While Christians love to learn about loving others, we often struggle with knowing what it actually looks like. Oh sure, we have the example of Jesus who died on the cross for the sins of the whole world, but how are we really supposed to follow that example?
I don’t know about you, but I’m not planning on going to Jerusalem to get crucified.
So how can we follow the example of Jesus and love others?
The Practice of Love provides some suggestions. It contains 45 stories from numerous authors about how they learned to love God, love themselves, love others, and love their enemies. Since these authors come from all different walks of life and numerous different theological persuasions, there is something in here for everyone. Not every story will speak to you, but several will bring you to tears, show you what true love looks like, or challenge you to lovingly act in ways you never thought possible.
Some of us feel let down, ignored, forgotten, or abandoned by God. The chapters on loving God will help show you how to love Him as never before. Others of us hate ourselves. We feel ugly, insignificant, or unable to measure up. In these cases, the chapters on loving ourselves will prove helpful. Most commonly when we think of love, we think of directing it toward others. But the chapters in this book on loving others are anything but common. Finally, few of us really want to learn to love our enemies, but it is this that truly causes the follower of Jesus to stand out within the world. The chapters in this section will provide some direction on what this looks like.
So are you looking for some suggestions on how to practice love? Get this book.
You convinced me! It sounds like a great book. I’ll order one with my next Amazon order. They must love me – They send me an e-mail almost every day.
Ha Ha ha! Yes, I guess they love me too! It’s good to be loved.