This page will eventually have links to sermons and studies on the Book of Romans. Right now, it only contains links to Bible and Theology questions that relate to the book of Romans. Though not a full-fledged study of the Book of Romans, I hope you will still find these studies helpful.
Romans 5
- Romans 5:13 – Sin is not imputed where there is no law
In your readings on the book of romans, have you run across this description of the method Paul used? It seems interesting to consider.
What is meant by born-again?
What is the exact meaning of salvation?
What exactly is needed for the path to heaven?
What is faith?
Hello Angaiha , according to the Word of God to be born again means to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you become a child of God in the Kingdom of God .When you do this you are saved .The Word of God says you cannot see the Kingdom of God unless you are born again (John3).At one time Peter was telling the Jews to repent , believe in the name of Jesus , be baptized and be saved .This is the pathway to salvation , you have to believe in the name of Jesus the Son of God .You do it by believing in your heart that Jesus is the son of God and confessing it with your mouth (romans 10)
Now faith is confidence in God and his word , what he said he will do .The good thing about faith it never fails .Hope this helps .