2 Timothy 2:15 is a popular verse among pastors, Bible students, Bible colleges, and seminaries. In the King James Version, Paul instructs Timothy to “Study to show thyself approved unto God.”
Alan Knox wrote a great blog post the other day which shows that the translation “study to show thyself approved” is not the best translation… and is not even a possible translation of 2 Timothy 2:15. Here is some of what he wrote:
I think it’s clear that in the cases above, σπουδάζω (spoudazo) could not be translated “study,” but is more correctly translated “be diligent,” “be eager,” or “make an effort.” Of course, this is similar to how the other translators (besides the KJV) rendered the term in 2 Timothy 2:15.
But, also, we have to admit that the evidence above does not prove that σπουδάζω (spoudazo) cannot be translated “study” in 2 Timothy 2:15.
Go read the rest of Alan’s post here.
Certain types of Christians (me among them) have often justified our addiction to books and to Scripture study by Paul apparent command here in 2 Timothy 2:15 for Timothy to “study to show thyself approved unto God.” Really only the KJV translates it this way, but since the KJV is what many of us grew up on, it has had a heavy influence on what many churches, ministries, and pastors focus on.
As a result, we sometimes (I am speaking of me here) get so wrapped up in Scripture study, that we neglect the more important things in life, such as family, the poor and needy in our community, serving others in love, taking care of orphans and widows, and pretty much everything else that Jesus focused on in His ministry.
If Alan is right (and I think he is), Paul is not telling Timothy that we are approved by God when we study Scripture. Certainly, study is an act of worship, and we can seek to learn more about God through the study of Scripture, but when Paul says “study to show thyself approved,” he is not saying that the study of Scripture will approve us before God.
In a later post which summarizes his findings, Alan writes this:
So, the exhortation to Timothy – in the presence of those who live contrary to God’s desire – is for the young man to do whatever it takes to continue down the path of the good news of Jesus Christ. As a person approved by God, an unashamed worker, and one who is already living according to the gospel… this is exhortation to continue down the road he is already walking, without letting others tempt him into a different manner of life.
While it is important to study Scripture, we do not “study to show thyself approved.” We are already approved in Jesus Christ, and no amount of Bible study will help us get approved or stay approved. Instead, Paul is urging Timothy to be diligent in living his life according to the Gospel. In this way, we will become useful for the Master, being prepared for every good work (2 Tim 2:21).
I love to study the Scripture, and I think that Scripture study is one way of worshiping God, but I think I often used my misunderstanding of the statement “study to show thyself approved” as a way of neglecting the other critical elements of following Jesus, and especially that of loving other people around me.
Scripture study, while important, is no substitute for serving others.
Hi Jeremy. Perhaps the academic side of life, is valued too much above the practical. After all, the aim is to be a ‘workman’ not a theologian. The word handling can be translated as to cut straight. Hence you have a very practical application of God’s world. Maybe, Paul is simply asking Timothy to make sure his life matches up with his beliefs. A lesson for us all, there!
That might be a good way of understanding it, and it is certainly true! It is so easy to teach and teach and teach, but never apply it.
Gentlemen, I believe you are correct that Paul was not saying to study the scriptures, neglecting other things, and this is the means of being approved by God. No, we are approved through Jesus Christ already.
But, on the other hand, it is only by studying and learning what God says in the bible will we be able to know WHAT pleases God; it is how we come to learn that we should serve others, give, etc etc.
Jews spent a good number of the early years of their life STUDYING the word and so they know the word of God, through studying. Jesus did the same thing, as a Jew (thats whey he was always able to use it so powerfully against the devil)
There is another scripture which says thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee – how will we get the word to hide in our heart – if we do not study.
Another verse says that the word of God is a sharp two edged sword… and that we should take the sword of the spirit which is the word of God, how can we do these things if we don’t study the word to find out what they are?
Paul was indeed telling Timothy to study the word and in doing so he would find the ways of God and be wise to do them, then he would be approved of God in his obedience, rightly dividing the word of truth, and not being ashamed when he is asked hard questions and not being able to answer because he does not know, because he did not study.
hope this makes sense!
TY for expressing that this commandment is IMPOSSIBLE to fulfill, keep, observe, do, accomplish etc…. without study.
Could be… probably why… many translators used “study” if the whole idea is that we do and be and get…. better.
I like that last statement you made about Paul telling Timothy to make sure his life matches us with his beliefs. Then again, don’t we as people behave the way we believe?
Thanks for the reflection, Jeremy. I agree with Alan that Paul’s exhortation in 2 Tim 2:15 is for Timothy to continue down the road he is already walking. I argued in
another post that Paul’s point here is not to work hard to get approved, but to work hard because you’re already approved in Christ. It sure is easy to fall back into a works-righteousness mindset, though.
I like that approach also. I believe that it is critical to follow Jesus from the stance of already being approved, forgiven, loved, and accepted, rather than trying to live in a way that earns such things.
Love this explanation
Scripture can never mean what it never meant. In this case, it’s pretty clear that when quoting or reading this scripture, Paul admonished Timothy to study to show himself approved for understanding of the word sake. Rightly dividing the word of truth suggest being accurate in the understanding of the word as a whole
I think what Alan was arguing is that the English translations are not so clear. So while Timothy probably understand Paul clearly, we do not because our translations are not clear. If we translate it differently, the meaning becomes more clear.
And the people in King James’s time wouldn’t have had this confusion, because they were accustomed to hearing “study” used in this sense. An argument for keeping strict fidelity to the original work while recognizing the fluctuation of today’s language.
Very true! It is amazing how words can stay the same, but meaning can radically change within a few centuries (or even decades!).
I’ll have to go look at the post by Alan – I do not totally disagree but I Have never read that and thought that my study or lack there of causes God to approve me or not. To me, where Paul admonished Timothy to study is summed up in the second part of that verse – the correct handling of God’s word and by extension the way we live our lives.
Yeah, interact with Alan and see what he says. I think I saw that he wrote a clarification post on this idea later on…. but I cannot recall what he clarified.
Apparently americans are mostly unconcerned with “studying to show them selves approved”. While 88% of americans claim to be christians, only 13% read daily, and another 13% several times per week. The other 74% read it once per month, to not at all. (Barna group study on the state of the Bible).
In a Huffington Post article this pull quote summed it up…
“Doug Birdsall, president of American Bible Society, said he sees a reason for why the Bible isn’t connecting with people.
“I see the problem as analogous to obesity in America. We have an awful lot of people who realize they’re overweight, but they don’t follow a diet,” Birdsall said. “People realize the Bible has values that would help us in our spiritual health, but they just don’t read it.””
Have Americans left their first love?
It is true that we certainly don’t read and study the Scriptures enough, but it is even more true that we don’t obey and follow the little bit of Scripture we might know. We are masters of explaining away the Bible, right?
My response I left for Mr. Knox.
I apologize in advance for rambling, but I see the NEWNESS of your approach somewhat leaving much to be desired.
I give you Strong’s Bible Dictionary (1890): G4710: σπουδή
From G4692; “speed”, that is, (by implication) despatch, eagerness,
earnestness: – business, (earnest) care (-fulness), diligence
forwardness, haste.
King James Concordance: (1769)
Total KJV Occurrences: 14
diligence, 6
Rom_12:8, 2Co_8:7, Heb_6:11, 2Pe_1:5, 2Pe_1:10, Jud_1:3
care, 2
2Co_7:12, 2Co_8:16
haste, 2
Mar_6:25, Luk_1:39
business, 1
carefulness, 1
earnest, 1
forwardness, 1
Again: Strong’s:
From G4710; to use speed, that is, to make effort, be prompt or earnest:
– do (give) diligence, be diligent (forward), endeavour, labour, study.
Total KJV Occurrences: 12
diligence, 2
2Ti_4:9, 2Ti_4:21
diligent, 2
Tit_3:12, 2Pe_3:14
do, 2
2Ti_4:9, 2Ti_4:21
endeavour, 1
endeavoured, 1
endeavouring, 1
forward, 1
labour, 1
Heb_4:10-11 (2)
study, 1
Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, 2Ti_2:15. Observe, The care of
ministers must be to approve themselves unto God, to be accepted of
him, and to show that they are so approved unto God. In order thereunto,
there must be constant care and industry: Study to show thyself such a
one, a workman that needs not be ashamed. Ministers must be workmen;
they have work to do, and they must take pains in it. Workmen that are
unskilful, or unfaithful, or lazy, have need to be ashamed; but those
who mind their business, and keep to their work, are workmen that need
not be ashamed. And what is their work? It is rightly to divide the word
of truth. Not to invent a new gospel, but rightly to divide the gospel
that is committed to their trust. To speak terror to those to whom
terror belongs, comfort to whom comfort; to give every one his portion
in due season, Mat_24:45. Observe here, 1. The word which ministers
preach is the word of truth, for the author of it is the God of truth.
2. It requires great wisdom, study, and care, to divide this word of
truth rightly; Timothy must study in order to do this well.”
Thanks for posting this here as well. How did he respond?
Agreed, we’re talking about diligence here. And any confusion about whether such “study” makes us more or less “approved” can be easily cleared up by observing that the passage doesn’t talk about that. It isn’t “study to make thyself approved,” it’s “study to SHOW THYSELF approved.” In other words, you know you’ve received God’s grace; demonstrate that it’s happened by being a kingdom-of-God kind of person in your dealings with others. Rather like not “working on” but “work[ing] OUT your salvation” in Philippians 2:12. It’s there; you must follow through on it rather than working at (ahem) cross-purposes with it.
Yes. I like this take. I take working out your salvation in Philippians 2:12 to mean something along the lines of “exercising, exploring, using to it’s full benefit.” So we don’t work to earn it, but we do work to use it.
Just so. I heard a story about farmers in Haiti who, a few decades ago, were given tractors and other farm machinery so they could use new techniques to keep their land from eroding away. Long story short: they didn’t. For whatever reason, the machinery was left to stand and rust, and they went back to doing things the way their fathers and grandfathers had done. They received the grant, and held on to its content, but they didn’t “work it out.”
Alternately: One day the Guardians of the Universe appoint you Green Lantern of this space sector, granting you a power ring and everything else, and give you your first assignment: to break up an interstellar economic-subversion organization by raiding a meeting of its ringleaders that will be held fifteen miles outside London, England.
You have two options. One: You buy your air ticket to London on line, pay additional for the checked baggage, wait until departure time, go through that hideous security procedure (thank heavens they don’t find the ring or the power battery), shoehorn yourself into the seat of the DC-10 and sit through the eight-hour flight (not even a decent movie on the list), then rent a car and make your way from London to the site of the meeting–finding, of course, an empty barn. They held the meeting and ‘ported away from there while you were only one-fourth of the way across the ocean.
Option two: Using the ring, you fly under its power across the ocean in less than sixty minutes (it takes that long because you haven’t figured out how to fold space yet), subdue and restrain the bad guys, and turn them over to those equipped to deal with them.
It seems to me that only option two “works out” your appointment and task. Furthermore, James would consider you un-justified. The Gs of the U know that you’re a Green Lantern–but you’d have a hard time convincing your colleagues in the GL Corps, let alone anyone on earth, that you were.
So hey, we can’t be super. But we can take what we’ve been given and do with it what we’re supposed to do.
I find that study to show thyself approved is the beginning as it states in Romans 12:2 the renewing of the mind,which is done day after day after day etc,for if one does this continually,you’ll be able to quote scripture,and that is what Lord Jesus said to Satan in the wilderness and we all know he can’t stand against the truth.The other side to memorizing scripture is knowing what to practice.For he who practices righteousness will become righteous as it states in 1John 3:7,for the Word will manifest into what God wants me to be.Therefore I will not be ashamed.Amen
It is clear from the ministry of Jesus, that more than anything else, He went about casting out devils and healing folks. The “social” aspects of the scriptures mentioned above are evident in His ministry, of course, but it was the constant display of the power of God that brought people to Him.
Also, the “study to show thyself approved unto God.” is correct as to the “spirit” of the message, but yes, a closer translation can be found in, say, the NAS. That said, it is the totality of meaning here that counts, and in today’s vernacular, it simply means to know what you’re talking about. Without the knowledge backing a person’s words, they will end up looking foolish, and this does nothing to advance the cause of Christ.
Good insight and clarification.
However, I would caution people that the miraculous nature of Jesus’ ministry may have had a special purpose of showing the arrival and inauguration of the Kingdom of God which may not need to be duplicated today. When Jesus said we would do “greater things” than He has done, what did He mean…?
Hi Jeremy, I checked out what you said and thank God there’s not even an ounce of validity to it. In other words, it’s a lie! No where in the context of 2 Timothy 2 does it even come close to implying “not to study”. In fact, in the following chapter it does spell out what is known as the “Great Apostasy” which will be characterized by a turning away from the word of God.
Strange. I didn’t tell anybody “not to study.” In fact, I emphasize repeatedly in the post that study is important. In fact, you may want to start “studying” the blog posts you respond to before you leave negative comments.
Ok Jeremy. Strange interpretation. Point is, read your Bible. It’s the only way to revival. Experience won’t do it as many emergents think.
Yep. I read the Bible and study it daily. Experience is not the key.
Good, I’m glad you’re not an emergent liberal. My life has been changed through the study of Scripture.
Mine too! I am fairly conservative in most areas of my theology, but might be labeled “liberal” in others … it’s a strange mix.
When you say liberal do you mean “Marxist” liberal, “abortion”, “homosexual” support. What plank of the liberal platform could you embrace? Abolishing religion from the public square? See what I mean?
Right. Liberal is a very broad term, isn’t it? I am not Marxist, nor do I support abortion or abolishing religion.
You seem ignore, maybe you should – study ” Gods Word ” to show thyself approved ” of God “
Gotta Love auto correct…… ignorant not ignore. Guess now I look ignorant.
Autocorrect happens.
Anyway, I have spent my entire life doing almost nothing but studying the Bible. I have pastored churches, attended Bible College and Seminary, learned Greek and Hebrew, read thousands of book, and spend lots of time every day in reading and studying Scripture as I pray for God to help me understand and apply it.
So do not think that just because someone disagrees with your understanding of Scripture, this means they do not study Scripture. That truly is an ignorant view…
With all your “studying” . Are you trying to show yourself approved onto God……. or Men? Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
I am nothing more than a servant of God. But one thing I do know, is my bible is my strength and my help.
You stated that the original word could have been the word study but you don’t think that is what is is. Well,I do. I think the holy men of God who spent years in prayer before even trying to translate the scriptures , that they indeed translated correctly. I am not going to say who had the better education the authors of the authorized verse of the King James Bible or You, but I do know the KJV has led more revivals, seen more souls come to a saving knowledge of Christ. I know the original manuscripts came out of Syria and with 7 main translation became the KJV of the Bible.
I know that the manuscripts used in the new versions came out of Egypt and translated through the Catholic church. I know the authors of modern versions have been openly gay/lesbians, agnostics, skeptics, and scoffers of Gods word.
I choose to spend my life helping others by telling them the gospel of Jesus and trying to see souls saved by the word of God ( which indeed has power) than taking my time tearing apart a sacred book.
I am deeply offended at the amount a people, including pastors of church who do nothing more that hurt others by stating we no longing have the word of God.
I am forever settled on my Blessed ol’ Book, the authorized King James Bible.
I guess if the KJV was good enough for Paul and Jesus, who am I to argue?
It seems to me that all who have commented have gained from their study. Differences of opinion will occur in any study including the Bible. I’m happy to see the robust defence of it and the eagerness to continue. All of our righteousness is as filthy rags but we can and are cleansed as we hear and study the Gospel of Jesus Christ. peace.
it seems to me, listening to Christians justifying biblical genocides and seeking to bring on the tribulations of their end times prophecy, that they are not being cleansed but defiled.
The sad truth is that the BIble, with all it’s beauty, contains much violence. Could it be that one is better cleansed by discarding the written idol and seeking an experiential relationship with the Unbound Absolute?
A passing thought on a lovely Sunday.
Hi Jeremy,
I came across your post after looking up the verse. I was turning to it for comfort but as usual these days the understanding I had has been turned on it’s head. I can readily accept that we are not to seek God’s approval.
The issue for me is that the more I study scripture the greater the divide between what I believe and what the rest of the church believes! It is getting to the point , if not past it, that one of them will have to go!! And I would rather stick to God’s word than follow the crowd down the wrong path. Sorry if that sounds harsh but this is what I’m wrestling with. I accept that we should not neglect meeting together but how far does one compromise. For example, if you lived in a town and the only fellowship in that town was a Roman Catholic Church would you not get into your car and drive to the next town? How far would you be prepared to travel? What if it was not practical? I know of people who will not attend a church that has a woman pastor, for example. That isn’t my issue, but it is an illustration of the idea of where do you draw the line?
When you sit in a congregation each week and are continually reminded that the people around you are not sharing your faith. I have started thinking about it like this, Suppose you were a king and you gave your people instruction on how you wanted them to act corporately but the people carried on and did their own thing. Then one day someone found your instructions and thought they sounded really great and was definitely for them. Now that person has a choice, either go with everyone else to keep the peace with the masses, sit it out in hope that one day the king will have His way and restore His kingdom. How would you feel about it as king? Would you rather that one person also abandon your plans or would you feel blessed if they said they were not prepared to take anything less than what you have asked for?
Off the top of my head the verse that tells us to not forsake meeting together was written to Jews who had converted to Christianity but were now going back to Jewish practices and beliefs. It wasn’t a call to stay in an unbiblical church it was a call to not lose the faith. Similar to the “Study to show thyself approved unto God” it is quoted as if that is all we need to hear.
Anyway, I am struggling with this big time, any thoughts?
This is a very difficult question you have posed, and it really speaks to the degree of misunderstanding that we have about what is “the Church” and what it was meant to accomplish. The Bible says that where two or three are gathered Christ is there in the midst of them. This is not just a glib saying or a nice chorus for a song, but a reality. Whenever there is a gathering of believers of any size, Christ Himself is there communing with that gathering. And what is ecclessia or church, but a coming together of the ones called out.
I have church several times a week, with several different groups and most of them are not taking place within the confines of a building that we traditionally think of as a church. For example, on Friday mornings, I have coffee with a group of men, no bible study or agenda, just a group of believers who come together to share and encourage one another as we go through life together. On Saturday, I have church in a park downtown with about 10-20 other believers and 150-200 homeless people. We pray for each other, share needs, meet needs, share a meal together, and once in a while someone even shares from the Bible.
My point is this. God meant us to live in relationship, in community, not only with Him, but also with other humans. It is my personal belief that it is only through this self sacrificing community that the image of God is displayed. My advice to you, is stop going to a church building, start connecting with people, seek out like minded believers, and spiritual seekers who are not believers, and do life with them. Commit to building genuine community with a small group of people who are interested in learning the truth rather than doing thing the way they have always been done. Stop going to a church building because you feel that is “what you are supposed to do” and start seeking out ways to be His church wherever you go and to whoever you connect with as you do life.
Hope this is helpful.
Pastor FedEx.
Thank you Pastor Fedex, for a very caring and considered reply. The Lord does provide!
I’m most likely the exception to and not the rule, but I have a perfectly acceptable church less than 300 yds from my house, and another less than 1/4 mile away, with many others less than 7 miles away from me. I am comfortable within the walls of several Christ based churches because God took me on a walkabout across many such faiths to teach me to meet people right where they are. Stop judging and only seeing our differences and come together (within reason obviously) on what, OR rather WHO we have in common. Certainly, this is NOT your case, but rather something the Holy Spirit needed me to understand. SO, that was free right there.. didn’t charge you a penny lol.
It really doesn’t matter if you have a church across the street that would be acceptable. FOR ME… The only thing that matters is where does God want me to be. You can be the praise team leader for a Church of 500, a songwriter, teacher, author, and leader of men, BUT if God’s plan had you in a country church being still and knowing HE is God without all of the wonderful things you are doing to “further” His Kingdom…. Who are you serving?
Search your heart. Is walking away from “church” something that gives you PEACE? If it is, then God has something else in mind for you. A walkabout, a cell group, some other outreach like our other brother mentioned.
The only way you will ever know is to ASK the Holy Spirit. You may find yourself attending a church 50 miles away from you. It is the peace of God that lets you know in our human condition that things are right. If you are at the place God would have you be it really does beat that 3 yr recording contract and being the person people come to with questions. God has people in mind for you to meet and you may be the only Jesus these people experience in their lives.
Mind you, this little story was my mess or a small part of it, and in no way am I implying any fault to you. lol There isn’t enough to go around my brother.
Richard, there are many millions of people who are on the exact same path as you are. I have written on that “do not forsake the assembling” verse on this blog and came to a similar conclusion. (to find the post, just use the search area in the upper right).
Also, many of my books are on this very topic as well. Especially “The Death and Resurrection of Church” and “Put Service Back into the Church Service.”
Remember, even if you leave the thing that many people call ‘church’ you have not left the thing which the Bible calls church.
Read ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse13 that’s what we supposed to do in life.
As someone who really loves my Bible, I can say this,
God knew exactly what he meant when he said to study the scriptures because God has repeated himself just so you would know him better.
First of all…when God gives us “what to do” we ought not try to undermine the word of GOD…if the racist would study he would find that it is a sin to make differences in people…if the homosexual studied they would find that God said “Man is not to lay with man as with woman….and if the thief read he’d know “thou shalt not steal. ..etc….not to criticize. ….we all must help each other in our walk….few know that the bible teaches the “oneness” of the church and few know it teaches if we bring a lost soul back to God we hide a multitude of our own sins…we are to be worker bees for God…we are to give God all our attention…we must trust God never man…our entire lives should be bible ran…to try and rationalize less bible study is why America is not a Christian nation…..and if it were we’d be living and fair …America at best is a Sodom and Gomorrah. …we have laws to protect that that God told us not 2 do..we boldly hate in this country when God said love one another and the leader of America is a huge liar…God said he hates a liar…..if we do not search the scriptures daily like God said we fail God but we will not fail satan……
Have i ever lied…I have until I read how God hates a liar….had I limited myself in searching the scriptures daily i would b in big trouble with God ….now I know he does not want me lying…we all make mistakes but God gives us time to fix our walk and our ways before Him….as with Jezebel…God said He gave her time to repent but she did not..so she lost her soul…we must protect ourselves God’s way not our own…we need God every step of the way toward God…may God bless ..ruth
You claim only the KJV translaotors translated the word as “study.” This is not true. The Geneva Bible also has “study.” I have not checked other earlier translations, but if you had studied, you would have quickly discovered this. The verse tells us to be diligent, but diligent about what? “Rightly dividing the word.” So, the diligence is directed at studying the word. You cannot “rightly divide” the word of God without study.
The meanings of many of the words of the KJV have changed over time. The word “conversation”, for example, means, in the KJV, something akin to lifestyle, or conduct, not the contemporary meaning of talking to each other.
Likewise, the word “study” in the KJV means to “endeavor”. My grandfather who was born in the early 20th century somehow retained the old meaning, no doubt preserved, and handed down through the generations of his family. He was barely educated, and I never saw him study anything in the contemporary sense of the word, but if you were to ask him what he was up to, he’d say something like, “I’m studying to fix this broken…” or “I’m studying to plow this garden.”
The Spirit, the spirit (of the text), the context (cultural, historical, and textual), and good old fashioned common sense must all be employed in making sense of the scriptures.
I hope this helps. God Bless
Yes, language has changed a lot, which makes studying Scripture so difficult at times. This is why cultural background studies and Greek and Hebrew tools are also helpful.
This Eggs Actly lol.. I love talking to anyone about their faith.. even their lack there of.
The conversations that you sometimes have to step away from being with those who refuse to consider culture, and our own language changes, not to mention the original written languages. Mind you, we have before us our Bible, the Word of God, Jesus on paper if you will, but to understand what was being said as it was said 2000-5000 yrs ago you need study tools. Not only that but places like this where others who are like-minded or at times who are in opposition to you are also very important.
Very timely, Jeremy. Juan Carlos Ortiz wrote a timely book the 1970’s about living out this life in Christ that the Scriptures reveal–and that the Holy Spirit impresses upon our hearts. It is titled, “Disciple”. The on-line reviews (e.g. on Amazon) are impressive.
I never have taken this verse of Scripture to mean that we had to “study” the Word in order to be approved of God. The “term” study implies what to you at a glance (leaving the translation aside for a moment). For me, it means to put in your due diligence with regard to learning the ins and outs of anything and everything you have learned in your life. At times, my due diligence was quite arduous indeed.
Now looking at the translations proffered us in the above excerpt (Tho I’m missing what I believe the base translation to be “Hasten”) we see that for most of us, who have applied the intent of Paul was saying, we have, for the most part, accurately divided the Word of God in truth.
Everyone, or at least the comments I read through, has presented a variation of this same thing. I could continue onward, reinforcing that which has already been said in some other manner, but I have faith that we are all in one accord here.
My actual comment or question is this. Assuming that there were those already confounded, what kind of message do we as Christians send with “Don’t Study to show….”? That seems to be confusion at the core. God not being the author of confusion. That’s just my takeaway for a title choice and curiosity regarding the need for such topics when coupled with Paul’s writing prose. Paul, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, prisoner and bought by so great a price, was not such an easy read for many. I think we are dealing with perception and semantics at this point.
The word is God . It is the most important. Above all you listed as more important. You cant even learn to do all those things you mention without it. You have to make it a higher authority just to learn it to the degree needed to survive,thrive, hide it in your heart.
Thank you Jeremy on the teaching of this verse. I was blest. Yes, simply studying would not be complete if there was no application of what one studied. Unlike other readings which are not God-inspired and not ‘living and powerful,’ the reading and study of God’s Word would allow us through the enlightenment of the Spirit of God to know more about God, spiritual matters and the deeper things of God. This in turn would open our horizon on how much we need to share with others the goodness, mercy, grace and love of God, which is the reason we are still on earth as we are being used of God, not simply to satisfy ourselves but to help and serve others. Thank you so much for you all. May we learn to value our ‘learnings’ and life of service in view of eternity. God bless you more !
I have to say I disagree with you. The translation of the word STUDY means just that. Working hard, for The Lord can only be done by understanding him, and that starts with STUDY of The Scriptures. Without study of The Word, one can not separate what is false from truth… Through The Spirit, of course, which again can only dwell in us by knowing him, and that is through The Scriptures. So yes, study is the translation that The Spirit of Truth is putting emphasis on. How do I know this? It is a reflection in my life. Peace to you, and prayers in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Very good writing which not only further clarifies this passage interpretation but a great reminder to all what matters
Concerning your article on study,
There’s plenty of scripture that tells us to study God’s Word. Joshua 1:8, Psalm 119:105, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, Deuteronomy 11:18, and Psalm 1:2 are all excellent examples. Even if you’re correct that 2 Timothy 2:15 shouldn’t be translated with the word “study”, you can not deny that studying God’s Word is a biblical principle.
I believe your hang up is the idea of being approved. From what I can tell in your article, you think by saying to study to show oneself approved is equated to studying is how one obtains salvation. That’s clearly not the teaching of this verse. We’re saved, of course, by putting faith in the risen savior. However, what do you do after salvation? Your commanded to grow in the Lord and to serve Him. Paul mentions several times in his epistles that you shouldn’t stay on the milk of the Word forever but graduate into eating meat. You have to grow in your knowledge of the Lord. Jesus commanded us to love Him with all of our minds. The Bible makes it clear that we’re to hide its words in our hearts so we won’t be as susceptible to transgressing God’s law. Studying is important in the life of a Christian and it pleases the Lord, hence we’re approved (again not for salvation, but for God’s service.) the Scripture continues in 2 Timothy that if you do study then God won’t be ashamed of you. I’ll use this as an illustration: imagine you want to go out and tell folks about Jesus, so you do. When someone asks, “how do I be saved?” but you haven’t actually studied what the Word says about salvation. So you tell them “well just work hard enough and you’ll be saved!” You’ve led them to believe works for salvation when the Bible teaches against that doctrine. Do you think God would like this? Would He approve of this? In Galatians 1, Paul, under the inspiration of the Spirit, tells the church to have nothing to do with those who preach false doctrine. Those phases prophets clearly didn’t study the Word appropriately and began preaching heresy. So the Holy Spirit led Paul to instruct the church in not associating with those teachers. It sounds an awful lot like those false teachers weren’t obtaining God’s approval to me.
You brought up that there have been times when you’ve fixated so heavily on studying that you’ve neglected your family. It happens, and I understand it shouldn’t. We should balance our lives appropriately. But don’t allow that to become fuel for hatred of studying.
I tell you all of this not out of disdain or malice. I tell you this as a brother in Christ who wants to point out that you haven’t rightly divided the Word of truth concerning this verse. Be more diligent in your studies and pray for me as I try to do the same.
The commandment from Paul is not limited to study but we are also commanded to be a “workman” and to “rightly divide” in the same verse…..it is an unbalanced and incorrect approach to use this verse to promote an “over studying” type of Christianity. The relationship of family members, our commission to be a witness, to provide for our own, to bear one another’s burdens etc….are all emphasized more highly in the New Testament. I would speculate that a person that feels a need to “correct” the KJV because of their own unbalanced approach to Christianity is not being honest with themselves.
I just recently have been staying from the Greek New Testament, translated by Kenneth S. Wuest I have found this virsion very helpful in understanding the original language of the New Testament (Greek)I would highly recommend it to anyone who desires to understand the true Language of what Jesus spoke, and what he was actually saying. And while The King James virsion has been known as the closest virsion to the Greek, This is a actual translation and offers distinct advantage over the standard virsions avalible today.