This is a guest post by Josh Mann. He is the creator of, which focuses on bringing God’s Word to bear on today’s top news stories. He believes that if Christians must think biblically in all areas of life and not just in theological. He is twenty-two and has been married for almost a year and a half to Emily. They just had their first child, little girl named Melody Joy Mann. You may contact Josh through his blog, or on Facebook and his YouTube Channel.
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You’re sitting in church enjoying the music, minding your own business when suddenly you notice it. Out of the corner of your eye you can see the offering plate coming towards you, and you hastily reach for your wallet. “How much did I give last week?” you think to yourself. “Twenty, yea it was twenty, that was a lot, this week I think ten should suffice.”
For the average church goer this is probably close to the experience they have with giving financially to their church. They know the bible says talks about tithing (and their radical Christian friends do it) but they may not be sure what tithing is, or if it is for today.
However, a close look at the biblical precepts for giving in the context of the New Testament church will yield a clear answer. Let’s see what God’s word says.
What is tithing?
First things first, what exactly is tithing? Biblically tithing was an Old Testament command that God gave to ethnic Israel. Leviticus 27:32 says “The entire tithe of the herd and flock–every tenth animal that passes under the shepherd’s rod–will be holy to the LORD.”
In fact, God even rebuked Israel for not paying their tithes to God. Malachi 3:8 says “Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, ‘How do we rob you?’ In tithes and offerings.” As you can see, God took tithing very seriously when it came to his dealings with Israel. But what about his covenant with the church?
Does God command the church to tithe?
Is tithing a New Testament Command?
You might find it interesting to know that neither Jesus, nor Paul, nor any of the New Testament writers ever commanded the church to tithe. In fact the only time tithing is ever mentioned in the New Testament is in the context of Israel, or in dealing with the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, and just as a reminder, the Pharisees were still practicing Judaism.
So if the Bible doesn’t command Christians to tithe, what does it tell us to do with our money? I’m glad you asked.
What are the New Testament Commands for the Church Regarding Finances?
To start with, let’s go to 1 Corinthians 16:2 It says “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.” Did you see the command? In keeping with your income.
In one sentence tithing is proved not to be a command for the church today. Why? Because the command is telling us to give proportionately to our income, not just ten percent across the board. We must also understand that in the context of this verse when Paul says “collections” he means taking up a love offering for the persecuted Christians in Jerusalem.
Right there you have yet another principle that tells us that tithing is not for today. That the Have’s in the church are supposed to support the Have Not’s in the church, and sometimes this responsibility may require more than ten percent.
The Spirit of the Command
The summary of the biblical principles for the giving of our finances in a God honoring way is clear.
The Bible urges us to give more if we have to ability to. We are also to give to Christians who have a financial need (not to is actually sin; James 2:15). However, above all the main motivator for our giving ought to be love, which is the supreme command for the Christian. We give to the church out of a love for God and his word. By the same token, we give to our needy brothers and sisters because of our love for them.
Tithing is not the command, guiding your giving with love is the command, and it is far sweeter.
if we did not give the church would not exist it needs money to keep going a question should ministers get paid or preach the gospel free from money
Norman, the church does not need money to exist. It is the buildings and paid staff that need the money. If the church stopped getting money, it would continue to exist, but just in a different form. Remember, church is not a building, a place, or an event. It is the people of God who follow Jesus into the world.