You know what I hate? Opening up my Google Reader and seeing that I have 483 blog posts to read. I just can’t keep up with everybody, let alone get over to your fantastic post to make comments, or follow up on the comment I left there last week.
I think I am going to have to seriously pare down my blog reading list.
So how many blogs do you read, and how much time do you spend blogging per day, including reading and commenting on other blogs? While you’re at it, include Twitter and Facebook interaction.
I actually tend to use Google Reader a lot less nowadays, because like you’re saying it became overwhelming – I would have it under control, and then come back after a few days and have hundreds of things to read!
So I mainly follow links on twitter now (and facebook to a lesser extent), following people who are good sources of the things I’m interested in, and trusting that the good quality articles will float to the top… When I want more things to read I turn to Google Reader, but normally end up just picking up on the few blogs I’m really interested in. Maybe if I cut it down to just 10 or 20 I would be more motivated to use it more…
As I saw last night, you do use Twitter a lot. Thanks for all the retweets. My problem is that I am most often in a Twitter black hole. I don’t have a cell phone, and the computer I use most of the time has some sort of software on it that blocks Twitter and Facebook. Not sure why. I got some good Google Reader tips from Alan Knox this morning. I will see if that makes a difference.
Believe it or not, I subscribe to almost 200 blogs. I don’t know how long I can keep this up, but for the time being I learn a lot. Most of the blogs are focused on biblical studies.
I don’t use Twitter because I don’t want followers.
I blog so as to create more followers for Jesus Christ…but not church.
I only have 146 in my list. But for some reason, several of those make 5 posts or day or more, and so I get about 400 posts a day coming through. I’m with you. I don’t know how long I can keep it up, but meanwhile, I’m learning a lot.
Yikes. I follow close to 100 blogs, and spend 1-3 hours a day reading and commenting, and actually writing my own posts.
1-3 hours per day. That’s probably where I am too. I need to streamline my process though. I am not impressed with what I get done with that 1-3 hours. Any tips?
I subscribe to 76 blogs and yes, it is hard to keep up when so many are daily publishers. I had pared down to 12 at one point, but after launching my new blog project started “meeting” some awesome peeps w/ great content that I couldn’t pass up.
Between writing my own, reading and commenting it’s probably 2-3 hours a day, especially if you include Twitter & Facebook.
I took a tip from Michael Hyatt & John Saddington by trying not to multitask while I’m reading. I find that if I set aside pockets of time 15-30 minutes to power through reading and commenting on blogs w/ out texting, tweeting and checking email that the processes goes pretty fast.
Hope that helps. Happy Reading!!
I enjoyed reading your Tweets last night. I can see how that is addicting.
Lol.I need to find some more blogs,I only read 4 regurlarly one of them being yours as u can c.I’m a knowledge addict so I have no advice for u.hehehe
I am glad I am one of the four! Wow. You have no idea how that encourages me. Thanks Mandy.
400 incoming posts a day! Jeremy, you are a machine. I recently pared back to 44 subscriptions. A couple weeks ago I got completely caught up. Then I went away for work and now I’m behind again. Makes me glad for guys like James McGrath, who, although prolific, is usually short and sweet.
No, I really don’t read them all. That is just what I have in my Google Reader each day. I am a fast reader, and can “scan” most of them, but that is getting to be too much for me. I spoke with Alan Knox this morning, and he subscribes to something like 480 blogs, which must mean at least 500 posts a day. He said he primarily reads the titles and maybe the first few lines. If he likes it, he stars it to go back and read it more fully later.
I think I will start using this strategy.
Getting over to comment on blogs is getting difficult also, but I try to comment on at least 5 blogs a day.