I’ll be participating in February’s Synchroblog. The theme is Creativity and Christianity. Here are the instructions from Kathy:
The February synchroblog theme is “Creativity and Christianity” – Wednesday February 9th, 2011
It’s wide open but here are some questions to get the creative juices flowing: Is there a connection between art/creativity and Christianity? Is creativity spiritual in nature? Is there such a thing as “Christian Art”? Does creativity have anything to do with spiritual formation? What is needed for art to qualify as Christian? Is our theology shaped or influenced by creativity/art? Is creativity/art vital to our faith? How does creativity/art impact Christian thought and/or Christian praxis? Is there a particular form of art that has impacted your spiritual journey? Should there be a distinction between sacred and secular art? Is Christianity experiencing a “creative crisis”? Is creativity and our knowledge of God connected?
Please plan to submit your name, name of blog, title of post and link in the comment section of this post on 2/8/2011 if you would like to be included in this synchroblog. The list of participants will be compiled and posted on 2/9/2011.
I already have several ideas on what I might write about.
If you are going to participate, I’ll see you there! (Also, do you know of any other blogs that do this?)
This sounds like a lot of fun. I’m swamped, but I really want to play. I’ll see what comes together.
Yeah, it’s always a challenge to come up with something. But it’s making me think what I want to write about. I have noticed that in the past, a few bloggers just repost something they previously wrote. I’m not fond of that practice, but in a pinch….
…mmm thinking about it…
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for this announcement. I will be participating.
warmest regards,
Okey dokey. I’ll address how creativity is connected (born of… inspired by…) my relationship with Jesus Christ.
I also blog @ http://www.tracyrevalee.com and http://www.bipolarbylines.wordpress.com. My book, View from the Rollercoaster, was published in June last year.
Look forward to participating.
Ciao, Tracy
Actually, this post is from 2011. How did you find it?
Anyway, we do the synchroblog every month. Here is the current announcement: