Did you hear? According to Harold Camping of Family Radio, tomorrow is the end of the world.
I’m willing to bet him a million dollars he is wrong.
If he is right, I’ll pay him a million dollars on May 22. If he is wrong, he pays me a million dollars.
Will he take up the challenge. Of course not. Why?
Because he knows he is wrong too.
I guarantee he has already has his “I guess I was wrong, but here is why I’m still a great man of God” speech all written up. So why is he doing this? Because being a wacko is free advertising. He’s getting reported on in the media, interviewed on newspapers, and talked about on blogs.
Hey Harold! This is what makes Christians look like such fruitcakes! Stop it, will ya? You tried this stunt already in 1994. You were wrong then, and you are wrong now.
(Note: Eerily…this is my 666th published post!)
Oh my word…seriously?
Well, he could argue that if he wins you will be unable to pay him, as you can’t take the money with you if you too are raptured tomorrow, and can’t send it on to him if you aren’t. Anyway the money won’t be any use to him up there. And you know he might really have deceived himself into believing it – after all he is 89!
Yes, I believe he has deceived himself.
I am trying to decide if I will tune into his all-day radio broadcast tomorrow or not, just to see what he says as the hour approaches…and then passes…
That’s true. If he is right about the day, but wrong that he is one of the ones “going” and I don’t go either, then I could end up owing him a million dollars…
Great post. You nailed it. This is all about Camping. Here’s hoping at that at the very least his mammoth ego is raptured tomorrow (God may not even be able to lift that one).
BTW, congrats on the 666 post. I once moved into an apartment building with a 666 address. The first person i met was the custodian of the building who introduced himself as the devil. Hell of a place!
I wrote a post draft earlier today about Satan, angels, and demons.
When I finished, I checked the word count, and it was 666! So I made some minor edits. It’s just so… eerie.
But you are right about Camping. He got a lot of free marketing out of this. I wonder how much money in donations he received?
you could end up owing him a million dollars! dude, what are you thinking?! 😉
If Camping dies tonight, technically his world did end? Just have the government write one of those magical checks where the balance is a negative $14,700,000,000,000 and it doesn’t bounce.
For Camping this may be a lot of free publicity. He can say he will do a recalculation and come up with yet another date.
The real losers here are the people who believe him, especially young, impressionable ones. I remember reading an interview a few years ago with an agnostic who said he chucked his faith as a teen because of this kind of stuff. His parents and the pastor believed one of the end time nuts on more than one occasion. When their predictions never came true he decided the rest of what they said was probably a fairy tale too.
Yes, the real casualties are the people who believe this stuff and follow his teachings.
Worse yet, many of them are so deceived, they will continue to follow Camping and listen to him and send in their donations on Sunday, after this all proves to be false! I just don’t get it. It is so sad.
Ha! That’s right. They have that magical power.
I’d say you made a good bet Brother. I just don’t see God making the guy right in his own prediction when His son told us no one knows but the Father. Amen.
The antics that Camping pulls are one of the many reasons why I lost my faith in college (Evolution was the main factor, but people like Camping didn’t help.) It took the grace of God to get me back. Did you notice his radio show wasn’t preaching the gospel fervently? If I KNEW the gospel was going to end tomorrow..I would put every dime I had into extreme evangelism.
The sad thing is, his radio shows are very good. Now if he DIED tomorrow…what would people think? He could take a bunch of pills….
I don’t think I’ve ever heard his radio broadcast. But everybody was talking about him at work today, and mocking him and Christians who believe like he does. I really think he is harming the cause of Christ.
ignore this! I was fixing an error on an old post, and it got sent here to FB.
Oh, LOL, thought maybe we were back there again! LOL