The Kingdom of Heaven is intimately tied with evangelism, but in ways that many do not suspect.
The Kingdom of Heaven is Not Heaven
For many centuries now, at least since the Reformation, and possibly before that, people have understood the “Kingdom of Heaven” (or the Kingdom of God) as being equivalent to “heaven.” People have also noticed that in Scripture, the topics of the Gospel and the Kingdom of Heaven are intimately connected. In many places, the Gospel is the message about the arrival of the Kingdom of Heaven.
And so when people assume that the “Kingdom of Heaven” equals “Heaven” then it seems logical to assume that the gospel message is focused on “How to get to heaven when we die.”
But in recent decades, many Christians around the world have begun to teach and write about the Kingdom of Heaven in a different way. Noticing, for example, in Matthew 6:10 that the prayer of Jesus for the coming of the kingdom is for God’s will to be done on earth, as it is in heaven, many teachers and writers have argued that the Kingdom is not heaven, but rather God’s rule and reign on earth, just as God rules and reigns in heaven.
The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
With this understanding, the Kingdom of Heaven is already “in heaven” but through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the Kingdom of Heaven is expanding to the earth as well. It is not here fully, but the standard has been placed, and the claim has been made. The present rulers of this age are not happy with the arrival of the Rightful King, and so they fight with tooth and claw to hold on to their power, dominion, and authority.