We Christians have our own language. Some call it Christianese. Others call it just plain creepy.
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These make me wince…
Jeremy, you can switch “Fellowship” with basically any verb describing you and your friends.
Me and my buddies Fellowship (watch football) every Sunday evening.
I went and Fellowshipped (ate a meal) with my pal.
This will give you instant street-cred with the entire Christian community, and you’ll sound more spiritual too… (Vomit!)
I’d say the artwork in these is creepy. But you make a good point. How can we ‘witness’ to others if they can’t understand what we are saying. I suspect some use Christianese because it makes them feel special, somehow better than others. This is a case of simple arrogance.
Yeah, the artwork is probably more creepy than the lingo itself… Ha!
I am “delivered” from speaking like this … lol Yes I spoke in this language once but realized how much of a turn off it was after a long period of not using it!
You’ve been saved from Christian lingo! ๐
Ouch! I felt my flesh burning with that rebuke! Christian lingo is so deep in me even after reading the cartoon I still had the idea of flesh burning and rebuke. May Jesus deliver us all from the Christian lingo that is confusing to most normal people.
Yeah, crazy isn’t it? So many of these phrases have an emetic effect on me ๐
However, I’ll still go with ‘minister’ and ‘anointing’ because to me these are still real, and I use them in real situations with real people, real anointing and real ministry.
Now, you can all go be sick if you like ๐
Instead of saying “My life really stinks these days”, you say “I’m going through a season of trials”.