I’m looking for other bloggers who want to exchange links with me on our blogrolls and guest blog for each other. So if you want to do either (or both), let me know by posting a comment below.
State your name, your blog, and some of the key ideas and themes you blog about. Thanks!
Just found your blog and it looks great. I’m new to blogging, so I’m interacting with as many bloggers as I can to learn the ropes. I will definitely put you on my blogroll. By the way, my blog is pretty much based on my reflections as I read through the Bible. Best wishes to you and your family.
Thanks for alerting me about your blog. I have added you to my blogroll as well.
One tip I recommend is to stay in touch with your favorite bloggers with Google Reader. This way you can quickly read what they are writing, and choose which ones you want to link to, comment on, or repost. The more you do this, the more they will find your blog.
Here are my feeds if you want to subscribe:
Hi Jeremy,
You are already on my blog roll. See “Made for Each Other” in the left column. (Can you guess what all the link categories have in common?) You are free to link to me or not. Against all conventions, the blog is all over the map, from movies to personal stories to how I built my home theatre. I will certainly be writing more on matters of faith and theology, but since my last blog soured, in part because of its narrow scope and some of the flies that were drawn to it, I wanted to establish it with a wider scope up front.
warmest regards,
Fantastic. I’ll add you to mine in about five minutes. Thanks!
Sounds intriguing.
Donald Borsch Jr.
I detest organized church and man’s denominational labels.
I preach the Fatherhood of God, the Sonship of Jesus, and being both fathers and sons this side of Heaven.
I am a disciple speaking to other disciples, so I can be a bit succinct and tactlessly harsh.
I am all about equipping, inspiring, challenging, and provoking other believers to become as sons of God, and stop being helpless followers who seem so content to wallow in their frailties of humanity and ban together like an episode of Oprah.
Jesus didn’t save us to be sissies.
So, there ya go, sir. That’s me, my blog, and what the Spirit has laid upon my heart and lips.
Blessings and power to you and yours in the mighty name of Jesus.
I’m not a big fan of being tactlessly harsh. I have added your blog to my Google Reader account and will read your posts. If I like what you have to say, and how you say it, I will add you to my blogroll and let you know. See you online!
Understood. No worries. Looking at your blog and mine, it is probably better if you do not add me to your blogroll. I do, however, appreciate your candor and caution greatly.
Blessings in Jesus’ name to you, Jeremy Myers!
Hi Jeremy. I found you on AC and clicked on your affiliates and discovered your website. I would love to put your link on my own blog. I actually have two blog sites but have the most traffic on the Associated/Yahoo! site at: http://contributor.yahoo.com/user/jackwellman but my favorite blog is at: http://jackwellman.blogspot.com/
Thank you sir.
Jack, I would love to link to you, if you can link to me on your blog or at AC. Do you want me to put up a link to your blog or your AC page?
Thanks Jeremy. Sorry so late in responding. Please use the AC page because on it I have many different ministries including a Prison Ministry, Letters to Death Row, a Homeless Ministry, I am also beginning a Nursing/Assisted Living Center Ministry and soon, a Seniors Center Ministry. I love your ideas on this site my friend. I think Christians ought to be out into the community and not just be comfortably numb as pew potatoes. I love to go into the malls, Wal-Mart, the post office, etc. Great site Jeremy. May God richly bless you, your family, and this ministry of yours. You inspired me to “take it to the streets!”
Ok, you are added. Thanks!
Link exchange with Secrets Of Entrepreneurship
I recently saw your lens about the sex trade in America. I am a publicist and am working with Nigerian author Jekwu Ozoemene, who just published a new compilation The Anger of Unfulfillment: Three Plays Out of Nigeria. In his first play, The Anger of Unfulfillment, human trafficking, especially of women and girls, is the focus. Ozoemene seeks to bring to light these travesties through his plays and now the published compilation. If you’re interested in a review copy and/or a guest blog, please email
. Thank you.
I sent you an email. I would love to review the book, and have Jekwu Ozoemene be a guest blogger on my site. Thank you for asking!
I am a member of the Facebook Club, and I have two blogs, one of which is relevant enough to your site’s subject matter to justify a link exchange. I hope you are interested. The information is below:
url: http://www.slingingthebull.com
description: SlingingtheBull.com is a personal-development blog with articles on health, finance, psychology, business, language, writing, blogging, lifestyle, and more.
I’ll be happy to place your link in the right-hand column under “blogroll.” In the future, I’ll probably make a links page, so at that time, your link would move to that page.
Feel free to answer me by email.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Doug Eikermann