This post is based on the Grace Commentary for Luke 1:5-7.
Obama gave his health care speech tonight. So here’s a question: Do you think that following Jesus should influence one’s viewpoint on the health care debate? Why or why not?
Interestingly, about 2000 years ago, a high-ranking public official named Theophilus was asking similar questions about the political plans of Caesar. Luke writes to Theophilus about Jesus to help answer these questions.
Foremost in the mind of Theophilus was almost certainly this question: “If I follow King Jesus, declaring that He is my Lord, how will that affect my current position in the Roman Empire and my statement of allegiance to Caesar as Lord?”
Luke addresses this question in an indirect way throughout his Gospel. He begins to do this in the section before us, Luke 1:5-7, by writing about Herod instead of Caesar. This approach is repeated throughout the Gospel. Luke constantly pits Jesus and the Kingdom of God, not against Caesar, but against Herod the Great (and his son, King Herod Antipas; cf. 1:5-7; 2:1-2; 3:1-22; 7:18-33; 9:7-9; 13:31-33; 23:8-11). In the Gospel of Luke, there seems to be an ongoing contest between King Herod and King Jesus. Ultimately, King Herod (the son of Herod the Great) seems to “win,” for under his reign, Jesus is put to death.
So the Gospel of Luke presents a dual message about what kind of Kingdom Jesus brought: The Kingdom of God is both a direct challenge to the Roman Empire, and at the same time, absolutely no threat at all.
Those who belong to the Kingdom of God challenge governments and rulers, not by threats of rebellion and insurrection, but simply by the way we live. We seek to do the things and accomplish the programs which governments and rulers promise, but which they can never fulfil. Most of the things that governments and rulers promise can only be accomplished through the church. So in this way, we are no threat at all. They can imprison us, or kill us, but we seek only to be a blessing on our community and nation (24:47).
Certainly, Theophilus didn’t understand all this after reading Luke 1:5-7. And maybe it’s a new and challenging idea for you too. Maybe you are thinking about all the promises and prophecies in Scripture that Jesus will destroy all the wicked nations and wayward rulers and rule the world, and wondering how that fits in with the idea that the Kingdom of God is no threat to the kingdoms of men. Maybe Theophilus had such questions as well. Maybe as a public official within the Roman Empire, he was a little bit nervous. He didn’t want to be on the “losing side” when Jesus destroyed the Empire. What should he do?
I feel these questions personally, for I am a “government employee” as well. But even if I wasn’t, all of us who live in Twenty-first Century Western Civilization are part of “The Empire.” Like the Roman Empire, we have the best military. We consume the vast majority of the world resources. We think that it is our responsibility to bring Pax Americana to the rest of the world. We think other cultures need to adopt Western culture, Western ways, and Western ideals.
But really, is “The West” really the best? If it is, should we be fighting for it? If it isn’t, should we be fighting against it? Either way, is fighting really the answer?
Maybe there is a different Kingdom, with a different King, which is calling for our time, energy, and attention. And maybe that Kingdom can function in any society, any culture, any government, because it is not of this world. Maybe that Kingdom, when it expands, doesn’t overthrow Kings and rulers and governments through power and might, but redeems them through service, sacrifice, generosity, kindness, justice, forgiveness, mercy, and most of all, love.
Hopefully, Luke will help us with some of this. But at this point, all we have are questions. Theophilus has heard rumors of another Kingdom, and he wants to find out more. I hope that by the time we get to Luke 24, we understand what Luke was telling Theophilus to do.
Hmmmmmm? Something good to think about! I’ve asked myself that question. Should we Christians be involved in things like Tea Parties, carrying signs, taking part in Town Hall meetings against government run health care, etc? My husband and I just attended a Town Hall meeting. We are strongly against Government run health care. Everyone there for the most part were polite, and most voiced strong opposition to government run health care. We felt like we should do that because we’re American citizens, too. We don’t just leave our citizenship at the door because we’re Christians. But everything we do should be done lawfully.
BUT……. I still think your post is good to think about. I’m sure I have much to learn on this subject. Thanks Jeremy for addressing the issue.
without western civ. there would be no freedom (especially for women) so yeah I would definitely say it is the best.
as for the healthcare deal…
Every doctor I know is pulling their hair out over this healthcare deal. They all think it is such a stupid idea. People without insurance get free healthcare already so I don’t see why we should just raise everyones taxes (especially in this economy). Obama is making a terrible mistake by focusing on something that the grand majority of people already have instead of fixing the economy. Healthcare WON’T fix the economy.
that being said, too many of the townhallers are completely against the president no matter what he does (because they get all of their information from Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh) and they don’t seem to offer any real solutions besides “Obama is a socalist!”. Both sides are too emotional and don’t use their brains.
I’ve been watching a video series (EXCELLENT) on End Time Events. It’s all based on scripture. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus IS coming back…… I THINK soon (although we can’t know the date), and that His plan is right on schedule. I have to guard myself from getting too earthly minded. I have to guard myself from getting upset. I’m practicing at “praising the Lord” rather than complaining (although I fail lots of times).
With that said….. I love my country, and as an American citizen I will do what I can to educate my friends about the wrong direction (I think evil direction) that our President and some in congress are trying to take our country.
I was very grateful for the Town Hall Meeting I attended. We all got WONDERFUL information from a doctor (Orthopedic Surgeon) who was loaded with FACTS about this health care bill. FACTS!!! Not just a nice speech!!! Questions were answered with facts. There was actual information given from the bill itself. It was good. Americans in both parties and Independents need facts. The Town Hall meetings are good in my opinion. Christians don’t need to stay ignorant and quiet just because our faith is in the Lord. We of all people should be informed and make good voting decisions based upon the facts, and educate others when we have the opportunity. We need the facts!!!
I can’t listen to Glenn Beck continually because it makes me become too earthly minded. BUT…….. he seems to have the facts. Today I listened to a tape on his radio show that caught ACORN in a terrible situation. Bless Glenn Beck for keeping on top of things. Rush Limbaugh…… a great educator. He, too, has facts. If the facts are there, LET US AMERICANS KNOW!!! The main stream media is NOT giving us the facts. I’m very thankful for Fox News because at least there we get both sides. We get facts!
But then I NEED to look UPWARD and remember WHO is in charge. I will bless the LORD at ALL times because I know I’m on the winning side. Jesus IS coming back, and He’s right on schedule. I praise HIM alone!!! I like being an informed American, and one who will trust the Lord at ALL TIMES!!!
Thank you friends.
I love the British system of free healthcare that I have enjoyed all my life. My main complaint about Obama’s healthcare reforms is that they don’t go far enough. He seems to want to avoid promising free healthcare for everybodym which is the fairest way.
That said, I don’t think the Bible has anything clear to say on whether state-funded healthcare is right or wrong. Any attempt to establish a ‘biblical’ model of politics or economics has to cross a vast cultural gulf between Bible times and ours.
I am particulary wary of Christian churches taking a position on political issues.
Imagine if the Southern Baptist church officially advocated free health care. They would in effect be saying that all those who oppose it are either too sinful or worldly in their attitude, or else too dumb to see the political sense of what THEY support. This is not the attitude of humility that should be seen in a Christian body.
Every Blessing in Christ
Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. Give unto God, that which belongs to God.
It’s a simple fix. All we have to do is re-instate birthrights. There are a lot more dead people than live. If they set up foundations before they die, they will create a propagating, everlasting, taxable income stream that will pay for socialized health care, create jobs and rebuild social security. Not to mention the heirs will receive Legacy checks until they die. Go figure, God is always the answer.