I don’t want you to miss out! You can get a free digital copy of my newest book. Keep reading to learn how…
Dying to Religion and Empire
I submitted the final electronic files today for my next book which I am releasing on Monday.
The book is called Dying to Religion and Empire and is about how Christianity can regain some of our ability to be salt and light in this world by re-imagining how we practice our rites and how we stand up for our rights.
There have already been several reviews of the book posted on Amazon. You can go read them here: Dying to Religion and Empire Reviews.
This book is going to ruffle some feathers as I not only challenge the practices of baptism and communion (die to your rites), but also raise questions about the legal rights of Christians to the freedom of speech, to bear arms, and to various other rights guaranteed by the “First Amendment” and the “Bill of Rights.”
You Can Get a Free Digital Copy
As with all my book, I send out free digital copies to those who indicate they want them by signing up for my email list.
(And just for signing you, you get a free digital copy of one of my most popular eBooks, Skeleton Church.)
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Also, would you use the share buttons below to invite your friends to get this free eBook as well? The free eBook will go out Monday, and I don’t want you (or them) to miss out!
I have signed up. Look forward to this book. When I look around I see people conforming to the definitions and rituals of the world (even in church). My own parents seem indocrinated into ideas that are (to my mind) contradicted by scripture.