Every once in a while, I invite the readers of this blog to introduce themselves. It is how I get to know who you are, and also find other bloggers to read and interact with.
So who are you? What are your interests? Are you a pastor, missionary, seminarian, professor? Are you a parent? Grandparent? College kid? What country do you live in? Do you have a blog? If so, what sorts of things do you blog about?
Also, just so you know, I have turned off the “nofollow” code in this blog so that all blog comments get indexed by search engines and web crawlers. So feel free any time you make a comment to include your blog or web address. It may lead to more traffic for your site.
Hi Jeremy,
Just wanted to let you know that I’m still out here receiving your e-mails from your blog… “Till He Comes.” For those who don’t know me, I just consider myself a friend of Jeremy’s from a few years ago. He was very helpful in answering biblical questions that I had, and I thank God for him and his family.
Also very appreciative of your on-line commentary. I haven’t had the opportunity to read all that has come in, but I’ve got it all saved for future study.
My blog is just for fun. Probably no one (very few) read it, but it’s a way that I can put down my thoughts on the Bible. When I write out things I’m thinking through, it helps me understand better what I’m learning. Sticks with me better.
Keep writing and studying God’s Word. That’s the place that I find joy above everything else. Thank you for your contribution.
In Jesus’ love,
Hi, Jeremy,
I’m a nurse serving in Kuwait (for a few more months, at least) and I consider myself a seeker. One of the resolutions I made was to deepen my faith by reading through the Bible and searching out explanations of scripture to better understand and apply God’s word.
I found your blog through several related links on Amazon reviews.
I have a blog but it’s for puzzling out the leadership problems I experience in daily life on the ward or in the clinic. I hope that my faith bleeds through into my interactions with others.
Mary k
Thanks for your friendship of many years now. I am glad you started a blog. I like your current post on the Gospel, and have added you to my Google blog reader.
Do you have a blogroll? I would love to do a link exchange with you.
I checked out your blog. It looks like you have your challenges. Thanks for serving!
How is the Bible reading going? Are you reading through it in a year, or what is your plan?
Also, what is “an expert obstacle remover”? Depending on where the obstacles are…it sounds like a messy job!
I’m a web developer and PhD student in biblical theology. I’ve been married for 23 years and I have two children. I am one of 5 people recognized as elders by the believers that we meet with. We call ourselves Messiah Baptist Church, but we’re not too attached to that label or any other – except for the label “child of God.”
I live in the state of North Carolina in the United States, but I was born in Alabama, and lived in Georgia for a few years.
I have a blog called “The Assembling of the Church.” I’ve been blogging there for almost 5 years. The blog began as an outlet for my PhD studies. I continue to primarily discuss issues related to ecclesiology – the study of the church.
Thanks for the opportunity to introduce myself. 🙂
I just discovered your blog about 1 week ago by until all have heard blog and Alan Knox blog.
very interesting articles I should say. I suscribed.
My first language is french as you may have noticed. I live in Quebec province (Canada), mostly a french-speaker population, and catholic background.
Converted from catholiscism to evangelicalism, our family left evangelicals mainstream churches also to gather in houses.
I have a blog: Christ en vous, l’espérance de la gloire (Christ in you, the hope of glory – Colossians 1:27). I started it as our 2-3 families gathering together as church outsides all “official churches” we were struggling to rediscover again what was God’s intention and purpose with the church.
I have been deeply influenced by the reading of Bonhoeffer’s “Discipleship”, especially when he talks about the incarnation of the church in the world. “Houses that change the world”, by Wolfgang Simson, and Frank Viola’s “Pagan Christianity” and “Reimagining Church” also greatly influenced my blog.
Thanks for the intro. I highly recommend your blog to all my readers, and have included it already on my blogroll.
As a web developer, any tips/ideas for increasing blog traffic?
Hello, brother. After pastoring a small church in Hemet, CA, for six years and teaching at another seminary for five, these days I’m a youth worker for a church here in CO, an assistant professor at Rocky Mountain Bible College & Seminary, and a bus driver (the last pays for the other two.) In my copious free time, I’m involved in launching an offbeat mission effort with one foot here in CO and the other (in due time) in Southeast Asia.
My interests (and blogging habits) trend toward the practical aspects of a much more embodied anthropology than is generally acceptable, a hermeneutic that takes its cue from the biblical authors themselves, and the continuing reformation of evangelical ecclesiology. On that last, I often seem to find myself identifying the same problems you do, and on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to solutions — but close enough to hold hands across the fence anyway.
Hi there Jeremy.
I’m Mandy,from beautiful South Africa.
Really enjoy u’r blogg.Your thoughts and opinions challenges and informs me.
I’m on a journey.I have been a follower for a very long time and i have more questions than answers.
Keep up the creativity.
The best way to increase blog traffic is to write new content regularly and comment on and link to posts on other people’s blogs.
That’s what I figured…as I have been watching and reading your blog. But I was hoping for any “secret” magic skills you might know. Ha ha!
Thanks for the intro. I am a follower also, and coming with lots of questions is the best way to follow. If you think you have all the answers, not much following will take place. Keep thinking!
I didn’t know you had moved to CO. I’m traveling to Denver this week. Let’s meet!
I wish I could read French so I could read your blog! I’m glad you are translating some of those great books into French. You are asking some great questions about the church and the gospel.
I just discovered your blog about 1-2 weeks ago, by your comments on Alan Knox’s blog
As you may have noticed, my first language is French.
I live in Canada, in Quebec province, mostly a french-speaking province (85-90%). Most people here are catholic by tradition. Maybe 1 % of french-speaking people are protestant/evangelicals…
I have a blog since july 2009. It was something I started to try to find “others” out there, as well as a part of our journey as a church, leaving the “institutionnal” church. (We converted from catholicism to evangelicalism, and then left the institutionnal churches about 10 years ago).
I have been deeply influenced by Bonhoeffer “Discipleship”, especially when he talks about the church that ought to incarnate and bear the cross in the world. Frank Viola “Reimagining Church” and “Pagan Christianity”, as well as Wolfgang Simson “Houses that change the world” also very much influenced me. I’m very much interested in discovering what is the church ?, what is its role in this world?, how to spread the gospel in this post-christian world?, what is in fact the gospel itself?, what are we called to do?
I do a “secular” work, and write on my blog when I have some time. I translate articles as well which I put on my blog. You can find some on my blog written by Jon Zens, Frank Viola, David D. Flowers, and also a book from Keith Giles (The Gospel, for here or to Go ?).
Hey Jeremy,
Stumbled across your blog on Technocrati looking for kindred spirits in Cyberland USA. All of your posts look great and I’ve bookmarked you to come back often.
Our site is http://www.stickyJesus.com. We’re all about equipping believers to echo the heart and words of Christ in their online social networks. Our book: @stickyJesus: how to live out your faith online just released on Amazon.com. We’ll be interacting with you on Twitter and coming back for refreshment. Until then, there are fields to harvest. I know we’ll see you there.
Peace brother. Keep being a LIGHT online for Christ!
I’m not sure how, but I just found your book somewhere online earlier this week… I remember thinking it looked interesting. I have added your blog to my Google Reader account, and look forward to reading what you have to say.
Thanks for commenting!