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Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for the invite to join the forum!
Just did the introduction, use my about info for it!
Looking forward to being part of this and hoping many more will join!
I look forward daily to reading your posts, etc!
aka The Mayor
Oh, thanks! I will come over and check it out. I have been busy this week and have not been able to make it over there.
Hey jeremy i read a couple of your posts and I havent found the one I was looking for but im really confused when it comes to heaven. I have people telling me if I dont confess my sins or if I dont follow the ten commandments I go to hell. Is that true ? Myself I believe in jesus christ and I believe he rose from the dead and died for my sins but im not a very religious man (for example I dont go to church and I pray sometimes but not all the time ) does that mean I go to hell? I really need help because me and my family are really confused. 🙁
There’s no hell but the one we make.
You dont believe in like any separation from god ? Or just the part about like people suffering in hell?
Separation from God?
I find that phrase a little too metaphorical to grapple with. I understand follow God or not follow God, but not separation from God. That leaves me confused. An analogy: I can live in harmony with the environment or not, but I can’t be separated from the environment. If I can’t be separated from the environment that is finite, how can I be separated by God who is infinite? By separated from God do you mean not follow God or something more? To exist without God we would need to be absolutely self-sufficient. Only God is absolutely self-sufficient.
I believe in hell, we’re making it all the time: war, murder, violence, poverty, abuse, to name a few — an endless production line for tormented souls. We make hell whenever we don’t follow God. If God made hell we would be following HIm when we made hell, which again leaves me completely confused.
My friend,
If you have trusted Christ for eternal life then you have it. Growing in Christ and learning to follow him and living a holy life come from the Holy Spirit’s work in you as you continue to trust in Him and allow him to work in your life, but that is separate from gaining eternal life which is through faith in Christ apart from any of our works, actions, and deeds before or after believing.
Stand strong in his promise. You’ve realized you’re a sinner in need of salvation so remember you’re exactly who he came to save. His sinless life and death on the cross allowed His blood to be sufficient to completely take away your sins and replace them with Christ’s righteousness when you trust in Him. The resurrection proves that Christ’s sacrifice was perfectly sufficient and accepted by God. Your part is simply to trust in Him and thanks to the truth of Christ’s life and work we can all do so with confidence. There’s no need to be afraid.
Thank you so much that really helped me
You are welcome. Don’t be afraid if you ever find yourself feeling doubts or having ups and downs in your faith and walk. We all have them all the time. We can be sure of our security in Christ because of what He’s done and not because of how we feel about it, good or bad.
Yikes! No, that is not true at all. Whoever is telling you these things is a “religious” Christian, no different than a “religious” Muslim. Both think we have to do good things to get into God’s good graces.
Eternal life is the free gift of God to everyone and anyone who believes in Jesus for it.
We live the Christian life simply by remembering that God loves us and by following wherever Jesus leads. (And that may not be to attend a church…)
Thank you jeremy for responding.
Sorry to bother you again but im currently on the topic of hell and im curious on what you think of hell. What is hell like ? Is hell eternal ? Do you have scripture to support your idea of hell ? My current understanding of hell is that its sorta like a misty, depressing place where people dont enjoy gods love, joy, and peace. Instead they think of how they could of went to heaven. Is that a stupid idea ? I really cant believe hell is a place of people actually burning and crying and gnashing their teeth. So thank you again for listening and I appreciate what your doing. Also what do you think of near death experiences? If you want search up truthmefree on YouTube and Facebook. Hes a guy that had a nde and it brought him closer to jesus.
I don’t know. I cannot believe it is a place of never-ending torture. I do think people potentially live there forever. Beyond that, I am just not sure. I want to read and write a lot more about this in the future, but cannot do so right now…
Erick I was recently involved in a discussion on hell at a local church that lasted several weeks.
I came up with a true/false questionaire to help answer a lot of the same questions you are asking. Every true /false question is referenced with a scripture so that you can determine what the right answer is based on what the bible has to say- no answer key is provided. It was a blessing for me to put it together and I believe it will answer many of your questions. Feel free to send me an email if you are interested.
@troubleunderfoot Im talking about after you die, so you only believe people go to heaven when they die ? And when I mean by separation I mean hell. I dont believe hell is a place of torture or like fire and all that but I believe its just a place where non believers go if they die without christ but nobody is literally burning and suffering there just gonna be sad about not being in heaven and that’s what I think when the bible says torment. It never says torture
Erick, I believe that God only creates heavens, and that this world is the best world that God can make. If you disagree, which you may, especially if your beliefs are cobbled together from one or more of the zillion interpretations of the BIble, then my point is that your god is very confusing: a god that creates hells and a god that didn’t do a good job creating the earth? Sounds like Satanism to me, but good luck if that’s your thing.
If the earth is the best world that God can make, then heaven will be similar to earth, how could it be better? Assuming that we do pop up again, I’m hoping the people might have learnt a little more about following God. But don’t have too high expectations.
Now, I know the objection, how can this terrible blood-soaked world be the best God can create? If you work that little riddle out, you’ll be well on your way to being able to make sense of the Bible.