A quote I read late last year has been bouncing around in my head for a while, so I’m going to let it bounce out of my fingertips, through the keyboard, and onto this blog to see what you all think. ‘
It comes from K.L. Schmidt, in volume III of the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. He writes this:
…In Paul, in his disciples, and then in the Fourth Evangelist, ecclesiology is simply Christology and vice versa” (p. 512).
What do you think? Is he right? When we talk about the church, is it the same (or similar) to talking about the Christ, and vice versa? He seems to be saying that “Church=Christ.” Is this right? If so, what are the ramifications for how we should live as “the church”?
In my reading of scripture I feel that the church is the actual Body Of Christ. The Bride for an awesome God.
Christ is alive through US His Church, which makes His Church His Body!
Just my 2 theological cents…
I think I am coming around to this position, which is shocking and awe-inspiring for me to think about.
I do not think that Christology = Ecclesiology, because I do not think that Christ = the Ekklesia (church). However, the two (Christology and Ecclesiology / Christ and Church) are very intricately woven together. It is often apparent what someone (truly) believes about Christ based on their understanding of the church.
I am trying to think of a good nuanced way of saying what I think. I am maybe not comfortable with “ecclesiology=christology” either. I might be comfortable saying that the church is Christ to the world. Of course, we are not the Redeemer – He is. I need a fuller picture, I think, of the Scriptural idea of Christ in us and we in Him.
Your Christology will define you ecclesiology which will then define your missiology