I have been finding some interesting videos recently on YouTube and Google Video, and wanted to post them here for your reaction.
In the following Baptism Instruction Video, I wonder if what they present is a good idea or bad idea?
A couple of pastors are explaining the why and how of baptism to a church that is (apparently) filled with new believers who know next to nothing about baptism, why they should get baptized, or what will happen at the baptism.So they created this video and showed it in their worship service.
This is the “Orchard Baptism Instructional Video.”
Let me know what you think.
Hi Jeremy,
I guess the whole idea of a video to explain baptism is a pretty good idea. However the levity of the video made me cringe a little bit since it might downplay the significance of baptism along with its rich heritage.
You and I are on the same wavelength here. I too found myself cringing a bit.
However, I am trying to rethink the whole idea of baptism, and for that matter, the “Lord’s Supper.” We have turned both into these sacred, solemn rituals. I wonder if both are supposed to be closer to parties and celebrations.
Ben Witherington is coming out with a book on the Lord’s Supper that I am looking forward to reading, though I’m not sure what position he will take. Here is where you can read more on it: Making a Meal of It
I agree with you, Jeremy, about how we have missed the celebratory joy of the Lord’s Supper and have turned it into a very solemn thing. And if baptism symbolizes our spiritual identification with Christ in his death and resurrection, I suppose you’re right in seeing it as a celebration – because of the joy of new life in Christ Jesus.
I think a major problem with many churches nowadays is that they are so stuck in their ways that they fail to even desire to start thinking about the Bible with as much objectivity as they can muster – such an approach might lead them down a path that doesn’t follow age-old traditions. There are some churches (and people such as yourself) who I respect for seeking to follow the apostolic tradition.
God bless,
I love it. I wish someone would come out with some videos like this which introduce the basics of the Christian faith in a fun and interesting way. We don’t have anyone in our church who is gifted with video editing, and it would be neat to show a video like this in our church. Of course, I can’t really show this one, because the guy introducing baptism is not the pastor of our church…I am! And that isn’t the pool we would be having baptisms in….
I think assuming that because the video is not very deep in describing the beautiful heritage of baptism, that the church must not care very much about the beautiful heritage is an really big assumption. We nothing about this church, or what was presented about baptism except for a 6 minute instructional that was obvisouly presented in the context of a service. It’s like we took 6 minutes out of a movie and decided what the entire movie was like.
All that we have is a video that is obviously created with the goal of helping new Christians overcome some of there fears about what will happen in the actual baptism.b
Thanks for weighing in. I agree with you. In fact, even though baptism is sacred, since when does something sacred have to be somber? Why can’t sacredness be celebratory?