Scripture says that as believers in Christ, He lives in us, and we in Him. This should be a radical, life-transforming infusion of divine power into our lives, but all too often, it seems like nothing changes.
I think that sometimes, this is because we have handcuffed Jesus. We are holding Him back from all that He wants to do in and through us. There are things I know Jesus wants to do in my own life, but I am too comfortable where I am at now, or too scared to move.
Sometimes I imagine myself as being the physically challenged younger brother of Jesus, holding Him back from having the real fun. Or maybe it’s like the movie Alien where Jesus wants to break out of me, and I’m trying to do everything I can to stop Him.
Okay, that’s a bad analogy, but you get the idea.
I think Jesus wants to lead us to so many places we are not ready to go. To the sick, to the poor, to the lonely and depressed. I think Jesus wants to do so many things in us and through us, but we are too busy watching “The Office,” checking Twitter, or writing blog posts.
When Jesus sent out His disciples, He told them that they had the power to bind the forces of evil on earth. I sometimes wonder if we got it backwards, and we spend a lot of our time binding Jesus. If so, what can we do to let Him loose upon the world? Do we really need to cancel our Twitter account? Do we really need to stop blogging? How can we find balance?
I am not suggesting you should do what I do, but here are four areas I am moving toward:
- I have eliminated almost all television watching and video games. It’s not because these bad or evil. I just don’t have time for them.
- I have a Twitter and Facebook account, and you can feel free to follow me or friend me, but I limit myself to no more than 10 minutes per day on each.
- I try to fuse work, family, and ministry together as much as possible. In other words, both family and work are major areas of “ministry” for me. I never go serve in the community by myself. Right now, I choose only to volunteer in those areas where my family can join me.
- Writing is a big area of “ministry” for me right now. It is something I really enjoy. In the weeks and months ahead, my writing on this blog (and my other two blogs – and, will evolve. I am going to become more focused on producing quality content and hopefully a few books.
So those are a few things I am doing to let Jesus loose in my own life. How about you? What are you doing to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus in the world? What areas might you need to give up in order to set Jesus free in your life?
Bill Myers says
In reply to your comment: “too often it seems like nothing happens” referring to a person’s life not changing after they receive Jesus into their life.
Could it be that far too many people’s belief in Jesus is based on what Jesus can give them rather than on repentance and the kingdom of God? The illustration of this is found in John’s gospel chapter 6, feeding of the 5,000. The response of the crowd after Jesus had performed this miracle in John 6:14 was “This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world.” One might think many of the crowd embraced Jesus as the Messiah with that kind of a comment. I wouldn’t be too quick to draw that conclusion because in 6:26 Jesus makes this statement about the crowd “Most assuredly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.”
I take that to mean that the crowd was following Jesus because they liked the meal Jesus served them, but they really were not interested in repentance and the matters related to the kingdom of God. If they had been concerned about forsaking sin in their life and following Jesus, they wouldn’t have started to leave Jesus as we’re told toward the end of this chapter. 6:66 “From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.”
How does change happen in a believer’s life after they receive Jesus as savior? I think we mislead new Christians by somehow leading them to believe that it’s an automatic process. Far from it. Paul wrote in Romans 6:11 “Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord”.
My understanding that transformation in a believer’s life happens when they allow the Word of God to impact they decisions they make and then as the Holy Spirit empowers the believer makes righteous choices for Jesus.”
Ravi Zacharias has written a book “Has Christianity failed you?”. I’ve just started reading it. My initial understanding of Ravi writing about why people think Christianity has failed them (or one could say Jesus has failed them – essentially the same thing) is that Christianity or Jesus has failed to keep feeding them the loaves and the fishes when Jesus is leading them to serve Him on some path that might involve suffering or disappointment.
When John Payton lost his wife and new baby on the mission field, did Jesus fail him then. I don’t think so. Payton had a correct understanding of what it meant to be a disciple of Jesus.
When a Christian couple bails out of their marriage covenant, has Christianity(Jesus) failed them? I don’t think so.
I could go on but I better close so my comment doesn’t turn into an ebook.
Do we want Jesus for the meals he feeds us with or do we just want Jesus and are willing to follow Him where and how His Word leads?
Jeremy Myers says
Hey Dad! Great comment. This might be your first comment! Thanks!
I agree with you. The lack of life change in the lives of many people is simply because they are not applying the words of Jesus seriously in their lives Change is definitely not automatic, as you say. I bet you are getting some of this as you preach through John. Is that series still ongoing?
That book by Ravi sounds good. I didn’t know he had a new one out. Reading him is like trying to drink from a fire hose.
Thanks for the great comment! Say hi to mom.
Bill Myers says
You read me like a book.
Yes, got this from my teaching through the gospel of John. The people who were part of the 5,000 wanted to make Jesus King so that he could “feed them everyday”.
Next Sunday we get into Jesus declaration to be the bread of life. Interesting how the people weren’t even satisfied with Jesus miracle on the mountain. They bring up Moses and challenge Jesus to do better than Moses did. ie .. You fed us for only one day, Moses fed 1,000’s for many many days. All about wanting Jesus to fed them not anything about repentance and the kingdom of God. I wonder about the character of belief in believers. Do they want to be fed or do they want to serve?
Is preaching allowed in your comments?
Jeremy Myers says
Preach away! Anything goes online. Ha ha.
Bill Myers says
Ok.. one more comment today. Really like Ravi’s book:
To quote him page 25
“The implication in our disenchantment with Christianity is that God is not who we thought he was or who we thought he ought to be. He doesn’t do things the way we think he should or thought he would. God has not lived up to our expectations.
Our minds seek answers that will satisfy us and make us comfortable.
Why when I have been wronged, do I expect everyone to accept my side of the issue. In short, we establish an “ought” from what “is” and consider those who do not agree with us to be wrong. Are we not supposing that it would be a better world if we were treated according to how we feel or think we merit?”
end quote.
Jeremy Myers says
Great quote for people to hear. Of course, sometimes our view of God truly is wrong, and the disenchantment is from God to get us to change our view of Him.
FedExMOP says
Welcome, I won’t object to preaching, although it is not my blog. But Jeremy is pretty understanding.
I am sure the “apple did not fall too far from the tree” as the case may be. I am still in the process of rebuilding a relationship with my own father that was damaged mostly through a church split. One thing that I have discovered though is that my father and I are more alike than either of us would ever admit. It is good to see you interacting here. Your son is doing some really great
Men of Praise Motorcycle Ministry
Melanie says
I just started writing another blog myself. This one though is more religion based whereas my other was random ramblings from me.
Just yesterday in church the Pastor was talking about the Lord wanting to take us places and how we need to be ready to go. God knows when it’s time and when he says it’s time, get moving. I’m working on that.
Jeremy Myers says
Congrats on starting another blog. I will come check it out and see which directions God is taking you.
Will Rochow says
Hello Jeremy,
Thank you for that. I see by your list of four areas that you’re moving forward in that we think quite a bit alike. I also have all but completely given up on TV. In the wake of the recent death of David Wilkerson, I picked up his classic “The Cross and the Switchblade” again. In that book he asked a question that struck me interesting pertaining to his personal decision to give up TV. He wondered: “What would happen if I spent two hours every single night in prayer?”
The point is, I think, that we all have plenty of time for those things that are most important to us. For example, if hockey is important to you, then you will have no problem finding three hours to sit there watching a game. Likewise, if your walk with Jesus is truly most important to you, then you will find the time to cultivate that relationship.
Please understand that I am in no way judging those who think differently. But for me, well, that’s the way I see it.
Jeremy Myers says
Yes, life is all about the decisions we face. I was saddened to hear of the death of David Wilkerson as well. And I am like you somewhat. I just don’t have time for TV anymore. I’m sure there might be some great things to watch, but I just can’t fit it in.