According to the Bible, the spiritual forces arrayed against Christians are staggering. The pressures to sin that we face can sometimes seem overwhelming. These principalities and powers, these Satanic influences, these fallen angels and demons are ready to crush us, to overpower us, to try to get us to cave in to the pressure.
That is why we should never point the finger at somebody else and say, “They are so weak. How can they struggle with that? How could they have fallen to that temptation?”
F.B. Meyer once said that when we see a brother or sister in sin, we should not look down on them, because there are two things we do not know: First, we do not know how hard he or she tried not to sin. And second, we do not know the power of the forces and the spiritual pressure that assailed him or her.
I might add to that a third reason (which Jesus talks about in Luke 6). Condemning sin in others is often just a way of avoiding the sin in our own lives. So if we are always pointing out the sin of others, it may well be that we have our own secret sins we don’t want to deal with. So be careful about the sin you judge in others. It may just be your own reflection staring back at you.
Remember what you learned in Kindergarten: Whenever you point a finger at someone else, there are always three fingers pointing back at you.
very deep words, to combine karma with the rule of god, we shall not judge .