This is a Guest Post by Mick Holt. He has been writing for more than twenty years. His blog “Pick a Direction and Go!” was started as an outlet to explore his ideas about God and faith. He is starting a new blog that will be dedicated to Christian hard rock and heavy metal called “The Stone and The Cross.” You can also connect with him on Google+.
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There are many things that God promises His children.
What God never promises, however, is tomorrow.
He never guarantees, any of us, that we’ll wake for another day. He does not hint that we’ll ever see another sunrise. “Annie” sang about her love for “Tomorrow” but God’s word does not say that we will get one.
And yet, don’t we all treat our lives as though we have, at the very least, one more coming?
Ah, the power of the “Father of Lies.”
No Promise of Tomorrow
There is an inherent danger in buying into this particularly effective lie; you may not have a tomorrow.
It is possible you will not have the rest of today!
Now, I say all this to scare you.
No, you read that correctly. I mean to scare you. I want you to start thinking of your life as an hour glass that was turned over 45 minutes ago, as a baseball game going into the home half of the ninth inning (better, the tenth). Your time on earth is running out and God wants you to make the most of it.
Paul said it best in 1 Thessalonians 5:2 – “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” He is telling us that we will not know when the end is coming. It will be a surprise. It will happen when we least expect.
So what does that mean for me and you?
There is Much to Do!
There is much to do and little time – likely less than you think.
First, stop believing the lie.
Right now.
There are few things that Satan would like more than for you to waste more of the precious time you have remaining. Jesus could return any moment and He told us that His people are ready to be harvested. In John’s Gospel he says to his disciples, “…I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest (John 4:35).”
Second, you must look at the relationships in your life and make sure they are where they should be.
The relationship you have with God. The relationship you have with your spouse, your children, your friends and the lady across the street.
If any of them is not where it should be, go and fix it immediately. Do you need to forgive someone? Do you need to ask to be forgiven?
Whatever it is, it cannot wait.
Please, do not waste another minute – you may not have that many.
Great advice! Thnku