I just received the cover for my new book. I’m very excited.
Here it is:
Design credits go to Taylor Myers.
Liberating you from bad ideas about God
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I just received the cover for my new book. I’m very excited.
Here it is:
Design credits go to Taylor Myers.
Get FREE articles and audio teachings every week in my discipleship emails!
Looks like it’s going to be a good read I’m excited to be able to read this book I just recently read your book atonement of God and loved it I’ve also listen to your teachings on Genesis love that very much especially episode 43 when you talk about the voice of God in the garden that was so wonderful. I’ve always thought there was so much missing from the traditional teaching of the Bible. But I find myself at odds with other believers who hold too traditional teaching it’s like driving your car on the wrong side of the road when you try to go against traditional teaching in England driving on the left side of the road it’s normal but try doing it here in the USA if you get where I’m coming from. So I guess I’ll have to be content with driving a car that has the steering wheel on the wrong side. This way I can navigate through traditional beliefs of other believers. Most Believers never take the time to study the word. I’m asking the Lord to send those to me who have ears to hear.
I can’t wait! Very excited to read this book. I also loved your book The Atonment of God. May the Lord continue to bless you Jeremy with such profound insights.