Below is a list of the 100 Top Christian Blogs. If you made it onto this list of top Christian blogs, here is a badge you may display on your website:
About this list of the 100 Top Christian Blogs
To make this list of top Christian blogs, I gathered and inspected about 500 Christian blogs and ranked them using a variety of factors. Some of the blogs I inspected are listed below the list of the 100 Top Christians blogs.
I will update this list occasionally, so if you want your blog to be considered for future ranking, and your blog is not listed below the list of 100 Top Christian blogs, please include a link to your blog in the comment section. Thanks!
Oh, and do I need to say it?
I guess so…. sigh…
Disclaimer: I do not necessarily endorse all the views or perspectives of the bloggers on this list. The list contains many Christian bloggers who write from theological perspectives with which I have some disagreement.
Like who? (Let’s see who I can offend…) Calvinists, Charismatics, Conservative Baptists, and Catholics, just to name a few. Remember, I, Jeremy Myers, am the ONLY correct blogger in the world. (I’m KIDDING!)
Anyway, if someone is on the list of Top Christian blogs and you think they are a heretic, don’t burn me for it! Go be a troll on their site… (I’m kidding again!)
How I Created the List of 100 Top Christian Blogs
Below is an explanation of how I went about ranking these 100 Top Christian Blogs.
First, I gathered the list of Christian blogs using these sites:
- Invesp Top Christian Blogs List
- Kent Shaffer’s Top Christian Blogs
- Jared Moore’s List of Christian Blogs
- Top Christian Blogs ranked by Twitter Followers
- Top Christian Blogs ranked by Facebook Likes
- Technorati Religion Blog List
Second, I removed all “Community Blogs” which had multiple authors. This caused all blogs from Patheos, the Gospel Coalition, and other similar blogs to be dropped from the list. The reason I did this twofold. Many of these community blogs are not accurately ranked by Alexa, Compete, and Quantcast, which are three of the ranking factors I used (see below). But more than this, I wanted this list to honor the individual blogger who started his or her blog from scratch, and has labored away at it for years, slowly building an audience and faithfully writing quality posts which get read and shared. Those huge mega community blogs often overshadow the quality writing and hard work of individual bloggers. So if a blogger was writing on a community blog, I kept them off my list.
Finally, once I had my list of individual bloggers, I ranked them using a variety of factors. These factors include:
- Traffic Rank on Alexa
- Traffic Rank on Compete
- Traffic Rank on Quantcast
- Back link Count (shows people are linking to your content)
- Pages Indexed by Google (shows that the blogger is writing a lot)
- A variety of other traffic and social signals
The ranking number in the list below is a compilation of these ranking signals. The lower the number, the better the blog ranks.
How to get on this list of Top Christian Blogs
If you are not on this list and you want to work toward getting on it, or if you are on it and want to know what you can do to rise in the ranks of these top Christian blogs, here are six recommendations:
- Hone your blogging skills by watching my free Blogging Tutorial Videos
- Add the Alexa Traffic Rank Extension to your preferred web browser.
- Register your site at Quantcast for tracking.
- Join Synchroblogs, blog chains, and leave comments on other blogs.
- Get a WordPress plugin like Social Network Auto Poster to help your posts get listed on social sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and others.
- Write, write, write, and write some more!
Here then, are the 100 Top Christian Blogs
100 Top Christian Blogs
Rank | Score | Blog Title and Link | Blogger Name |
1 | 154,597 | A Holy Experience | Ann Voskamp |
2 | 192,368 | Challies | Tim Challies |
3 | 235,122 | Albert Mohlers Blog | Albert Mohler |
4 | 251,128 | Fr. Z’s Blog | John Zuhlsdorf |
5 | 316,787 | Storyline | Donald Miller |
6 | 383,086 | Thom Rainer | Thom Ranier |
7 | 550,752 | Rachel Held Evans | Rachel Held Evans |
8 | 557,818 | Sarah Bessey | Sarah Bessey |
9 | 580,570 | Jen Hatmaker | Jen Hatmaker |
10 | 595,340 | Redeeming God | Jeremy Myers |
11 | 652,418 | Ron Edmondson | Ron Edmondson |
12 | 711,283 | Denny Burk | Denny Burk |
13 | 786,684 | James MacDonald | James MacDonald |
15 | 963,386 | Living Proof | Beth Moore |
16 | 996,347 | Blog and Mablog | Doug Wilson |
17 | 1,023,584 | Moore to the Point | Russell Moore |
18 | 1,089,410 | Red Letter Christians | Tony Campolo & Shane Claiborne |
19 | 1,311,565 | Liturgy | Bosco Peters |
20 | 1,682,805 | Stuff Christians Like | Jon Acuff |
21 | 1,796,877 | Beyond Evangelical | Frank Viola |
22 | 1,919,246 | Alpha & Omega Ministries | James White |
23 | 1,924,814 | Perry Noble | Perry Noble |
24 | 2,054,915 | Tony Morgan Live | Tony Morgan |
25 | 2,109,696 | ReKnew | Greg Boyd |
26 | 2,250,404 | What’s Best Next | Matt Perman |
27 | 2,318,149 | Insight | Grahame Knox |
28 | 2,380,857 | Everyday Theology | Marc Cortez |
29 | 2,395,631 | Margaret Feinberg | Margaret Feinberg |
30 | 2,439,869 | Istoria Ministries Blog | Wade and Rachelle Burleson |
31 | 2,481,178 | Matthew Paul Turner | Matthew Paul Turner |
32 | 2,483,199 | The Old Black Church! | Ann Brock |
33 | 2,484,562 | Elizabeth Esther | Elizabeth Esther |
34 | 2,744,486 | Jarrid Wilson | Jarrid Wilson |
35 | 2,671,478 | J.D. Greear | J.D. Greear |
36 | 2,701,284 | Unsettled Christianity | Joel L. Watts |
37 | 2,726,393 | The American Jesus | Zack Hunt |
38 | 2,777,664 | Stuff Fundies Like | Darrell |
39 | 2,820,823 | Pastor Joe McKeever | Joe McKeever |
40 | 2,916,119 | Experimental Theology | Richard Beck |
41 | 2,925,323 | Communicate Jesus | Steve Kryger |
42 | 2,937,150 | Growing Kids Ministry | Lindsey Whitney |
43 | 2,968,959 | Zwinglius Redivivus | Jim West |
44 | 3,002,600 | The Very Worst Missionary | Jamie Wright |
45 | 3,081,473 | Head Heart Hand | David Murray |
46 | 3,124,265 | Grace Evangelical Society | Bob Wilkin |
47 | 3,138,393 | Brian McLaren | Brian McLaren |
48 | 3,147,025 | Joshua Breland | Joshua Breland |
49 | 3,224,116 | Ragamuffin Soul | Carlos Whittaker |
50 | 3,228,286 | Living By Faith Blog | Steve Fuller |
51 | 3,246,945 | Counseling Solutions | Rick Thomas |
52 | 3,261,402 | Adam McLane | Adam McLane |
53 | 3,271,638 | LeadingSmart | Tim Stevens |
54 | 3,305,025 | Church Leader Insights | Nelson Searcy |
55 | 3,310,856 | Mark Driscoll | Mark Driscoll |
56 | 3,388,157 | Faith and Theology | Ben Myers |
57 | 3,410,810 | Andy Naselli | Andy Naselli |
58 | 3,431,730 | Frame & Poythress | John Frame & Vern Poythress |
59 | 3,489,281 | Sam Luce | Sam Luce |
60 | 3,500,419 | Josh Harris | Josh Harris |
61 | 3,530,308 | Worship Matters | Bob Kauflin |
62 | 3,603,634 | Cerulean Sanctum | Dan Edelen |
63 | 3,604,929 | Blogging Theologically | Aaron Armstrong |
64 | 3,623,299 | DJ Chuang | DJ Chuang |
65 | 3,691,804 | Ev’ry Day I’m Pastorin’… | Anonymous |
66 | 3,758,669 | Attempts at Honesty | Mark McIntyre |
67 | 3,773,157 | The Life of Lew Ayotte | Lew Ayotte |
68 | 3,914,974 | Kingdom Living | Matt Dabbs |
69 | 3,919,027 | Ordinary Pastor | Erik Raymond |
70 | 4,004,643 | Biblical Evidence for Catholicism | David Armstrong |
71 | 4,011,430 | Canon Fodder | Michael J. Kruger |
72 | 4,055,459 | Dave Black Online | Dave Black |
73 | 4,113,078 | Sayable | Lore Ferguson |
74 | 4,136,749 | WithoutWax | Pete Wilson |
75 | 4,157,654 | Pomomusings | Adam Walker Cleaveland |
76 | 4,193,867 | Lori Roeleveld | Lori Roeleveld |
77 | 4,209,363 | Reading Acts | Phillip Long |
78 | 4,371,079 | Lifestream | Wayne Jacobsen |
79 | 4,374,256 | Brad Lomenick | Brad Lomenick |
80 | 4,391,004 | Claude Mariottini | Claude Mariottini |
81 | 4,422,101 | Christian Apologetics | Maryann Spikes |
82 | 4,525,668 | Eugene Cho | Eugene Cho |
83 | 4,605,630 | Larry Hurtado’s Blog | Larry Hurtado |
84 | 4,615,657 | Children’s Ministry Online | Kenny Conley |
85 | 4,646,490 | Jason D Bradley | Jason Bradley |
86 | 4,653,015 | Shaun Groves | Shaun Groves |
87 | 4,668,552 | Kingdom in the Midst | Marty Duren |
88 | 4,705,134 | The Naked Bible | Michael S. Heiser |
89 | 4,734,948 | Practical Shepherding | Brian Croft |
90 | 4,743,172 | Learning my Lines… | Walt Mueller |
90 | 4,758,260 | Thinking Out Loud | Paul Wilkinson |
92 | 4,812,623 | Skye Box | Skye Jethani |
93 | 4,863,776 | Ferrell’s Travel Blog | Ferrell Jenkins |
94 | 4,937,388 | Man of Dravity | Tyler Braun |
95 | 5,018,872 | Courageous Christian Father | Steve Patterson |
96 | 5,037,707 | For His Renown | Jim Hamilton |
97 | 5,100,720 | Simply Church | Felicity Dale |
98 | 5,102,813 | RJ Grune | RJ Grunewald |
99 | 5,129,856 | Provocations & Pantings | Timmy Brister |
100 | 5,211,506 | Doug Fields | Doug Fields |
Previous Lists of Top Christian Bloggers
This is an old list of Top Christian Bloggers. See the most recent list here: The 100 Top Christian Bloggers
How to get on this list of Top Christian Blogs
I mentioned these above, but let me reiterate it here:
If you are not on this list and you want to work toward getting on it, or if you are on it and want to know what you can do to rise in the ranks of these top Christian blogs, here are six recommendations:
- Hone your blogging skills by watching my free Blogging Tutorial Videos
- Add the Alexa Traffic Rank Extension to your preferred web browser.
- Register your site at Quantcast for tracking.
- Join Synchroblogs, blog chains, and leave comments on other blogs.
- Get a WordPress plugin like Social Network Auto Poster to help your posts get listed on social sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and others.
- Write, write, write, and write some more!
Quite a comprehensive list with a definite variety of flavor of Christianity. Definitely going to take you up on working towards getting on the list. Pressing forward in the upwards call of God in Chris Jesus!