t write explicitly Christian messages, but I also try to answer questions that people ask through my survey.
My site is
Jeremy, thank you for the guidance in this post. I want to be a blessing to all that I can. So
my emails to a few turned into a blog post site - Technology-wise I am challenged, but I am a learner and am pushing through…with help. :o) At this time, my key focuses are in my business coaching and my wife’s hospitality business – short-term vacation rental.
I look forward to following up on many of your recommendations and insights as I really desire to take my site to the next level. Thanks again! Scott
Check out my blog as I post spiritual reflections once a week on the Sunday Gospel reading.
This is a great list of Christian Blogs. Our ministry website, Coalesce Ministries, launched in 202 and has various categories in the blog. Come visit! Thanks!!
Watch Within the Land of Women (2007) it Here!