Below are the opening few paragraphs in a book I am writing called Close Your Church for Good. More is on the way. Feel free to comment and provide suggestions (even spelling and grammar corrections) as I go.
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Imagine that a Satanic Church exists in your town. Though they have never done anything overtly Satanic that you are aware of, certain members of the surrounding community are uncomfortable with such a church existing, and want it shut down.
The church members argue that they have the right to exist just as much as any church, and have embarked on a community relations campaign to improve their public image. They change their name to “The Church of the One World Hope.” Their services begin to copy those of a typical Christian church. They meet on Sunday mornings. They sing songs. They listen to an encouraging sermon by one of their leaders. They even start “outreach” programs for the community. They host an after school program for children and volunteer down at the homeless shelter. Some of their members serve on school boards and another gets elected to the city council.
Slowly, the voices of protest fade away, and over time, people forget that the church had Satanic origins. The church is accepted among the other various religious groups in the community, and allowed to coexist with them. For a while, the church actually becomes the most prominent church in the community. It has the largest building, the most people, and the biggest budget. It gains power, prominence, and authority. Nothing, it seems, can slow its growth.
How would you respond to such a church? What would you think about its continued existence? Would you hope and pray for such a church to close?
As part of this project, I will often comment on my own post, to let you know what I was thinking when I wrote, and maybe also ask for specific input. Think of it like the “Director’s Commentary” on a DVD movie… only without all the cool movie stuff…
Anyway, regarding this section…
I have never been good at Introductions. I know they are supposed to “grab” the readers (or listeners with sermons), but sometimes I just end up offending them. This intro, I fear, may be of the “offensive” type. You’ll understand more in my next segment, but for now, do you think it’s a good idea or a bad idea to start a book about the church by talking about a Satanic Church?
When I originally wrote this, I had several paragraphs of elaboration about the sorts of things this church did and said. I ended up cutting all this out and summarizing it with the second sentence of the first paragraph: “Though they have never done…”
They say that the key to description is in the details, but I think that all too often, the big picture gets lots in the details. That’s why I cut it out. I didn’t want to dwell on what the things a Satanic church might say and do. I just wanted to point out that, from an outsider’s perspective, this particular church looked and acted a lot like any Christian church. Did that point come through?
Yes, that was the point you made. But this page , and the name One World Hope Church reminds me of the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic, and I’ve thought a lot about it. The history and where it is today. I find the Catholic Church a conundrum.
Hi Jeremy, I just started following your posts after a friend of mine, the author of Will This Rock In Rio?, pointed me to your post about reading John with a guy outside your office one day. Anyway, I like the way you think and write.
I like the somewhat jarring effect of the Satanic church intro. Like you, I’ve thought of writing books and articles. Most are in my journal written entirely for my own benefit. One title I’ve considered is: If Jesus Were Alive Today, Would He Drink Beer? That would probably offend at least 50% of the people in my church.
I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to get at since I haven’t read on in the story, but I wonder if part of the idea you are getting at is what Paul noticed in Athens (Acts 17). When he spoke at the Areopagus, the first statement out of his mouth was, “I notice you are very religious. You even have an alter TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.” I think a major problem is evident in the fact that we’d (Christians) get really upset about you talking about Satan worship but don’t bat an eye at many of the institutions in culture that worship AN UNKNOWN GOD.
Jeremy, just a thought, there are a number of churches in my area that don’t have the title, “Church of Satan”, and never have had that name. But they teach a false gospel, don’t believe the Bible at least most of the Bible. Some of them are “mainline” my reaction is more to pray for the leaders that God would change their hearts etc.
So I’m not sure what else I would want to do. Most likely I would want to pray for them as well that God would break through and show them the Way, the Truth, The Life.
That sounds like a great book/aricle idea! You should write something about it. You say your journal is for your own benefit. That is one of the best ways to write. To be honest, I am not exactly sure where this current book project will end up. I have two competing “values” at work in my world view, and this book is an attempt to flesh one of them out to see if it can logically fit with the other value.
Anyway, have you thought of starting a blog? They are fun, and help you develop your voice and experience as a writer.
Those are good ideas. But it is not exactly where I am going. I will make a new post in the next day or two which should reveal more. Keep reading!
“‘Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.” (Revelation 3:9, NASB95)
Jeremy looks like you are on the right track with this. Keep it up brother.