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Hello Jeremy. Um, well my name is Robin albright. I hope you can get back to me not sure i did this right, but i read your book over the summer. The Unforgivable sin. I guess that’s just it. It just sounds so scary. And that’s probably why i am haunted day after day with this craziness. I feel like it is slowing my life down or stealing my life in a sense. I’m a 34 yr old mama of four. Ages 11 and down. 2 boys and 2 girls. Happily married and am a christian. (i think) I believe Jesus died for all our sins. But i am stuck. I don’t feel like my salvation is secure. I hope i can get some feedback from contacting you this way. Wow! I sit here on my bed tonight typing this. I’d rather be doing something else, really. But i’m haunted by the thought daily that i have accidentally committed this sin or something and maybe there is just no possible turning back for me. Would God even do that?! Why am i going through this for more than 3 years now? My sister showed a verse in the bible right before i was going out with friends when i was around 15. She looked scared. So i was feeding off of her body language. I said oh thanks for showing me that tam. Tammy is nine years older than me and has schizophrenia. She was everything to me growing up then she became mentally ill. Runs on my moms side. i was freaked but had to go. Then that seed that was rooted so long ago in me has sprouted in my life now. It seems i’ve let much of this happen. i over think it. I can’t keep living like this. I feel when i pray i’m just cut off of the line of communication with him. And verses that say he’ll never forsake me makes me think….”yeah, only if you haven’t committed the unpardonable sin.” it’s nuts. i know. i thought “what if jesus is demon pocessed.” i was driving and thought that. it just popped in. i hate that i thought that. but it makes me think i have committed it because of what he told the pharisees about saying that. i had doubts in my twenties..so i thought a lot of weird things. always just searching though. maybe this is too long for a comment.
Yes , without being mean spirited do you still have long hair and do you think in light of 1 Cor 11 : 14 Niv bible that you should cut it ? Satan main way is to deceive . You can make an idol out of anything .
I’m sincerely interested in your thoughts on the subject .
I think I have blasphemy the Spirit and I am terrified. I professed Christ at age 7 and got baptized. Unfortunately, I fell into sexual sin and swearing in my teen years. I ceased the sexual sin after being stricken with guilt and awareness of the depth of my sin. I confessed the years of adultery before God and my wife. Life continued and I had a foul mouth. I was a deacon and teacher in my church. I enjoyed teaching and working in the church. I had a serious breakdown in 2012 and have suffered anxiety and depression. I had never heard this teaching on blasphemy and I read the warning passages in Hebrews. I feel I lived in sin too long because it wasn’t until the breakdown that I tried to repent. I was a broken man. I have tried to repent but if Hebrews is correct, I never was a true believer and I fell away and spurned God’s grace and trampled the blood so no forgiveness ever. I never denied the core doctrines, I know that salvation is by grace through faith, I even shared the gospel. I am heartbroken that I am lost because I have family that don’t know Him and I want them to know Him. I have forsaken and hate my old ways but attempts to repent and believe have been futile. I believe I tried to repent too late and now that chance is gone. You never know how precious something is until you forfeit it. I try to pray but I don’t think I am heard and there is nothing I can do or say. If I had been forgiven, I would know it by now.