I have published nine books and have contributed to several others. My most recent book, however, is written to help YOU get published.
I have learned quite a bit over the years about the process of publishing my own books, and very early on, I created a little guide to help me remember the steps to preparing my manuscript, editing it for publication, and submitting it to the various websites on which I sell my books. This little guide has helped me get published.
As of last July, that little publishing guide of mine was 8 pages long.
But it was cryptic, messy, disorganized, and not very clear.
So last August, I decided to rearrange the guide to make it more useful. As I began to do this, I thought, “You know what? I bet author new and aspiring authors would like to have some of this information. As long as I am organizing it for myself, I might as well do a little bit of extra work and make a little book out of it. Why shouldn’t I help other authors get published?”
Five months later I sent a 184-page book to the printers.
Yes, my little 8-page guide turned into 184 pages of detailed instructions, screen shots, publishing tips, and suggestions for helping you get published, get your book into print, and ultimately, get it into people’s hands.
And guess what?
Though this book is already available on Amazon (Go ahead on over there to get a sneak peak inside the book)….I will soon be sending out a FREE PDF copy via email… but ONLY to those who have subscribed to my email newsletter!
So do me one of two favors:
1. If you haven’t subscribed and want to get published:
If you have not yet subscribed to my email newsletter and want to get published in 2014, then…. subscribe already! Here’s the form:
And just for subscribing, you will immediately get a free copy of Skeleton Church, one of my most popular eBooks!
2. If you have already subscribed and appreciate my free eBooks:
If you have already subscribed and appreciate getting my free eBooks, please invite others on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ to subscribe by using the sharing buttons below. This is especially true if you know anyone who wants to get published. Thanks!
Thanks Jeremy,
As someone who has learned the hard way and paid a lot of school fees as it were, I certainly appreciate what you’re doing. Will share with you and followers some some input – but only after clearing with you. Many blessings on your “controversial” approach to seeking truth rather than popular recognition.
Of course, feel free to share away. But keep the comments relatively short, if possible. If you want to write something longer, consider submitting a guest post. https://redeeminggod.com/get-your-blog-post-read-by-1000-people/
I feel you are one if the most inspiring young authors. Thanks for sending out free publications. I believe this is a sign of a fellow worker in our mission field of demonstrating the Kingdom.
Wow. Thank you Cathy for the words of encouragement. I do believe that generosity is a central principle of living within the Kingdom of God.
You are welcome! I went through your reading lists and you are well mentored! That’s why I agree with what you write, am inspired and mentored. Keep up the great mission God has given you! Blessings!
I like thinking of books as mentors. It is sometimes hard to argue with them, but they can still teach! Any good books you have read which I need to read?