Some Christians might not think this is funny, but I do…
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Hahahaha. That is so perfect.
Thats cute but it really enforces the idea that the only thing on Gods mind is holiness codes…it was kid of funny but the underlying theology does not soften because you laughed..
Good point. I almost made a little addendum to the post with that very thought in it, but decided against it. Glad you made the point.
Despite what most people think (and many churches teach) God is not in the sin management business.
>really enforces the idea that the only thing on Gods mind is holiness codes
Spend some time (OK, a lot of time) studying the holiness codes, and trying to figure out why they say what they say.
There is a very subtle theme that runs through them.
Is that the theme identified by Lord Jesus to ‘the rich man asking about the greatest commandment’ (I think his name was Nicodemus)?
This one did
This one didn’t
It’s funny but theological claptrap.
It makes it look like Jesus was upset that the verdict was death. The Gospels reveal it was the very reason why He came. Not funny and not Biblically accurate.
We all have to die (eventually). Does that make “death” the very reason we are here? Does that make anybody ‘want’ to die?
haha! This is epic. Just brilliant… Loved it thanks!
Haha I thought it was awesome. 🙂
Whether it is funny or not, it is the simplest explanation of God’s Word to us and of us His love for us!
I think it’s funny. History repeats itself and God keeps shaking His head and going “guys…” He is the ultimate example of grace and longsuffering.
This is a somewhat humorous distortion. I’m in the kinda funny but not helpful camp on this one.
‘not helpful’ to the legalistic theologians, but HELPFUL as a reminder of the lesson of ‘Simon Peter Walking on the Water to Jesus’ (popularized by a famous Christian-Rock song “Walk on Water”).
One can be theologically accurate without being legalistic . . . While this is humorous it misrepresents why Jesus came. I borrow from Ravi Zacharias who said, “Jesus did not come make bad people good, he came to make dead people live.”
“Jesus did not come make bad people good, he came to make dead people live.”
I like that. Superb.
Haha. I’m thinking that establishing “camps” for a clear attempt at humor is exactly what makes simplifying scripture feel refreshing.
Loved it.
If I call myself a ‘troll,’ does that make it okay for others to? …
… Anyway …
Did the poster ‘ask’ not to be named, or is it just “standard courtesy” to black-out his/her/their/its name?
If you ask if you can tell us where you got it, and they say yes; will you edit it to give us a by-line on it?
I did the things! This was pretty good.
Things ? What things ? I know noThing. I see noThing.
I love this! Lol lol lol lol lol. If only life was so simple eh! Lol lol lol. Chuckling away like a good un here. Lol lol lol lol.
I suppose it,s my duty to reflect now on this humour. Maybe life is that simple? A choice. Believe / Don,t believe. Live / Die. Love / Don,t love. Forgive / Don, t forgive. Not that we are spoilt for choice eh! Maybe life, s like a big massive sweet shop. Sour bitter sweets, and yummy sweet sweets. But then some people like sour bitter sweets. And there in lies the grey. Some people just plain like the things. In fact. We all like the things. Damn those pesky things. Troublesome little blighters. Take them of me jesus. Ta.