I am nearing the end of my chapter on Preaching from the book I am writing: Close Your Church for Good. I think it will conclude Wednesday.
So I want to ask you which blog series you would like to see me continue next? Here is your chance to let me know what you want to hear about next.
I have three I am currently rotating through.
Close Your Church for Good
First, I could continue on to the next chapter in Close Your Church for Good., in which I will challenge the use of Doctrinal Statements. Does your church have a Doctrinal Statement? Why? Have you ever thought about discarding it? Maybe you should.
Blogging Through Seminary
Second, we could return to my series in which I blog through my Seminary Notes. The next section I would look at is Theology Proper, which is the study of God. I am actually quite nervous about this, because part of this series requires me to challenge and question what I have been taught. I am not sure I am ready (or courageous enough) to ask the hard questions about what I was taught about God. It almost feels like I would be questioning God Himself!
Commentary on Luke
Third, I could return to my Commentary on Luke. The next section we would look at is Luke 6:12-16, where Jesus selects His twelve apostles. We would look briefly at the various apostles, and also discuss why Jesus chose these twelve, and what we can learn about discipleship today.
If you are sick and tired of all three of these series, you can always suggest something else, such as whether or not there is life on mars, or how Mickey Mouse influenced the career of Donald Duck. Just let me know!
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#1 – “Close Your Church…”
#2 – “Commentary on Luke”
#3 – Seminary Notes
“Doctrinal Statements” from Close Your Church for Good is leading the pack right now!