I learned from Alan Knox today that some new Greek manuscripts were recently discovered which shed light on how the early church practiced their Christianity.
New Testament scholars have been wishing for something like this for hundreds of years. According to Alan’s translation, here is some of what these manuscripts reveal:
There was also this alternative opening to Peter’s first letter: “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ and Bishop of Rome…”
Apparently, Paul wrote a third letter to Timothy which we have just now recovered. It begins like this: “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God to Timothy, my beloved son in the faith and senior pastor of the church in Ephesus.”
A previously unknown work of obvious apostolic origin detailed the necessary beliefs of all Christians in the categories of Scripture, God, Man, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Salvation, Church, and Eschatology.
Another codex collects several of Timothy’s sermons to the church in Ephesus and Titus’ sermons to the church in Crete. As an added bonus, a sheet was folded and stuffed into the back of this codex which gave detailed minutes of a church business meeting which included the ordination service of Titus’ successor as senior pastor of Crete after God called Titus to a larger church nearby.
Head on over to Alan’s blog to read the rest.
For real?
Happy April Fools Day!!
I wonder if they will reveal a million-talent building project.
My friend from the UK who is involved in this secret project e-mails that there is even a parchment that lists salaries and housing allowances for the entire church staff.
Wow. I can’t wait ’till this manuscript get published! It will change the whole way we do church!
Since I’m new here, do you have a post somewhere that tells your story, including the Jesus & church parts? What interests you? What do you like? What do you strongly dislike? Why NY? (job?)
Probably the closest you will get is on the About Page. My entire story is not posted anywhere.
Happy April Fool’ Day!
Hey Jeremy is this a april fool post or is it legitimate documents?
Mandy, Yes, this is an April Fool’s joke by Alan Knox.
Oh that sux,just like april’s fool day.