I read and study Scripture every day, not only for personal and spiritual growth, but also because I like to teach others what I have learned from the Bible.
As I study, I normally like to read and study using paper books, but in recent years, I have found that Bible study software is increasingly helpful. Bible study software reduces the time I spend reading and studying, and also helps me use the powerful search functions.
In the past, I have used two different Bible study software resources: BibleWorks and Logos Bible Software. I used BibleWorks for Greek and Hebrew studies, and Logos Bible Software for everything else.
But BibleWorks has gone the way of the Dodo. They shut down last year and will no longer be selling their software.
Thankfully, Logos has me covered. They have an excellent suite of original language tools for my Greek and Hebrew studies.
So if you are looking for a good piece of software to help you study Scripture, the choice is easy: Logos Bible Software is the way to go.
I’m telling you this because right now, they have a great bunch of sales running for Christmas. They have the 12 Days of Logos Christmas where some of their most popular study resources and commentary sets are on HUGE discounts. Some sets are 80% off!
If you don’t yet have Logos Bible Software, you can get it through my link here and get a discount off any of the software packages. And when you use my link, you also get several free books to go along with your purchase.
I do want to tell you that if you use my link, I get a referral commission. But I would never recommend something to you that I do not use or endorse. So when you use my link, you get a good discount and free books, and you also support the work I am doing through my own teaching and writing. Thank you!
Logos Bible Software would be a great gift to give to someone for Christmas. Maybe to your pastor, parent, or seminary student in your life! Just chat with the good people over at Logos about how to give the gift of Logos to someone else for Christmas. And if you talk to them, remember to mention me and my referral code: REDEEMINGOD8
And remember to take advantage of the 12 days of Logos Christmas sales! I have never seen these sets of books priced this low! Merry Christmas!
Thank Jeremy. I followed up on your offered and downloaded the logos software. I will enjoy using it in the future. Excellent Christmas Present.
I have been absent for several months but still contributing 9 bucks a month as a member. I’ve logged in this evening to try to continue “The Gospel According to Scripture” Bible study and the website keeps looping me around to the beginning. I need help!
Looks like you figured it out? Your membership expired last month, but you’re back in now. Thanks!
Hi Jeremy this brought my membership to mind. Have you received payment from me?