I appreciate all the comments and interaction I have been getting recently on my posts, and wanted to share some love in return with those of you who are commenting, and some of the other blogs I read around the internet.
Share the love and go check some of these out:
Websites of Recent Blog Commenters
- Anthony Ehrhardt – Great posts on theology, politics, and current events.
- Sam – Looking for Jesus – Some of the best posts I have ever read on loving our neighbors like Jesus.
- Rich Langton – He blogs about life, faith, doubt, and following Jesus. Check him out!
- Loren Philips – Great posts on time management, such as using twitter wisely, and redeeming your commute time.
- Brian Swan – aka Swanny – Edgy, insightful commentary on leaving “church” behind to be the church.
- Bible Characters – a Squidoo lens on Bible Characters
- FedExMop – Posts about Developing Community and Mission through a Motorcycle Ministry
- Elias Toscano – Make sure you “Friend” him on Facebook
Other Blogs I Enjoyed This Week
- David Spell – Exploring Grace – He’s been doing a great series on Jacob and Esau (and us). Check out this challenging post.
- Alan Knox – Fantastic posts on everything related to church. I liked this one about discipleship with a lawn mower.
- Reformedlostboy at Deconstructing Neverland – Have you ever suffered from diarrhea of the mouth? We all have.
- Eric and A Pilgrim’s Progress – Can you respond to his challenge to find Scriptural evidence for “worship services”?
- Peter Kirk at Gentle Wisdom – Makes a great connection between John Calvin and the cartoon “Calvin”
Websites You May Find Helpful
- Do you like the WordPress Theme I’m using on this site (and most of my other blogs as well)? It’s on sale this weekend – 50% off! It’s a great theme, highly customizable, and SEO optimized.
- If you want to blog, but don’t know where to begin, here is a handy guide I am working on. Join me there as the blog evolves.
al lo davar
Thanks so much for posting my blog! Much appreciated!
Thank you for listing these blogs. I checked out several of them, and plan to check out the others in a couple of days.
There are three keys to the stuff I’ve been posting at GraceGround:
-Except for the one on inerrancy, all the posts are really about loving our neighbors.
-Our neighbors are not just people who live near us. Our neighbors are everyone who crosses our path.
-Most people can do the stuff I’m talking about. It’s not just for religious professionals, Bible teachers and seminary graduates.
Oh cool, thanks for the mention! I’m on vacation and have been slow on checking up with blogs, but I always enjoy getting away whenever possible to read the insights from you and from others.