A lot of people today struggle with their personal identity, and who they should be. We are bombarded from media, coworkers, family, and friends,
with ideas about who we should be, how we should dress, what we should look like, where we should go, and how we should act.
It all gets pretty confusing and tiring, and so I was thrilled to receive a copy of Dan Pedersen‘s little book, Living With Confidence: From Fear To Love. In this book, he writes about how to gain confidence, where it comes from, and how it looks.
He begins with a chapter on Trust, that He alone knows who we are to be, and from there moves into a chapter which actually talks about who we are. One essential element to gaining confidence is having an eternal perspective, which helps us set priorities and know what is important in life. This is the subject of chapter 3, and I was pleased to see an emphasis in this chapter on the practice of love. The book goes on from there to other keys to learning about how to live with confidence.
Ultimately, confidence is not in ourselves or in our own abilities, but in God and who we are in Jesus Christ. He makes a good case in showing that the starting point is in knowing we are loved.
In a stressed-out and worry-ridden world, people crave rest, peace, and safety. Dan Pedersen’s book, Living With Confidence shows us how. Through personal experience and biblical insights, Dan shows us how to trust God, focus our lives, and find rest.
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