A reader sent in this question about Jesus’ statement in John 14:2, “I go now to prepare a place for you.” Here is the question:
If Jesus is all powerful, why does he say, “I go now to prepare a place for you”?
On a related note, I remember watching old movies when the white colonialist looks down on natives who believe their God will return and thinks they’re simple; but isn’t that what we are doing when we say Jesus will return?
Also, I’ve sometimes heard people say that the reason Jesus is waiting to return is because He wants to save more people, but if that is true, why doesn’t He just wait forever?
I started to look at these questions yesterday, and gave a broad-brush answer to the questions. This post will look in more detail at the statement of Jesus in John 14:2 where He says, “I go now to prepare a place for you.”
John 14:2 in Tradition
John 14:2 is part of the Upper Room Discourse, and is usually understood to mean that Jesus is going to go back to heaven, where He will be at work to prepare mansions or dwelling places for the church, and when He is done, He will come back and take us to live with Him forever.
In fact, it is often taught (and I have taught it this way myself) that Jesus has in mind the Jewish wedding tradition where after a man and woman were betrothed to be married, the man would go off and build a home for his new bride.
The construction of this new home would take several months, or even up to a couple years, and the bride-to-be did not know exactly when the groom-to-be would be finished. Her only option was to wait and to be prepared.
When the man finished building his home, he would gather his friends and family and begin a wedding procession from his new home through town to his bride’s house. By the time they arrived, it would be a huge parade and party. The bride would go out to meet her husband, and they would return to his new house, where there would be a big Jewish wedding, full of food and festivities.
So it is often taught that when Jesus says, “I go now to prepare a place for you” this is what He had in mind. He is the Groom and the church is His Bride, and He has gone off to prepare a dwelling place for us, and we do not know how long it will take or when He will come for us, but we need to be ready and wait patiently. When he returns, He will take us to be with Him, and there will be a big party.
That is how John 14:2 is often read, interpreted, understood, and taught.
Honestly, I don’t have too much of an issue with this understanding of Jesus’ future return. I do think that Jesus will return physically in the future, and that since we do not know exactly when this will be, we need to be ready and wait patiently. Having said this, however, I do not think that this is what Jesus was referring to in John 14:2 when He said, “I go now to prepare a place for you.”
What did Jesus Mean when He said, “I go now to prepare a place for you”?
To understand what Jesus means when He says, “I go now to prepare a place for you” we must look at the context. In the first half of John 14:2, Jesus says, “In My Father’s House are many mansions.”
Mansions is not the best translation of the word used here. It might be best translated as “dwelling places.” It is not exactly referring to buildings, but to rooms within a building.
Many people hear this, and think, “What? All I’m going to get in heaven is a room? What about the mansion I was promised?” Well… the truth is that Jesus is not promising to pass out mansions. Sorry! Of course, if you were only a follower of Jesus because you wanted to get a mansion, you probably were not following Him for the right reasons.
So okay, what does Jesus mean by “dwelling places?” Well, it is critical to understand first what Jesus means by “My Father’s House.” The Jews to whom Jesus was talking would have understood Him to be talking about the temple in Jerusalem. This is also how Jesus referred to the temple on occasion, as in when He cleansed the temple in John 2:16.
Furthermore, it is important to know that there were many rooms, or “dwelling places” in the Jerusalem temple (cf. 1 Kings 6:5-6; Jeremiah 35:1-4). From this, it seems that when Jesus says, “In My Father’s House are many dwelling places… and I go now to prepare a place for you,” He is saying that He is going to prepare a place for His disciples in the temple.
But why would He do that when He has prophesied that the temple is going to be destroyed? And why would the disciples want a room in the temple precincts? Those rooms were generally reserved for priests and temple servants. The disciples were not priests, and they already had families, jobs, and homes of their own.
Here we get into the New Testament teaching about how we as believers in Christ are the new temple (1 Corinthians 6:19), and how we are the new priesthood (1 Peter 2:9).
Though it would take time for His disciples to understand all this, Jesus was not talking about preparing a place for His followers in the temple on a hill in Jerusalem. No, Jesus was talking about preparing a whole new Temple and a whole new Priesthood. The true Father’s House was about to be revealed to the world, and Jesus was going to prepare it. Jesus was going to reveal it.
How, when, and where did Jesus do that? He did it on the cross, and through His death, burial, and resurrection.
When Jesus said, “I go now to prepare a place for you,” He was not talking about going to heaven so that at some future date He would return and bring us to be with Him. No, when Jesus said, “I go now to prepare a place for you,” He was talking about making a new temple, a new priesthood, and a new way of living as God’s family.
When Jesus said, “I go now to prepare a place for you,” He was talking about going to the cross.
Again, this fits with the entire context of the Upper Room Discourse. John has been telling them that He is going to suffer and die, and that they are going to deny and betray Him (John 13). The disciples are understandably upset about this, and so Jesus begins his Upper Room Discourse with some encouraging words: He is doing this for their benefit. He goes to prepare a place for them so that they can be with Him forever.
What does this Mean for Us as the Church?
What does this mean for us as the church? Does this mean that Jesus is not going to return? Of course not! He will return.
But here is the thing. In some sense, in and through the church, Jesus has already returned! He returns in us. We are the ongoing incarnation of Jesus Christ. We are His hands and feet the world. We are the Body of Christ on earth.
Yes, Jesus is still going to return physically at some point in the future, but between His resurrection and His future second coming, the church is to live and love others like Jesus did.
The world needs Jesus, and Jesus sent the church to be Himself to the world. So what happens to the world if the church just sits around and waits for Jesus to return?
Jesus went to the cross to prepare a place for us. His resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is His coming in Spirit and power into our lives, showing that the place for us has been finished. And where is our place? Not in heaven, sitting on a cloud, strumming a harp, enjoying eternal bliss. No, the place that Jesus prepared for us is right here on planet earth. This is our place. This is our home. This is our “mansion.”
Jesus, through His death, burial, and resurrection, creation a new people of God on earth to be the living temple of God, which is filled with the Spirit of God, so that all people on earth have unmediated access to God. Because of how Jesus made dwelling places for the church in the Father’s House, people no longer have to travel to a building on a hill in Jerusalem to meet with God. The temple of God is wherever the church is, because we are now the temple of God, and God’s dwelling place is with us and we with Him.
If you are a follower of Jesus, please understand that Jesus did not give us eternal life simply so we could wait around on earth until we die so we can finally be with God forever in heaven. No!
We are not waiting for Jesus to finish preparing some dwelling place in the sky so that when He is done, we can escape this sinful earth to be with Him forever. No, the dwelling place is already finished. He finished it through His death and resurrection. And since He rose from the dead, He received us to Himself so that we are in Him and He in us, and together, we go out to batter down the gates of hell, to set the captives free, and to proclaim liberty to the oppressed.
Well done, I like it. Context can be very enlightening
Yep! Context, context, context!
what about, this is not our home?
Our citizenship is in Heaven?
Talk about our citizenship is in heaven vs this great reveration
Great revelation Man of God. This your teaching has given me more insight in the passage. More Grace from Jesus to you.
I’m trying to get that idea into my teen group I teach. I hadn’t connected the two thoughts together before. Jesus does tabernacle with us- Behold I stand at the door and knock. Eternal life starts now. I still think of my heavenly place, too, though. But if we have Jesus, we have everything.
Glory to glory.
I think many people – not just teens – struggle with recognizing that Jesus is here and now with us, and we can begin experiencing eternal life now as we follow Him into the world.
I am glad you are teaching this to the teens. I wish I had been taught this as a teenager.
Thank you. All prayers appreciated.
This is bang on! The context goes on to reveal His coming (the spirit of Christ) as the comforter, and Guide into all truth… all the way to the unity of John 17. It is very powerful stuff!
For years I’ve been yearning to share with others (other than my wife) of the deeper truths of John 13-17. My boys aren’t there yet.
Really, most of “us”, being so earthly and materially minded… just want to yearn for that beautiful mansion “just over the hilltop”. Sometimes those old hymns and Christian folk songs (even spirituals) can really distract us from the Kingdom (heaven in the real world), eh?
Peace bro.
Thanks, Mark! You are right about some hymns and songs. I think they were written with good intentions, but yes, they can distract us from the Kingdom.
I think the “mansion” promise is kind of a way to encourage poor people to give more to the church. you know, “Invest in eternity by giving generously to my ministry, and you will get a mansion in heaven!”
I stumbled across your website today, and I’m grateful that I did. I am most intrigued by your solid commitment to context being within the Scripture; versus as is culturally accepted being within the reader. I am thankful for your submission to the truth as our self-revealing God has established in history, Scripture, and in the person and work of our living Savior. We are to think and be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so God reveals through Paul. Amen.
Thanks, Greg. I do try to stick with Scripture and explain it from a historical, grammatical perspective. I sometimes teach things that are challenging, but I don’t require everyone to agree with me, and welcome dissenting views! We all learn from each other, right?
I feel very frustrated when we Christian try to interpret this clear message to our benefit, why do we need to remain here on earth when Jesus himself said”there is many space in my and my father house?” Not only that he continued stating “I will come to take you with me” how clear can be more than this?, you know what I am actually looking forward to received what my saviour, my god promised me.
The saddest part is you are right but not Jesus, it doesn’t make any sense.
I get very frustrated at this too, when Christians try to interpret the clear message to their own benefit, so that materialistic people get promised mansions and riches, even though Jesus said no such thing. How much more clear could He have been? The saddest part is that you think you are right, but not Jesus. It doesn’t make any sense.
I believe Jesus dwells in us by sending us the Holy Spirit, Those Who believe in him and his commandments. If you are saying earth is our paradise then we might as well throw out Revelation chapter 21.
Amen Amen Amen!
was blessed by these comments. This scripture then ties in with another in john (i think?) that reminds us to live in the unseen world, the eternal realm, as opposed to the present (seen) world. the “unseen” realm is just as real as the seen, it is just harder for us to identify with, and we must receive the unseen in faith. everyday we must choice, am i going to live in the seen world or have a mindset of the unseen world. the values of the seen world are different from the unseen world, where God is.
Jesus’ return is purposeful
We see this in verse 3. ‘And if I go and prepare a place for
you I will come again and will take you to myself that where
I am you may be also.’
Again the language stresses the strongly relational aspect
to the words of Jesus in the farewell discourse and is
intended as a word of encouragement: he is going, but he
will be back. He’s going, but he’s coming back for an express
purpose; he’ll be back for us personally. Grasp again the personal
relationship of that promise. This is Jesus, the living
God, who walked on earth as a man and there can be no
falsehood in him. There can be no doubt about any promise
which he makes. Not only does Christ guarantee that he will
come back, but in that return he promises that he will take
us to be with him. There is no doubt for any who is a believer
in Christ. Our final destiny is secure – one hundred per cent
Let me illustrate. I’m a Glasgow boy born and bred but I
now live in the ‘sticks’ and to get to our place is not all that
easy. I frequently give people directions, but I say to them,
‘Take your mobile, just in case’. I can send you an e-mail
with directions and hopefully you’ll make it there. You may
have to call somewhere along the way and ask for more
directions – ‘I’m here beside this field of sheep. How do I
get to where you are from where I am?’ So, if I want to be
absolutely 100 per cent certain that our guests are going to
get to us, what do I do? I go and get them. I know the way.
I’m not going to get lost on the way to my own house! It’s
only an illustration – OK!
So what is Jesus’ promise? He will come back and get us.
We can be 100 per cent certain that we’re not going to miss
the train. Jesus is coming back to get us. He’s coming back
to take us personally to where he is. The living God promises
that he will come and get us and take us to the place where
he is. He knows the way to the Father’s house and in order
to be absolutely sure that not one of his children gets lost
he comes and promises that he will take us to be with him.
Believers know the Way
From what we read in verses 5-11 the disciples and the Lord
Jesus are talking at cross purposes. However, the fact of the
matter is that Jesus is referring to the way he has already
revealed to them. They have already been told the way by
which they are going to the Father’s house. From the
moment when God revealed to the disciples Jesus’ identity as
Messiah, as the promised anointed One who would pay for
their sins and restore relationship with the Father, Jesus told
the disciples that he was going to have to go to Jerusalem, be
handed over the authorities to die and on the third day would
rise again. They knew this and should have realized that this
is the way to the Father.
Nevertheless, the disciples didn’t grasp this until after
the resurrection – in many ways understandably. But what is
clear in the following words of Jesus as recorded by John is
that his death and his resurrection opens another way to the
Father for the disciples and for us.
Simply, Jesus died paying the price for our sins so that
we can find the way to the Father’s house. Jesus’ way was
the Via Dolorosa – the way of suffering and he took upon
himself the path of suffering, death and resurrection and
opens up for us the way by which we go to the Father. Once
again it is through relationship. The way in which we as
Christ’s disciples go to the Father is through knowledge of
him and in relationship with him. Thus, he says, ‘I am the
Way, the Truth and the Life’. The Lord Jesus himself is our
way to the Father’s house and it is in relationship with him
that a new route and a new way is opened up for us and relationship
with Christ, entering into a relationship with Christ
guarantees us a room in the Father’s house. Entering into
relationship, submitting ourselves in faith to Christ guaranteed.
I know that the question does not apply to the text above. This question that I have is about the name of God. I have seen where they use the lower case “g” for God and as I have read my bible the lower case “g” represent the idol god. So as I also read above in this document that I have read above also has a lower case “g” when u are talking about The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. this can confuse a lot of people who know the correct usage of God name. So can u please explain this to me. Thank you.
Ms. Shebra Mitchell
So, taking the Jewish Wedding tradition into account, this means that the home that Jesus is building is actually the Bride, and Jesus will enters into this house as a husband enters into his Bride. That is why God and the Lamb are in the heavenly city, and why the city is fruitful, bearing food in each season, and why living water flows within her.
Hallelujah praise the , the scales have fallen off my eyes now I see clearly glory to God for this amazing post God bless you
Hi Jeremy. Great stuff… HOWEVER (sorry!)… I don’t think the original question is getting answered. Why is it taking so long? Here’s an example question to expand on the original question (one a good friend just asked me this week): If the Father knows what’s going to happen, and some terrible evil is going to happen to some people (it always does), and he’s going to eventually save everyone (I do believe that)… then why wait so long and let all that stuff happen? Why not stop the experiment now? Or last year? Or two centuries ago? Or why not stop the whole thing right after the cross? Your thoughts on this will be much appreciated!
It seems to me that the context suggests Jesus’ “going away” is not the cross but heaven (John 13:33, 36; 14:3). The idea that Jesus paved the way for a new priesthood by his death on the cross is correct, but I think he was actually talking about heaven when he talked about the place where he was going where they would see him no longer.
I believe what you said to be “truth” as well. I feel like, otherwise, we’re “interpreting” too hard… where it is very plain and simple. Jesus’ death is, by all means, our one and only WAY to that ‘forever’ place… but in a moment of comforting his disciples, I feel as though He was being very literal. “I’m going to my Father’s house to prepare a place for you. And if I go to do that, won’t I obviously return for you and take you there as well?” Of course!
Amen! This was so helpful and easy to read and understand. Much clarity received. Thank you
I don’t see any replies to questions asked.
Did you answer everybody in email only, you didn’t post your replies?
This message has great Context. It also gives great understanding of what the writer is saying in the book of John.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven? What about that?