The first round of blogs are posted over at For this first blog, we were supposed to answer the question: “Does the Presidential Election Matter?” Please go vote for me!!! (Or someone you think has a better answer.) Here was my submission:
When Bill Clinton won the 1992 presidential election, I thought the Tribulation was upon us. Now, in 2008, I realize I tagged the wrong Clinton as the Antichrist…
No, I’m only joking. I like Hillary. I don’t believe I will vote for her if she wins the Democratic nomination, but I think she raises some good questions that must be answered. And so do Obama and McCain.
But who will be best for America and the world? Personally, I don’t think it really matters. Oh sure, it matters politically, economically, socially, militarily, and in a whole host of other ways. But in the one area that matters most, the presidential election doesn’t matter. And what area is that? The Kingdom of God.
All Christians want political leaders who uphold Christian values. But if history is any guide, countries with leaders who are antagonistic to Christianity are actually more fertile places for the advancement of the kingdom than countries with pro-Christian leadership.
While the Kingdom of God will advance no matter who wins, it may advance better under someone who is against Christian morals than under someone who is for them. Maybe I’ll vote for Hillary after all.
I went and read the other 15 entries. There are some good writers out there! At least my answer was in basic agreement with many of the rest of the bloggers. For the most part, we all agreed that when it comes to what God is trying to do in our country and around the world, He can do it no matter who is President.
Oh, and in typical Antonuccian fashion, Vince’s post was hilarious! That guy has an illegal dose of humor.
You don’t fool me for a second with your fancy reverse psychology!
Sots, mental retards, lazy burdens on society, illegal aliens, most Katrina victims, and women who refuse to shave their armpits will all be voting with you for Hillary. I think it would be interesting to have her in office because I’d like to see how a woman (is she really a woman?) deals with all our Arab friends over in the cesspool of the middle east. I bet she’d get about as much respect their as I would at Prestonwood Baptist Church (is it really a church?).
I hope you’re just kidding, but if you admit to voting for her after election day I’ll probably show up at your house and pee on your flowers or something.
I voted for you at that other site, but it will only let me vote once. I’m going to have to figure out a way to cheat, I hate not being able to rig a vote. Later.
Kyle: I generally try to behave myself at Jeremy’s blog, so please don’t start talking trash about Katrina. It tends to get me a little riled up.
I’m just going to assume that your comment is an attempt at absurdist satire.
And if you delete your cookies and temporary internet history, you can probably vote multiple times. I hear that’s how they do it over at American Idol.
The election doesn’t matter because neither candidate is a serious challenge to the Republican Party.
The only good question Hillary raises is, “Why does anyone take this woman seriously? Are they doing the really good drugs?” I thought the Obama kool-aid was more potent, but it seems to fade down the stretch.
Plus, I think most people probably want, at this time, a President who’s a little unpredictable. The idea that he might just push the button because he’s cranky from missing his nap is something that the rational people in the Middle East will need to consider. It worked with Reagan!
Bullet and Kyle,
I think the two of you would get along very nicely.
Kyle, go check out some of the stuff Bullet writes on his blog. I think you will laugh. (Just click on his name, that will take you there).
Oh, and I’m really not voting for Hillary, but you can still come pee on my flowers any time you want.