Here is a humorous video I saw this week.
This video is partly funny because it’s true. There are some house churches out there that want to be “the best” and “most popular” house church in town, and take offense if anybody leaves their house church to attend another house church in town. These are all values of the mega church.
Also, some house churches are little more than “Mega church” in miniature. They set up chairs in rows in a living room, there are pulpits and hymnals, someone gets up to preach. They send the children upstairs to a bedroom for Sunday school, etc.
I don’t exactly have a “problem” with all of this IF people understand what they are doing and why they are doing it. But if these things are done simply and only because “This is how to do church” then some thinking needs to be done.
As followers of Jesus, we need to carefully think through every aspect of what we do and ask “Why?” This will help us learn to better follow Jesus into the world.
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