This is a guest post by Sam Riviera. He spends most of his time and energy caring for others in his community so that through his life and actions they might see Jesus. He has also written “14 Reasons I Never Returned to the Institutional Church.“
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“This happened because God _________”. Fill in the blank. It’s tempting, isn’t it, to fill in the blank when something bad happens, whether it is something that affects one person or millions?
Presuming to appoint oneself as God’s spokesperson who presumes to know the mind of God is the ultimate presumption. Of course one can point to their knowledge of the Bible, quote some Bible verses, and attempt to establish their authority to speak for God. Add in their title of pastor, elder, deacon, head of a nationally known ministry or self-appointed lunatic and they think their credentials are unassailable.
Please! Give us all a break! We hear so many stupid, conflicting OPINIONS of what God is doing when a hurricane strikes, when a mentally ill person shoots school children or when someone’s spouse, parent or child dies that the only obvious conclusion is that most, if not all, of the people who are presuming to speak for God are themselves delusional.
Don’t Tell Me That!
Please! Don’t tell me why my dad died! Don’t tell me why my baby died! Don’t tell me that some whacked-out crazy person shot my friend’s little boy because God is punishing my country because Obama was re-elected, because abortion is legal, because gay marriage is legal in Connecticut, because church attendance is declining or because of whatever other reasons you and your political and religious cronies can imagine.
Who appointed you God’s mouthpiece? If God’s ways are beyond ours, how is it that you understand them? If God didn’t think it necessary to explain Himself to Job, prove to all of us just how it is that He decided to explain Himself to you.
If you are such great buddies with God, show me your love for Him by showing me your love for your neighbors. Then I’ll know you’re tight with God. You won’t need to spout Bible verses, ministry titles and the current positions of your church and political party.
Love God And Neighbor
Stop embarrassing yourself and those who are trying to love God and neighbor. It’s time to shut up and do something. Weep with those who weep. Hold us while we cry for our lost loved one. See that we have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. Be there for us when we feel lonely and abandoned.
Tomorrow find some really nasty oversized clothes in the dumpster behind the thrift shop. Put ‘em on and wear ‘em while you sit with the homeless downtown in the cold rain. Be sure to go during lunch time or when the downtown office workers are getting off work, so you won’t miss getting spit on and being told to ‘get off your lazy ass and get a job’.
Day after tomorrow fill your car with just a little of all the extra stuff you have in your house. Take it and give it to single mothers, people living in the streets or the homeless shelter. Don’t tell them your ministry title or the name of your church. If they ask, tell them you’re giving them a little something to show them that they’re not forgotten. You know they’re there. If it’s true, it’s o.k. to tell them you follow Jesus. Of course, they probably already knew that.
Bake some cookies. When they’re still warm take them to the neighbor you can’t stand and tell him you want to give him something to let him know you’re glad he’s your neighbor. Take another plate to the widow down the street. Stay awhile and listen as she tells you about her life.
Now I Hear You
Now I’m starting to hear what you’re saying. Now the people you’ve touched with your love, your kindness and with your hands and arms are hearing you. Now we know who you’re tight with. Now you’re talking the language we understand, the language of love. Be the hands, the arms, the feet of Jesus. We hear and understand that language.
Please! We don’t want to hear your opinions.
Don’t tell us why God decided the person we love should die. Don’t talk to us about your politics. Don’t tell us anything to try to get us to give you money. Just be here when we need someone, when we’re lonely and afraid.
If you can’t do that, please just SHUT UP!
Love this! Exactly how I feel!