Two million children are sold into slavery every year. 98% of these are young girls and women, and some of these girls are forced to have sex with men up to 50 times each day [Source].
Help me raise money to rescue some of these girls from the hell they are living in. Learn how below:
Cut my hair to rescue girls from slavery
A while back, someone yelled at me, “Get a haircut, you hippie!” (True story.)
I have decided to go ahead and do it.
I’ve been growing my hair out for several years now … and it is time to get it cut.
AND YOU can help me determine how much to cut off.
My hair is about 14 inches long.
For every $100 raised, I will cut off one inch of hair (up to 10 inches). If I reach $1000 for the 10 inches of hair, it will be donated to Locks of Love .
If more than $2500 is raised, I will get a buzz cut.
If more than $5000 is raised, I will shave my head. Clean. Bald. The goatee stays…
What will we do with the money? Every penny that is donated will be given to the International Justice Mission to aid them in their ongoing work to rescue young girls around the world from sex slavery.
Go visit my fundraising page at GoFundMe to donate! Thanks!
My haircut is scheduled for next Tuesday, February 17. That gives you ONE WEEK to determine how much hair I will cut off. Go here: Yes! I want Jeremy to cut his hair!
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I shaved my head and no one paid me anything. 🙂 I assume you were wearing bell-bottom pants, an unbuttoned flowery shirt and lots of love beads when you were called a hippie. Occasionally we see “old hippies” left over from the 60’s and 70’s, but didn’t the hippie culture pretty much die out?
I’d give the $5K right now (if I had it). Ever consider making rope ? 😉
10 Cents for a razor blade….lol
I suggested I cut my ponytail. My wife said, “NO”!
wow.. didn’t know your hair was that long.
At least no one will tell you that you look like Jesus – until your hair grows back.
Three days and only 10 Cents?