BibleWorks has been very good to me over the years. It is my preferred Bible study software program.
And today hey have announced the BibleWorks 20th birthday contest!
BibleWorks turned 20 this year!
To celebrate, they are giving away two full copies of BibleWorks 9 (one copy for each decade). To win, send them exactly 20 words telling us why you need a copy of BibleWorks. Entries will be selected based on humor, wit, and verve.
Enter at their website or on their FaceBook page.
They will pick the two best entries by June 15, 2012 and post the winners shortly afterwards.
Good luck!
Is it a jinx if you pray “Lord, PLEASE let me win this drawing”? Maybe it’s better if my husband does the praying, since he’s the one whose hard-earned money I keep spending on BOOKS.
I hope you win it!