Whoa! I missed my anniversary! Yikes.
No, not my wedding anniversary…my blog anniversary! It was June 19. I started this blog about a year ago. In that time, I made 206 posts, received about 900 real comments, and nearly 70,000 spam comments. So, those of you making real comments better pick up the pace.
I won’t tell you which posts received the most attention, because frankly, I’m now ashamed of some of my popular posts. It is amazing how much a guy can change in year. Thanks for coming along for the ride, and I am excited about what the next year might bring!
Well done. And thanks for openning the comments to non-registered users.
I am glad you are keeping the posts coming even with working a lot of hours.
Keep it coming. I’ll have to go back and read some of those “popular” posts… 🙂
I enjoy your blog, and love your heart, Jeremy!!!