Has it ever occurred to you that Satan is probably one of the greatest Bible scholars in the universe? He probably has the Bible memorized and knows all the various views on every passage of the Bible. He probably has learned all the best arguments for every theological position that exists–both orthodox and heretical. He probably invented some of the heretical ones…
Which means, of course, that the devil is an expert with the Word of God. Of course, he uses it wrongly–to glorify himself and tempt us to sin. This is what he did with Jesus in the wilderness. In Luke 4:1-13, Jesus defeated the first two temptations of the devil by quoting Scripture. So for the third temptation, the devil seems to say, “Oh yeah? Two can play that game!” and he quotes Scripture back at Jesus. Satan is a deceiver and one of his favorite ways of deceiving Christians is with Scripture. He twists it, distorts it, and perverts it, and for the unwary, his explanations and ideas sound very convincing.
So don’t trust someone just because they can quote Scripture. Don’t trust someone just because they use Scripture persuasively. And I’m saying that about myself also. Don’t trust me. I’m sure I’m wrong in my theology somewhere.
How can you learn the truth? Study Scripture and listen to others who have also studied Scripture. Weigh what you hear with what others have said and with what you yourself have learned. Pray. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I firmly believe that as we do this, as we humbly seek God, asking Him for wisdom, He will guide us into all truth.
Great thoughts Jeremy. We tend to think that the more passages we can put in parentheses behind a theological arguments the more correct it is.
i hope you and your family are doing well. every time i meet someone from montana, see pictures, or hear about it on the news, i think of you guys. what a sacrifice it was to move to dallas. montana is slowly moving to the top of our ‘must visit before we die’ list. i told jenn when i make my first million, i will buy a cabin there.
Good to hear from you. I wonder about you guys all the time. How’s the new job going? Any kiddos yet? Send an email or message through Facebook if it’s easier…