This is an old Doctrinal Statement which was posted on this site from 2001-2007. My theology, and even my thinking about how to do theology, has changed drastically since then so please do not take this Doctrinal Statement as a statement of what I actually believe.
Some of it I still do believe, but the rest of it…not so much.
Which parts are which? Ah, well, that is a good question, isn’t it? I am trying to figure that out myself, which I am doing in my series on Theology. Of course, what I have written there is not guaranteed to represent what I believe today…but that’s the fun of it.
So, for what it’s worth, here is what I used to believe. And make sure you skip to the bottom to see my “Simplified Doctrinal Statement.”
The Bible is the only inspired Word of God, without error in both it’s words and ideas, and the only rule for the Christian life, practice and doctrine. The 66 books of the Old and New Testament are the fully complete and authoritative revelation of God to man.
See Mt. 5:18; John 10:35; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:20-21
There is one true God, eternally existing in three persons the Father, Son and Holy Spirit each of whom possess all attributes and characteristics of deity and personality.
See Deut. 6:4; Ps. 90:2; Mt. 28:19; Acts 5:3-4; 2 Cor. 13:14; Rev. 1:4-6
In light of current theological trends, we believe that God has a full and complete knowledge of all events, past, present and future, possible, impossible and probable. We also believe that while it is unsafe to overemphasize one attribute of God above another, if we had to pick “one defining characteristic” of God, it would not be the sovereignty of God, as some say, nor would it be love, as others say. Both must be taken together as a outworking of God’s holiness (Isa. 6:3; Rev. 4:8).
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He is God incarnate, was born of a virgin, and lived without sin. On the cross, He died as a substitute for all the sins of all mankind and accomplished justification for all who believe in Him for eternal life. As proof that His sacrifice was acceptable to God, He rose from the dead on the third day, and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven. From heaven, He intercedes for all Christians as our Great High Priest. He will come again in the air to rapture His church, and then physically to the earth to receive His kingdom.
See Mt. 3:17; Luke 1:30-35; John 1:1, 14; Acts 1:10-11; Rom. 3:24-25; 8:34; 1 Cor. 15:1-4; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 9:23-28
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father and the Son into the world to apply to benefits of the saving work of Christ. He enlightens the minds of sinners and convicts them of their need of a Savior. At the moment a person believes in Jesus Christ for eternal life, the Holy Spirit regenerates, indwells, baptizes and seals them for the day of redemption.
The victorious Christian life is accomplished through the filling, or controlling of the Holy Spirit. This is accomplished by faith as we immerse ourselves in the Word of God. The signs of being filled are the fruit of the Spirit, singing, thanksgiving, and mutual submission. The signs and wonders that were accomplished by the early church were for the purpose of authenticating and verifying the message that Christ and the apostles were teaching. While God can and still does cause signs and miracles to accompany the spread of the Gospel, we no longer need them for verification purposes because we have the Word of
God as the guide for life and doctrine.
See John 3:5-8; 14:16-26; 16:5-15; Rom. 8:9; 1 Cor. 12:11; Gal. 5:22-23; Eph. 5:18-21
The first human, Adam, was created in the image of God. Through disobedience he sinned, and was separated from a relationship with God. He died spiritually, and suffered the corruption of his body and nature, making him unable to please God. All individuals born since Adam suffer the same consequences. All men are sinful, lost and are in need of the saving grace of God. This grace cannot be merited by our own good works, and cannot be experienced by any person in the entire world apart from personal faith in Jesus Christ.
See Genesis 3:1-19; Rom. 3:10-20, 23; 8:12-21; Eph. 2:1-3; 8-9
God, out of love for the human race, sent the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners. Jesus Christ, God incarnate, paid the full penalty for human sin when He died on the cross. Any person who believes in Jesus Christ for eternal life receives that gift which, as the words “eternal life” suggest, can never be lost. Once a person believes, they are safe and secure for all eternity.
However, a Christian can, through sin and disobedience, experience the discipline of God and lose his fellowship, joy, power, testimony, physical life and future reward. The relationship is eternal and secure; fellowship is conditional upon obedience
to the Word of God.
See John 3:16-18; 5:24; 6:47; 10:27-30; Rom. 3:21-25; 4:5; 8:38-39; Gal. 2:16; Eph. 2:8-10; 1 Tim. 1:15-16; Titus 3:3-7; Rev. 22:17
The Church
All believers during the present age are members of the body of Christ, the church, and are united to Christ and to one another by the indwelling Spirit. The Word of God commands believers to gather together in local congregations, to devote themselves to fellowship, prayer, the teaching of the Word, and the observance of the two ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and the water baptism of believers. The goal of the church is the glorification of God though the edification of the body for the evangelization and discipleship of the world. Biblical church government is by a plurality of elders.
See Mt. 4:10; 28:19-20; Eph. 4:11-16; Acts 2:42-47; 1 Cor. 1:2; 12:12-14; 2 Cor. 5:17-21; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:11-16; 5:24-30; Col. 3:16; 1 Tim. 3:1-13; 5:17-18; Heb. 10:23-25
The End Times
There will be a pretribulational rapture of all the dead and living Christians of this present church age. Following soon after the rapture will be the seven year tribulation period during which times God’s judgment will be poured out upon the earth. At the
end of this seven year period, Christ will return physically to the earth to judge those who have survived the tribulation and set up His kingdom which will last for 1000 years. At the end of the millennium, there will be a resurrection of all the unsaved dead, and they will be brought to the Great White Throne Judgment where they will be judged and condemned to an eternity in the Lake of Fire with Satan and his fallen angels. Following this, Christ will create a new heaven and a new earth which will last forever.
See Dan. 9:24-27; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Mt. 24-25; 2 Pet. 3:13; the book of Revelation
A Simplified Doctrinal Statement
I recently tried to simplify and summarize my doctrinal statement. It currently reads like this:
- Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human.
- Jesus was crucified on a cross, died, was buried, and rose again physically from the dead, and will return physically in the future to rule and reign over the earth with justice and righteousness.
- Eternal life is granted by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus alone.
- There will be a future physical resurrection for all who believe in Jesus for eternal life.
- The church is currently God’s primary means for accomplishing His mission in the world.
As of today, there is nothing on this more recent statement with which I disagree. This doesn’t mean that I disagree with the points from above that didn’t make it onto the list, only that I didn’t think they were crucial to include on a statement of my core beliefs.
You say, “God has a full and complete knowledge of all events, past, present and future…” Then you say, “Through disobedience [Adam] sinned…” If God knew the future, He must have known that Adam would sin. Adam was set up. How could Adam be disobedient if God knew what Adam would do? God also entrapped Adam. God knew Adam would sin, set the tree where Adam could get to it, and God created the snake, which He knew (in advance) would tempt Adam.
You go on, “Any person who believes in Jesus Christ for eternal life receives that gift which, as the words “eternal life” suggest, can never be lost. Once a person believes, they are safe and secure for all eternity. However, a Christian can, through sin and disobedience, experience the discipline of God and lose his fellowship, joy, power, testimony, physical life and future reward.”
On the one hand you say that by believing a person gets eternal life. On the other hand, you say that by sinning (which was erased by Jesus dying) a Christian can lose his future reward. Contradiction!
Your statements say nothing about those who died before Jesus, or who died after Jesus and before the missionaries arrived. God loves the world, but those people go to hell?
This is why shorter doctrinal statements are better. Longer statement generate more disagreement and questions. While I have answers to your own questions, the answers would take several hundred words, which would then lead to more questions, and then we’re off and running…
But…as briefly as possible…
Regarding God’s “entrapment” of Adam, it is a very complex argument involving God’s relationship to time, His knowledge of counterfactuals, and the relationship of God and free will. I am not about to jump into that question here.
Regarding eternal life and future reward, the two are very distinct in Scripture. Eternal life is not a future reward. Eternal life is a free gift to all who believe in Jesus for it. Rewards are earned for a life of faithfulness and obedience.
Regarding the eternal destiny of those who lived prior to Jesus, my statement says nothing about it for a very good reason: the Bible says nothing about it. I did not say they would go to hell.
Comlex arguments are the most fun. Eternal life for those who believe in Jesus – eternal pain and suffering in hello for those who don’t? What are the other options? What kind of reward for one who lives a good life but sins? Doesn’t the death of Jesus pay off all sin debt? Oh, right, you also have to know about Jesus and believe in Jesus? If those who lived before Jesus and who lived where they knew not Jesus go to heaven and the saved go to heaven what is the point of hell. If I know about Jesus and choose not to believe He is God, will I be alone in hell with my atheist friends? Hindus? Muslims? Buddhists?
Complex issues are fun, but sometimes consume more time and energy than they are worth. One could waste their entire life debating complex theological questions. That is not how I want to spend my life.
It sounds like you have had a lot of run-ins with Christians and their theology. Know this: I take exception to much of the theology of other Christians, and especially with the way it is presented. So let me see if I can answer your questions:
No. Too many to explain. Various. Yes. Nope. Good question. No.
I like this comment! I am sure I don’t have all the same persuasions as you, but I am impressed with your clarity of your mission and your humour in handling questions that don’t seem sincere or are a waste of time!
The Lord does not measure time as we do. There is no past, present, future in the demetion of God. As it happens it already happens and will happen all at once everything.
I know that I sound like some stoner hippy but that is my believe- God knows, knew, and will know all at once. the same today yesterday and tomorrow the end the beginning the alpha the Omega. he who was, he who is, and he who is to be…..
beautiful, simple, effective, and truly functional, thanks Jeremy
Thanks, Jim. I tried to focus on the essentials, but make certain it didn’t cut me off from orthodoxy, while at the same time, leaving some wiggle room so I can focus on love and unity with other Christians.
Your Simplified Doctrinal statement sounds like the Apostles’ Creed!
Hmm. I never thought about that! It does a little bit, I suppose.
My dog cannot understand how I opened the can with his food in it much less the economics involved in that food reaching his bowl.
To those who spend their time wringing their hands over the eternal situation of people who never heard of Jesus so in response you reject the deity of Jesus, I say it’s a bad decision. If you read scripture, if you study history, if you study prophecy and it’s fulfillment and listen to personal testimony, if you hear God’s “still, small, voice” calling you, then I say go with it. God will give you peace and you will learn to trust Him to be Holy and Just. You don’t have to worry about it.
I went to Moody Bible Institute and Dallas Theological Seminary. Hope the class is going well!
Moody and Dallas.
That’s quite a foundation!
Southern NH, USA
Romans 6, 7, and 8
II Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 2:20
Acts 28 (28:24-30); Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I & II Timothy, Titus, Philemon
Colossians 3:1-4
Christ our life, our All-IN-All, we are complete in Him!
II Timothy 2:15 “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.”
We are all subject to beliefs received through teaching from our Christian fathers . I believe you have come from an AOG background judging by your beliefs. I come from the Revival centres you may know of them , basically they believe in a historical context when looking at Bible prophecy. I also believe this and now believe that God through Christ has already established the New Jerusalem through the Great nation of the USA and company of nations the Empire come commonwealth the mountain that filled the earth and has produced the Bible, Gods word in over 1600 languages and dialects and spread that Word all over the planet. I invite you to have a read of few small Bible studies at which are inspired I believe by a Bible revelation given a few years ago and recorded at All the best and God bless Ron Frost
No, I have no AoG background. And no, I am not interested in reading any recent revelations from God. The Bible is more than enough for me.
Jeremy, I really like your work. On your doctrinal statement I suggest you give the other Persons of The Trinity some recognition. It brings to mind the Modalism of Oneness Pentecostals when I see persons addressing only Jesus continually. Thanks brother.
Hmmm. I see your point. I am not a modalist, but at the same time, want to keep my undoctrinal statement as simple as possible. As soon as I start adding points to it, it quickly becomes a regular doctrinal statement….
The primary reason I have focused only on Jesus is because Jesus reveals the Father to us, and because one of the primary works of the Holy Spirit is to lift up and glorify the name of Jesus. So in talking about Jesus, we do what the Holy Spirit is doing, and we also learn about God the Father.
Ah, but the Trinity is more foundational than the revelation of the Son alone. And full restoration to the Trinity is where Christ is ultimately taking us. It begins and ends with the Trinity. Therefore your “undoctrinal” statement should reflect that.
I like a lot of what I’ve read on this site, but I do not personally believe that a loving God will send people to suffer FOREVER in hell. Never ending pain and misery. There are many good studies that show that there is no literal ETERNAL hell. I used to believe that, but I feel God freed me by showing me the truth.
Ask yourself a logical question….IF there is a hell, are the people who are saved aware of the suffering of their friends and family (forever)? IF so, how could they possibly just ignore it and live in paradise while loved ones are in agony and pain. I know I couldn’t. Nor would I want to.
Paul, I agree with you. Note that at the top of this page, I state that the long doctrinal statement is what I used to believe, but no longer.
A lot of my theology has changed since I originally wrote this doctrinal statement.
Hi Jeremy,
I have wondered how Luke 12:47-48 relates to an eternal hell.
Do you have any thoughts?
Southern NH, USA
I was actually studying this passage today! I don’t think it refers to hell at all. Just to a form of divine discipline which can come upon believers.
Thanks Jeremy.
Southern NH, USA
Would you call yourself a universalist?
God does not send anyone to Hell, the person sends themselves by how they lived their life. God does not send anyone to Heaven either as the same applies.
While this is something I learned from experience, once we have God’s love we are removed from everything here on earth. We are not longer connected in anyway, shape or form to anyone or anything. We are seperate from this sphere and exists in a new “reality” with God. I wish I could explain it better but you will no longer consider others as God’s love gives you everything you need or could ever desire.
He won’t. They are to go the Lake of Fire and burn up, death. — the second death is what scripture says will happen. NO eternal punishment….meaning they will not suffer daily for eternity, but they will be separated eternally and die and that is punishment enough when the other side of the coin is eternally WITH YHWH.
Hmmm,yes,I was thinking along similar thoughts,too,feeling a bit ‘uneasy’ as to what these changes could mean as a newcomer. It is a bit unsettling to believe or follow someone,not knowing what they really believe and are teaching. I trust that this can be cleared up soon. So far ,through the articles I have read by Jeremy , I have been encouraged,inspired,motivated and excited in my discoveries to grow in Christlikeness. I also appreciate that Jeremy explains things in ways that are easy to understand.
Jeremy, I really like your work for the Lord. GBY
With your position, I’d like to adopt your short doctrinal statement as a jumping off point for my new blog. It’s short, sweet, accurate, and broad.
P.S. If you look at the site, it’s open to view but has not been publicized yet since I’m still working on it through Father’s Day weekend. It’s still very rough!
Jeremy, it sounds like you don’t believe in Hell. How do you interpret Revelation 21:8 ?
In Matthew 25:41 Jesus says what the point of Hell is.
If there is no Hell, why do you think Jesus died? I know it was to save men from their sins, but to what end? And, if all are saved, whether they believe in Jesus, or even know about him, or not, what then was the purpose of the Cross? Does that invalidate the Cross for them? Are you saying that there must be another way of salvation for them?
Hell is much like a Black Hole. The self-serving person turns away from God, and makes himself the center of his own universe. He gathers all wealth and material belongings unto himself. He ‘uses’ other people instead of loving and serving them. He gains all honor and glory for himself, and swells up like a super-massive star. When he reaches a critical mass, his own self-centeredness shuts out all others. No family, no loved ones, no God. Only self. There is nothing else in his universe than his grand EGO. He pulls all into his center until he disappears into that Black Hole. He has created his own Hell, totally alone, with no communication, and no hope of salvation. Hell is created by man, for man, not by God for man. And since nothing that man creates can be eternal, he will disappear from all reality, and cease to exist. His ‘friends’ and relatives will not miss him, because they still have the Love they held for him in his better moments.
“Hell is created by man, for man, not by God for man.”
Biblically, this is half-true and half-false. (i) God didn’t create Hell for man: rather, it is “the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” (Matthew 25:41) Prepared by whom? . . . Obviously God.
So God has indeed created (or “prepared”) Hell–only not for humans.
However . . .
. . . that doesn’t mean humans won’t be going there:
“Then he will say to those [humans] on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’ . . . And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (vv. 41, 46)
Thankfully, I’ve written an entire book on the subject of hell, and your objections to my brief statement here are answered in full in the book.
Jeremy very important to me to continue with your studies do you believe there is a hell?
Jeremy; I have not been following your site for long and I like what i have read so far, but there is one thing that I see missing, for lack of a better term and that is the supernatural. The signs & wonders. I grew up in “religion” I did not like it. I always believed in God and Jesus and the Bible. One day when I was about 14 I ask my Sunday school teacher why that miricles were not occuring in our church? She said that they were not for today! OKKKKKK, Why not where in the bible does it say that? She very politely told me that people that know far more than me or her had said so!!!! Well I did not want to go back after that. BUT, I had to, like it or not. So as soon as I was old enough I quit. fast forward about 20 years to 1984, July 20th to be exact, I went to a “healing service” out of curiosity! And guess what? The LORD, healed me of a long time physical problem that medical science could not heal!!! Then a few weeks later, he delivered me from smoking. Another 20 year problem. Then 18 years later, 2002 ( we had since moved from Valentine to Kearney Ne.) at a Full Gospel business men’s conference the Lord healed me of Fibromyalgia, for which I had been suffering for 7 yr. and had been taking 4 to 6 pills a day and had tried by “stepping out in faith” to quit taking the medication and being healed, which lasted about 6 hours. But when the Lord did heal me it felt like a heavy blanket had been lifted off of me!!! THEN, in 2015 after almost a year of suffering from moderate to severe leg pain, my wife insisted that i go find out what was wrong. The leg pain it turned out, was a blood clot but the scan revealed something far more serious. The diagnosis, stage four inoperable, terminal, prostate cancer. I never experienced one moment of fear, but in my heart I said, ” Well Lord, man can to nothing for me so it is up to you. I then experienced a profound moment with my God. The world faded away, all sound ceased and a very deep voice said, “I HAVE HEALED YOU! And HE did!!! and I found out later that the medication that i was taking was an opioid that I had been taking for over 6 yrs. My point! The supernatural, signs & wonders. is what got the Christian faith started!!! Did 7000 people go out in the wilderness, (that was not counting the women and children, could have been up to 15,000 people there.) to hear another sermon! No! They went because they heard that this man was performing signs & wonders, he was healing people. That is what kept the early believers going when they were being persucuted & killed! Now I have not read any of your books but from reading you blogs and website I have not read about any of this. But in my experience when we quit preaching to non believers and show them the true risen Christ then they will come to a place of repentence! That is my story Jeremy. Don Emrick
Hi everyone,
Great Simplified Doctrinal Statement!
Sometimes I think we get too much in to the distinctives (position on speaking in tongues for example) so I really appreciate your statement.
Southern NH, USA
Hi everyone,
Don Emrick:
Thanks for sharing your story!
I have also experienced a lot of healing from Jesus in my life.
We are learning about healing through a series of special teachings at my home church, so it was great to read your story today.
Thanks again,
Southern NH, USA
Hi Jeremy,
Do you think it would be possible to add a feature to your posts that would allow an option for people to receive an email when a new comment is posted?
This way someone like me could be notified when you answer a question.
I have seen this on some other websites/blogs and it is very helpful.
Thanks for considering my thought.
Southern NH, USA
Hi Jeremy,
What are your thoughts on the Apostle’s creed and the Nicene creed?
Do you think they are pretty solid or do you have some other thoughts?
Southern NH, USA
Hi Jeremy. Your citations of Jesus in Matt. 5:18 & John 10:35 certainly do NOT support your statement about the bible being “the only inspired Word of God, without error”! In Matt. 5:18, Jesus said “the law” and “until all is accomplished”. “The law” certainly does not support all of the Old Testament; and all was accomplished by Jesus! Nor does “pass from the law” equal “inspired by God”! Think about it. In terms of John 10:35, Jesus was responding to people hostile to him (wanting to stone him), NOT sharing kingdom truths with his disciples…he was using THEIR beliefs to prove a point that their basis wrong for wanting to kill him was wrong. Why not go with Joshua’s plain teaching on the scripture, “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and yet you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.” John 5:39-40 Please consider that the main point of that saying is that people are wrong for searching the scripture but rather should just listen to Jesus, and just Jesus means just Jesus!
Your article about the term “saved” caught my eye. I have recently learned there is such a thing as “Lordship salvation.” Commiting to making Him Lord as the meaning behind “faith in Him” for eternal life. It came to me when my pastor did a sermon on perseverance of the saints in terms of “perseveres in obedience and making him Lord in life to the end of life with just temporary stumbles will MEAN you are TRULY saved from hell if you persevere. You gotta look like a Christian if you truly are saved”.
I said that to say that now I know that not every word saved in the bible is referring to salvation from hell or eternal salvation, it has made understanding the bible much less confusing.
I am looking forward to more studies with you so I can continue the rewiring process.
I am having lots of trouble finding a church that isn’t teaching Lordship salvation. It seems to be the latest popular fad.
I am currently tying to make sense of the meaning of “know Him” 1 john 2:3 &4. Also in other verses says. Also Matthew 25 the parable of the virgins I believe is talking about those who are saved from hell but 5 are ready to see God and 5 are not, but it says that the 5 who are not ready He will say “I do not know you”. I contrasted this with the parable of the ones in matt 7 who said “Lord, Lord we did xyz in your name” and he said…” I NEVER knew you.” The latter were those who thought their works saved them but my focus is on the KNEW YOU part. I know one is probably a relationship kind of “know” that comes from fellowship and the other is never being introduced. Is context key here or is there some way other way to understand what the bible means whenever it speaks of knowing someone. Can you speak to this or for time sake you can point me to any resources you may have on the subject.
The Bible’s very clear about 2 things (among others): (1) We cannot be saved by works. And (2) if you have *zero* fruit in the wake of your professed conversion . . . then you weren’t really converted.
So fruit/works don’t save you–but they certainly attest that you’ve *been* saved.
No. If this were true, then works are a condition for getting into heaven, and you would be teaching a works-based gospel.
I am writing a booklet about Calvinism . I saw your article and I am very much impressed with it.
I would like to quote in my book. I will be providing your name and the website also.
If you permit please send an email. Yours in Christ John Mathew
Thank you so very much for your works (books). I’ve just recently found your books. Some of what I read is intense as I have been captured by religion, evidently . Didnt’ know it, but! I have at least half of your books ( I think) and I have 3 more coming in from Amazon. I so want to take your course but I am not very computer literate and I am concerned that I’ll touch a key and it’ll be wiped off. I am also a reader off C. S. Lewis. When I came across his books I thanked God and I do it the same for you. Your book about hell is one that I want to believe yet I don’t have peace in my heart about it, yet. I have asked the Lord and I believe He is honoring me with not being deceived. Again, thank you so much.
Is it eternal life and eternal condemnation or is it eonian life and eonian condemnation? If eonian means eternal and condemnation is eternal then God has broken His own law (an eye for an eye). God will not eternally condemn for a temporal transgression. God created the eons (ages) specifically for his purpose of universal redemption. Teachings of eternal life and eternal condemnation are religious doctrines of man and the accuser that confuse and confound the truth and actually blaspheme God.
I think your first Doctrinal Statement, though a bit wordy, is the best. Your second statement – not wordy enough. And I think you should remove the “un”. (Sounds a bit pretentious.) A Doctrinal Statement is important if you are teaching the Word of God. It was suggested by a friend to read a book you wrote. Before I read anything pertaining to Christianity, the Bible, or Jesus Christ, I want to read a Statement of Faith somewhere (website, church, etc.) as it will save me a great deal of time in the event we are in disagreement about core doctrines of faith and the Bible. I almost left your page as it took a while to find it. Lucky for you we are in agreement with most of your statement so I will read your book. (Just kidding!) Now I’m going to read “The Unforgivable Sin” and I look forward to it.
Do you still believe in the ordinances?
Mr. Myers,
I stumbled upon your teaching about the blood of Jesus and forgiveness of sins. What you said about it makes sense to me. Are you still working as a prison chaplain? Have you heard of restorative justice?
I love your podcast on Hebrews 9:22. I’m trying to find out your stance on an issue of importance to me. Do you teach and believe in the eternal conscious torment of hell for unbelievers in Jesus Christ. . . that God’s love will not and cannot save everyone? Thank you.
I do teach on this. I have a whole book. It’s titled “What is Hell?” You can find it on Amazon.
Stumbled across you book, The Ministry of Jesus. The first page floored me. Never read the Bible like this. Thanking the Lord for your ministry.
I just stumbled across you online! I am 72 yrs old and am surprised to find myself in a “crisis of faith”. I was raised in a legalistic Baptist church (they thought Moody and Dallas were liberal). I got free in my twenties and have sought to study and learn more about Jesus ever since. But the times we live in and various teachings which question things that I’ve always felt were “settled” have me shaken. I go to an Anglican church pastored by my son, who graduated from Gordon Conwell seminary and is getting his doctorate at Fuller. He is a big fan of NT Wright. But I find myself thinking the scripture is clear that we are living in the End Times, and concerned that some of the teaching, or lack of it, about Heaven and Hell might be false teaching. I will be exploring your online resources to help myself understand what you think!
Do you believe in the triune God Head. Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
What are your thoughts on Annihilationism (hell being the second death of the soul rather than eternal torment)? Deciding not to torture people for eternity seems more in line with a perfectly just God.
To me the trinity doctrine is the biggest religious shackle ever invented. The Holy Spirit is Christ and The Father.
It usurps Christ’s position in the Christian’s life, thereby impacting their Christian walk (practical living).
It robs the Christian of true relationship with Christ and the Father GOD.
Why is there such a clear stance on the end times and rapture? Is this a core issue for you, if so, what does that mean for others who have a different view of the end times?