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The following is a reply to the article that appeared on the DefendChristmas.com website (original article is attached) …
It’s refreshing news that there are people still standing up for Jesus Christ and the true meaning of Christmas… It seems that DefendChristmas.com have forgotten… It would make a great editorial piece as we approach the bone of contention!
After reading the editor’s ‘OPINION’ and ‘CONJECTURE’ concerning our movement; The Say Merry Christmas Network, we felt compelled to offer our side of the story. Firstly, the inflammatory and sensationalist quote that our movement is taking a heavy hand, and that we are fanning the flames of (in your words…) ‘the fabled war on Christmas’ is grossly unfair and incorrect. The song that was written, produced and distribute outside of the Christmas Corporate Machine has a simple and inert suggestion; it innocently reminds everyone the real meaning behind our CHRISTmas HOLY-day.
Your editorial also includes another personal opinion from a spokesperson of the web portal: My Merry Christmas.com, who feels our efforts are militant and politically divisive? Have either one of you even listened to the song? I think this verse from the song elucidates…
If you don’t believe the reasons for my Christmas… then it’s sure ok with me,
Please don’t tell me what to say or what music I can play, After all my Christmas is my Special Day!
Our message is to unite Christians in support of their celebration and for their reason; to celebrate of the birth of Jesus Christ, not the commercial circus that has been built up and around the most important day in Christianity. We are fully aware that there are many non believers who still enjoy the Christmas festivities, but the Christian majority (an estimated 240 million people in the United States) are seeing their beliefs and freedoms gradually eroded by Politically Correct intrusions and assumptions. This is a passive demonstration that every Christian can join. Making this song, and it’s clear and precise message a commercial success is our goal, this seems to be the only way to affect change in contemporary consumer society. If it has no value… it has no value!
We would also like to correct another inaccuracy; there is a contact link on the ‘SayMerryChristmas.net’ site, there is no cloak of anonymity as implied in your editorial. Rather than making inaccurate conclusions based on a standard procedure in web-site ownership to the motive behind our efforts, perhaps if you truly are defending Christmas, you should look at the National Corporations and Media Outlets who base their whole profit predictions and financial stability on a HOLY-day that they go out of their way to hide and dilute. We feel this is unfair, and took it upon ourselves (without the backing of any sponsoring organization) to remind everyone the TRUE meaning of, and the reason for EVERYTHING Christmas. If you believe that your websites would be in existence without the commercialized exploitation of the birth of Jesus Christ? Or that the nativity is not the catalyst for everything that we all take for granted on and around every December 25th? The capitalization of Christmas lays nearer to your own door than of The Say Merry Christmas Network.
The mainstream media is content to profit from the CHRISTmas season: CHRISTmas movies, CHRISTmas TV specials, CHRISTmas themed advertising and promotion, but, in a recent survey mentioned any religious reason or content in under 2% of their CHRISTmas broadcasting… This speaks volumes to support our efforts. Our freedom of speech has already been ridiculed and distorted by several of these mainstream outlets (as expected), giving validation to our cause and efforts.
We dispute your claim that our method of communication is offensive, arrogant or divisive… and would like to remind you that if you are not part of the solution, your assumptions and opinionated statements make you part of the problem.
Merry Christmas! and if I’m allowed to write this? God Bless You.
Garry Grant
The Say Merry Christmas Network
(949) 413 6802
P.S. It is the individual’s right to celebrate or not celebrate Christmas based on their own beliefs, 240 million American Christians believe in the birth of Jesus Christ, we are simply providing a platform to express their belief by voting in numbers that cannot be disputed within the same commercial forum that contemporary success is judged.
SayMerryChristmas.Net Encourages Christians to ‘Walk Right Past That Door’
Nov 8th, 2011 by Editor
SayMerryChristmas.Net is fanning the flames of the fabled War on Christmas by promoting a new song via YouTube that encourages Christians to walk of out of stores that don’t greet people with the words “Merry Christmas”. Claiming credit for everything from Santa Claus to Christmas trees, the song warns “If you don’t see Merry Christmas in the window you walk right past that door”. The song takes a heavy hand promoting “Baby Jesus…as the one and only reason that we celebrate the season…”
“It is a shame that some feel compelled to fight back against the political battles involving Christmas by taking such a militant stand,” said Jeff Westover of My Merry Christmas.com, the world’s largest Christmas community online. “The message of Christmas upon the birth of Christ was peace on earth and good will to all men. This is hardly good will and I don’t think it is in the Spirit of Christ or Christmas to promote it like this. It divides people. The truth of the matter is that Christmas isn’t just sacred and it isn’t just secular. It is both. Movements like this one play on the emotions of people who get caught up in the disputes of Christmas in schools or court houses. They’re taking that fight into the marketplace and it is a marketplace reality that many people celebrate Christmas for other than religious reasons or they celebrate around the Christmas season but celebrate some other holiday. Merry Christmas is fine but so too is Happy Holidays. These guys are saying ‘Say Merry Christmas, or else!’. And that’s just wrong.”
The website saymerrychristmas.net does not indicate a sponsoring organization. The domain name is masked to prevent owneship from being revealed. “That’s really a concern,” Westover said. “To me, it looks like someone is just trying to capitalize on the emotions of those frustrated with the political debates of Christmas and they are making merchasdise of them by promoting a song and a slogan through the sales of CDs, bumper stickers, and t-shirts while hiding behind the anonymity of the Internet.”
DefendChristmas.com deplores such activity, whether it comes from the like of the American Family Association, who isn’t afraid to put their name behind their efforts to sell the “Say Merry Christmas” movement, or from an anonymous merchandiser like SayMerryChristmas.net. This is what makes some believe there is an actual war on Christmas. While there are some retailers or entities that do not use the term “Merry Christmas” in their advertising or business campaigns is that a reason to call them out? Does their lack of “Merry Christmas” or use of “Happy Holidays” indeed make them anti-Christmas?
DefendChristmas.com believes it is a big world with diverse views, even or especially when it comes to things like Christmas. If ever there was a topic that deserved tolerance and patience from all sides it is Christmas. The “fight” for Christmas belongs in the public discourse about those areas we share. We share the sentiment that the treatment of Christmas has grown to absurd levels in places like schools and court houses where a Christmas tree has to be called a holiday tree. But at the same time, this “Say Merry Christmas” assault on retailers is equally offensive, arrogant and divisive.
The American Christian Life United choir sing ‘Say Merry Christmas’,
they need the help of every believer, so please pass this message on!
Every Christmas the politically correct secularists and biased media dictate to us; the Christian majority about what we can say and do to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, it’s time to let them know we’ve had enough of their interference in our most personal beliefs. So, if you’re a Christian who believes in the true meaning of Christmas? Here’s your chance to do something about it and make your opinion count
Join the thousands of Christians who have already committed and contributed to make ‘Say Merry Christmas’ by the American Christian Life United Choir the biggest Christmas song of all time, every 99c can and will count as an authentic vote for Christmas. There are 240 million of us, and we need to make it clear to everyone we want to keep Christ in our HOLY-Day… CHRISTmas.
Pass this message on to your friends, congregation, Christian groups, associations and organizations, then ask them to do the same. We have already encountered opinionated media indifference, mockery and rejection, so viral communication is the only way we Christians can make this happen. Join in the fight to save the Christmas you believe in. For less than a cup of Coffee, you can make that difference and be involved in making history by making your and our voice heard this and every Christmas.
Want to do more? Download the single multiple times, or you can donate your time to our marketing efforts, more promotion creates more awareness. Go to http://www.saymerrychristmas.net to find out how you can help ‘The Say Merry Christmas Network’. You’ll also find more information and PDF downloads for free posters, handouts and flyers to help you pass on the message to your friends and neighbors… and don’t forget to play and ‘Say Merry Christmas’ whenever or wherever you are.
Download ‘Say Merry Christmas’ here:
Watch the ‘Say Merry Christmas’ YouTube Video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWrrvQ_3-40
Say, play, download, distribute to everyone who believes in Jesus Christ… Share this message and pass it on to all of your friends on blogs, forums, texts, Facebook, twitter & email.
While in general I think that it is ridiculous when stores and people refuse to say “Merry Christmas” I don’t think the answer is a boycott of those stores. I have never been fond of the whole boycott idea.
I don’t know how to send so here is my post:
I am 11 years old Amala Khan and would like to put this video as a guest post on your site. We are facing death. Please share this video on your Blog:
Amala Khan
Thanks,I will like to submit a guest post too.
What we have to remember is that without Jesus Christ there would be no Christmas. Although Christmas is very much commercialized these days, the true meaning still remains. It is just that a whole lot of people have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas and what it means to us.
Now while there’s nothing enharently wrong with the commercial side of the holiday, we have to remember that the true meaning of Christmas was to bring salvation to mankind due to his sin and rebellion against a very Holy God. For without the birth of Christ, there wouldn’t be any hope or salvation for mankind whatsoever. So Christmas isn’t Santa Clause, the tree or the presence, but it is the celebration of a savior for all mankind and that is perhaps the greatest gift of all gifts that we could ever receive on that day.
It is worth more than the most expensive gift that you could ever buy in any store, and it comes absolutely free to us, but it was paid for by not money, but by a life that was freely given in our place. That gift is the most expensive gift in the entire universe! Not all the money that has ever been created or will ever be created is enough to buy that gift because money can’t even touch it. A matter of fact, one could buy the entire universe and it still wouldn’t be enough to purchase the love that Christ had shown on the cross for us when he died.
Great opportunity, thanks. May God bless you.
Thank you. I would like to submit guest posts. God Bless You!
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Thank You
I respect everything that you have written in this blog. Please continue to provide wisdom to more people like me.
Subject Line: Inquiry about Christian Guest Posts
Hello, my name is Melrose and I wanted to ask if you are still accepting guest post submissions for your blog. I wanted to find an online community to share my testimony and reflections on my faithwalk and Christ. Big fan of your blog!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
I give God thanks for a fresh day every morning when I awaken…
God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.