As I was researching a text for my book on Calvinism, I stumbled across the Jewish tradition that David was born as the result of an alleged adulterous relationship. Have you ever heard of this idea that David’s mother committed adultery? I hadn’t either. But I researched it, and checked with several of my Rabbi friends, all of whom said that this is the traditional Jewish history regarding David and David’s mother.
I am sharing it with you because it has many surprising parallels to Jesus.
The tradition is based on Psalm 69
David Was Despised by His Family (Psalm 69)
If you open up a Christian commentary on the Psalms and read the introduction to Psalm 69, you will see that most Christians cannot place the events of Psalm 69 in the life of David very well. They will say that there are numerous instances in the life of David during which he could have written this Psalm. They will usually go on to point out, however, that the Psalm contains many prophecies about Jesus Christ, His rejection by His family, and even how He was given vinegar to drink on the cross.
Curiously, I could find no Christian commentary that mentioned the traditional Jewish interpretation of Psalm 69, that it was written during David’s youth. They say that the Psalm is full of pain, rejection, and hardship because David was an outcast among his family.
They say that David grew up in a family in which he was despised, rejected, shunned, and outcast. He was treated with scorn and derision (Psalm 69:7-8). The community followed the example of the family, and assumed that David was full of sin and guilt (Psalm 69:11-12). If something turned up missing, they believed he stole it, and forced him to replace it (Psalm 69:4). He was often the object of jokes and pranks, filling his plate with gall and his cup with vinegar (Psalm 69:20-21).
If this is true, it somewhat explains why Jesse did not have David present when the Prophet Samuel came to choose a man to be God’s anointed king (1 Samuel 16:1-13), and also why his oldest brother Eliab reacted the way he did when David later showed up at the Israelite camp when they were being mocked by Goliath (1 Samuel 17:28).
But why would David’s family reject him?
David’s Mother Supposedly Committed Adultery
The traditional Jewish answer to why David’s family rejected him is that they all thought that David’s mother had committed adultery and borne him out of wedlock. They thought he was a bastard (in fact, the word “stranger” in Psalm 69:8 has the same Hebrew root as muzar, meaning “bastard”). The traditional Jewish story is stated briefly below.
David’s father, Jesse, was the son of Obed, who was the son of Boaz, who married Ruth, the Moabite woman. The Jewish traditional law explicitly forbade Hebrew women from marrying Moabite men because of how the Moabites treated the Israelites when they were wandering in the desert after fleeing Egypt. But the law was unclear about whether or not a Hebrew man could marry a Moabite woman. Boaz believed that the law allowed such a marriage, which is why he married Ruth.
However, according to Jewish tradition, Boaz died on the night that he and Ruth were married (Midrash, Zuta, Ruth 4). Many believed that his death proved that God had condemned Boaz’ marriage to Ruth, and had punished him accordingly.
However, even though Boaz and Ruth had only been intimate for that one night, she conceived and gave birth to Obed.
Obed was then viewed as illegitimately born, as was his own son, Jesse. Nevertheless, both of these men labored hard in learning the Torah and loving God and so the conduct of their lives helped convince the surrounding communities that though Boaz had sinned, they themselves were accepted by God as part of the covenant community. Jesse married a Jewish girl named Nizbeth (Babylonian Talmud, Baba Batra 91a).
After Jesse had been married for many years, had fathered seven sons with Nizbeth, and had gained honor as a righteous man and spiritual leader in the community, doubts began to fill his mind about whether or not his line and seed were permanently polluted by his Moabite blood. It was at this point that he resolved to cease all sexual relations with Nizbeth. He did this out of love for her, because she, as a pure Israelite, would be sinning to be married to someone who was of impure Moabite ancestry.
Furthermore, Jesse began to doubt the legitimacy of his seven sons. If he was impure, then his children were illegitimate and impure as well.
So Jesse, wanting a legitimate heir, came up with a plan to have a son in the same way that his forefather Abraham had done: through relations with his wife’s Canaanite maidservant. Whether Jesse was viewed by God as a true Israelite or just as a Moabite convert to Judaism, the law allowed him to marry a female convert to Judaism. If he obtained a son from this union, this son would be recognized by all as a legitimate heir, thus securing Jesse’s family line.
When the Canaanite woman was told of this plan, she did not want to participate, for she loved Nizbeth, and had seen the pain that she had gone through by being separated from her husband for so many years. So she told Nizbeth about Jesse’s plan, and the two of them decided to do what Laban had done so many years earlier with Leah and Rachel. So on the night that Jesse was to have relations with the Canaanite maidservant, she switched places with her Nizbeth. On that night, Nizbeth conceived, and Jesse remained ignorant of what had taken place. (My wife says that for this to work, Jesse must have been drunk. Same goes for Jacob.)
But several months later, Nizbeth began to show that she was with child, and her seven sons, as well as her husband, all believed that she had committed adultery. The sons wanted to kill their adulterous mother by stoning (as the law called for) and her illegitimate baby with her, but out of love for his wife, Jesse intervened. Nizbeth did not reveal to her husband that the child was his, for she did not want to embarrass him by revealing the truth of what had happened. Instead, she chose to bear the shame of their son, much as her ancestress Tamar was prepared to be burned rather than bring public shame upon Judah, her father-in-law and the father of her child (Genesis 38:24-25).
As a result, David grew up in a family in which he was despised, rejected, shunned, and outcast as described in Psalm 69. He was treated with scorn and derision. The community followed the example of the family, and assumed that David was full of sin and guilt. If something turned up missing, they believed he stole it, and forced him to replace it. He was often the object of jokes and pranks, filling his plate with gall and his cup with vinegar.
It was said that all the great qualities of Boaz were to be found in Jesse and his seven sons, while all the despicable traits of Ruth the Moabite were concentrated in David. The tradition is that this is also why David’s family forced David to be the shepherd in the fields by himself … they were hoping a bear or lion might kill him.
This may also help explain why later in life, when David was fleeing from a murderous Saul, David asked the King of Moab to harbor his mother and father (1 Samuel 22:3-4, according to tradition, one of his brothers was also protected there). Of course, a couple of years later when David becomes king of Israel, he slaughters two-thirds of the Moabite army. Why? Well again, according to Jewish tradition, this was because after David left his three family members under the protection of the King of Moab, the King killed David’s father and mother, but left his brother alive (The Pulpit Commentary, 2 Samuel 8:2). So when David becomes king, he retaliates by killing two-thirds of all the soldiers of Moab.
Finally, this may also explain why David, when he was confessing his own adulterous relationship with Bathsheba, he says “In sin my mother conceived me…” (Psalm 51:5). We will look more at this verse tomorrow.
Of final interest (at least to Christians) about the birth of David is the numerous parallels it has the birth of Jesus. He too, was viewed as one born of sin (John 8:41). Mary, his mother, conceived while she was betrothed to Joseph. And though people urged Joseph to stone her, he decided to marry her instead, thus taking her shame upon himself. But undoubtedly, there were always whispers, raised eyebrows, and sideways glances whenever Jesus and Mary walked by. Like Nizbeth protecting and defending David, Mary would have been the number one protector and defender of Jesus. Also, Jesus was not really accepted by his family until much later in life.
(To research this further, see Yalkut Makiri Tehillim 118,28; Sefer HaTodaah, Sivan and Shavuot; Pinter, Don’t Give Up; Weisberg, Tending the Garden, 187f; Book 2 of Our Jewish Heritage. See also Nitzevet – the Mother of David)
What do you think?
Many Christians may reject this story simply because “It’s not found in the Bible.” But there are lots of things we believe that are not found in the Bible. The Bible cannot (and does not) contain everything. The Bible is all true, but it does not contain all that is true.
I am not saying that this is the way it happened, but at the same time, who’s to say it didn’t? Anyway, let me know what you think in the comments below!
That’s really interesting Jeremy! Wow. If that’s all true, it explains a lot. Like you said, some will probably automatically reject that, but why couldn’t it be? Thanks so much for doing this research.
Geraldine Brooks tells in her latest novel “Secret of the Chord”. I do believe that David’s mother Nitzivet and father Jesse were the true biological parents of David. Was David a harp player?
Interesting but would love to know the authenticity of the source
Lose that image of a white woman. The root of Jesse ; Solomon : I am black but comely.
And, of course, it never fails. Those, whom satan has consumed w/hatred, always have to leave a racist remark, in regards to anything these days.
For most, I believe, HE’s any color HE’s needed to be. It does not matter if GOD/JESUS is white as fresh snow, black as a moonless nite, nor blue as the bluest blueberry.
He said to ‘Love one another.’, which I believe to mean EVERYONE, w/no exceptions. Never, not once, have I ever read, anywhere, where GOD said, “Love only one color.”
Love your comment. Wrapped it up in a nutshell
I am glad you shared what Jesus Himself told the disciples was the completion of the law. Jesus last standing order was to love The Lord with all your heart and might and love your neighbor as yourself. Love covers a multitude of sins. We should cover one another.
While I can appreciate your reference to God’s intent for us to love all, did you ever consider that the fact the picture is of someone of a lighter (Caucasian) complexion was racist in itself? Especially when dealing with the Word of God, why can’t we “try” harder to represent the truth?
Believe me when I say I don’t promote or condone racism, and I recognize that love for one another is one of the church’s greatest weaknesses. It’s not just because of people that point out inaccurate representations, but it’s also those who continue to display and support these inaccuracies. When we have differences, shouldn’t the truth, the Word, bring us together? You can’t throw up the truth without acknowledging the lie as well.
Thank you so much for sharing this POV.
Either way, we know God works through imperfect people, thus making both versions a testament to His redeeming love!!!
Bathsheba nationality was more than likely Hittite like Uriah and the Hittite were northern like the caucasians. David when spoken of as the son of Jesse in Samual had ruddy completion of working outside. So he couldn’t have been as you say black.
Black could have been the condition of his countenance.
I’m blessed with revelation ,my spirit agrees.Amen
I believe this, as the bible puts it that not all what Jesus did was written down otherwise it would be volumes of books,all what is in the book is there so that we may believe.
That says it all
This is very interesting and deep. I was emotionally touched when reading the research. How did it be known about the plan that cause David to be conceived?
Thanks I enjoyed your view-point and agree. However; at what time period after David birth did And what Wife conceive And give birth to the Daughters Abigail and Zeruiah?
My Israeli once Rabbi now Yeshua Messiah believer told me of oral beliefs in Judism. Eve and Adam had children with thier own sons and daughters that is where the population of the human race came from. Eve is the mother of all. Incest was abound for population until God gave the Laws of Marriage Incest ended.
So this story would be taken by faith as well, although it is not written.
Just a note: there is a story Jesus and Mary Magdelin had a daughter together.
The notion that Adam and Eve had sexual relations with their children is nonsense, and the notion of Eve especially having sex with anyone but her husband is nonsense.
That story of Jesus and Mary Magdelin having a daughter is a nonsense! If it were true, such an important event must be recorded by the Bible. Furthermore, God grants many disciples of Jesus the gift of being single for the kingdom of God, including John, Paul, etc. If his students could be single, it is naturelly right to see their Teacher to be single.
It maybe ok for reference of the Biblical comprehension. But try to be very very careful since the same book, Talmud, slanders and vilifies Jesus to an horribly terrible degree: the authours probably get the evil spirits since some of them worshipped the golden calf under Mount Sinai. Those spirits influenced from Moses time to the Talmudian authors of Jesus’ era: it is not strange to find lies, deceipt and other wickedly vile drool.
Have you sent this to Ron Allen at DTS? He in year 2003 or 2004 at Cannon Beach had a theory on David too, that Jesse was an adulterer, hence David “born in sin.” Check with Ron Allen.
Have you sent this to Ron Allen at DTS? He in year 2003 or 2004 at Cannon Beach had a theory on David too, that Jesse was an adulterer, hence David “born in sin.” Check with Ron Allen.
Glory to God. For so many years researching about David’s biological parents and at last I’ve found answers.
me too it helped me, because I always wondered why David was never loved by his father, thank you so much for your time
If David felt the need to state that he was born in sin, as opposed to the majority of humans, who were born of non-adulterous relations, does that remove the concept/stain of original sin from the rest of us?
I think we might be straining to see gnats in the darkness.
The bible doesnt say much about David, you gottttttttta be kidding. You can read his auto in 1 and 2 Samuel. Tons of docs in the web, lots of MP3s, lectures, sermons, the psalms ok dats enough of dat for me.
I am very much pleased that this phenomenon explanation answered many questions to me and that we Christians does not read and do thorough research about the all characters in the Bible. Just imagine if the bible would record each and every miracle performed by Jesus and the Apostles how big would then the Bible be. The Bible states it very clear that not all the miracles performed were recorded in the Bible (John 20:30) and John 21:25. I listened from a radio to one early morning, a sermon by a certain Pastor educating Christians about the origin of Christ and that is when I took a decision to read the Bible chapter to chapter and still you need to do a research because the Bible does not reveal all of the above facts. I believe this is a true story and that is why when I listened to the teachings of that Pastor I’ve have decided to go online for more information and this is precisely what the Pastor said. Christians let us stand firm to our faith and I know that the evil one will always dispute the truth. Excellent job Jeremy Myers!!! God Bless
This is the missing piece of my puzzle!!!! God bless you for putting this together. I been working on something for 7yrs. and now it’ll be complete.
Interesting idea. It appeals to my editor/writer sense of a good narrative, and it explains so much about David’s life and the biblical emphasis on David’s place as the ‘right’ king of Israel. It makes psalm 69 even more special.
Stephen, yes, I think it helps explain a lot.
Marilyn, no I didn’t ask him. He was my thesis advisor, so maybe I will ask him. Technically, Jesse is the one who committed adultery… Though not really…
Thomas, I’m not sure what you’re talking about… The post is about David’s mother, not David.
Titus 1:14.
Michael, what makes you think it is a fable? Thete is lots of cultural and historical background material that is not in the bible but which helps us understand the bible.
There is nothing to support it in Scripture, and It’s not a complimentary thing. That’s all. I agree, there are many legends that help, like the Jewish legend that Abraham’s father was an seller of Idols. But this is not one of those tales.
Michael, There is no mention in Scripture of ‘The Trinity’. Jesus mentioned the ‘seat of Moses’, there is no reference to that in the Old Testament. The early church fathers rejected ‘solo scriptura’, Tertullian, On the Resurrection of the Flesh, writes “He, therefore, will not be a Christian who shall deny this doctrine which is confessed by Christians; denying it, moreover, on grounds which are adopted by a man who is not a Christian. Take away, indeed, from the heretics the wisdom which they share with the heathen, and let them support their inquiries from the Scriptures alone: they will then be unable to keep their ground.”
Not a single Church Father interpreted Sacred Scripture in isolation from the traditional faith of the Church; rather, the Fathers applied Tradition as a rule to interpret Scripture. The only ancient teachers who interpreted Scripture apart from Tradition were the early heretics.
Before the NT was collated and canonized, there were those who would only admit the OT Scripture and reject the oral Christian tradition. Yet Paul said that it was the church that upholds the truth and keeps it safe (1 Tim 3:16)
I think Psalm 69 supports this, and Psalm 51:5.
I came to this “revelation” this morning in prayer as I was reading Psalm 69. All the parallels between Christ / David flooded my mind. That’s what brought me to investigate and then I found this blog. Such a wonderful story of redemption and hope. Thanks for writing this.
Wonderful story, I believe that this is the true about David, because is always on the side of truth. Thanks for your hard work in getting the truth.
Thank you so much for sharing this important rabbinic tradition. I was not aware of it either. There is one more parallel to the story of his conception by trickery, which is the story of Lot and his two daughters, that resulted in the birth of Moab and Ammon. So both David’s descent through Judah and through Moab began with conception by trickery. And Tamar and Ruth are two of only three women mentioned in the lineage of Jesus (the other being the Canaanite Rahab, Mother of Boaz.) Something here suggests an underlying theme that the plans and purposes of God can not be thwarted by man’s refusal to cooperate. In the biblical tradition, it is no wonder that all four women, including Mary are considered models of faith and faithfulness to God and his the intention of His Torah, including two very unusual fulfillments of the law of levirate marriage.
Another way to read this would be that no Jew would ever believe that the Messiah could have Canaanite prostitute, Canaanite (incest Judah and Tamar), Moabite incest Lot and his daughters), Hittite (David marriedBathsheba, ) blood and the genealogies are fakes inserted in the scriptures to turn Jews away, written by an early Jewish anti-missionary Greek speaking scribe.
After Ron Allen’s presentation I am convinced David was illegitimate. Jesse fathered out of wedlock…
It also may explain the animosity between David and his brothers, and why he was left in the fields when Samuel came to anoint Jesse’s children.
Thanks for sharing what you found here, Jeremy. It seems to make a lot of sense. I have often wondered why so much of the traditional Jewish understanding of the scripture is abandoned or rejected in Christianity (though I know much of it has to do with the Jew/Gentile split in the early church). It’s refreshing to see the Jewish traditions being considered seriously.
It is curious, isn’t it? I have been accused of teaching heresy for suggesting that Jesus was Jewish. Can you believe it!?
So he was Not conceived after adultery after all right???
Right. He was NOT, even though everybody (including his own father and brothers) thought he was.
But David did have Canaanite blood through Rahab and Tamar, and Moabite blood through Ruth which would have him disqualified for the throne and his descendants from Messiah ship
You are correct !!! That very point is overlooked by the Pastor and the Jewish traditions. If anything, Jesse’s mixed blood emphasizes that God is NO respector of persons and that His plan of salvation applies to every kindred, tongue and people.
The Psalm can be interpreted as follows:
David LIED to God in prayer “Against you only have I sinned.” God rebuked David by having the unborn child speak from Bathsheba’s womb: “In sin my mother conceived me…” accusing the woman, not David, because you can’t accuse a king directly. The point of the rebuke is that he sinned as much against Bathsheba AND THE CHILD who will be born a mamzer, as he did against God alone…not to mention that Nathan the prophet told him this child WILL DIE as David’s punishment for this sin. Then David exclaims “Out of the secret parts thou hast taught me wisdom” i.e. out of Bathsheba’s private parts God taught him wisdom by making the unborn child rebuke him.
Interesting. I have never heard that interpretation either. So you are saying that the words “in sin my mother conceived me” are the words of David’s unborn child in the womb of Bathsheba? This would not be Solomon, but the first son of David who died, correct?
I think David B. you will be hard pressed to find the passage where the unborn child speaks from the womb. Please post it when you do. 🙁
Psalm 51:5 is the unborn child speaking. Verse 4 “Against you only have I sinned” is a lie spoken in prayer. God doesn’t let it stand, so the child rebukes David (but accusing the mother only, because its not proper etiquette to accuse a king directly.) Verse 6 David is speaking again “Out of the secret parts thou hast taught me wisdom” i.e. out of Bathsheba’s private parts God taught him wisdom by making the unborn child rebuke him. Unnamed speaker changes are not infrequent in the Psalms. Read Psalm 2. The voice changes from the Father to the son without warning.
The first 5 verses of Psalm 2 are the Psalmist speaking. Then God the Father speaks 6 “Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.” Verse 7 the son speaks without us being explicitly told “the son is speaking now” : “I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.” Verse 8 “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance…” is the Father speaking to the son, but the voice changed without notice. We only know it changed because of what’s being said. Verse 10 and beyond “Be wise now therefore, O ye kings…” is the Psalmist once again, but nowhere did he say “God is done speaking, this is me again.” You have to take notice of this kind of thing or you will never understand the Psalms and always be making up false doctrines like Augustine the Manichean did with Psalm 51:5.
This is very True. I believe on this finding. Gof bless you
It appears the next child Solomon was also illegitimate for he was conceived before David and the Hittite woman wed. No Hittite was ever to be allowed into the Kingdom of Israel making Solomon part Hittite, Moabite and Canaanite.
I don’t think Bathsheba was a Hittite.
Bathsheba was a daughter of Eliam, one of David’s “thirty” (2 Sam. 23:34; cf 1 Chr. 3:5); Eliam was the son of Ahitophel, one of David’s chief advisors. Ahitophel was from Giloh (Josh. 15:51;cf 2 Sam. 15:12), a city of Judah, and thus Bathsheba was from David’s own tribe and the granddaughter of one of David’s closest advisors (2 Sam.15:12).”
Anna perhaps you are correct but how did she marry out of the race? No one was to marry a Hittite forever. Beth means house so Bethsheba may have cme from Sheba like the queen of Sheba in Africa
I am really blessed by this article. It has enlightened me on the birth of this great Jewish king called David. Contrary to popular opinions from most sermons I have listened to that his mother was a harlot, this has really given me the drive not to accept just anything that comes from the pulpit at face value.
God richly bless you for sharing.
If you consider a muderer, and adulterer with so much blood on his hands that God would not let him build a temple a great man, then I guess he was a great king. Oh yeah he was the guy who was supposed to kill 1oo men and cut off the foreskins of their penises for a wedding present and he got so carried away and killed 200. yeah that great guy. What a guy! What a great role model! Wasn’t he the guy who wrote how happy they will be when they kill their enemies and beat their infants’ heads against the rocks.?
yah its an interesting story n give a clear revelation on psalms 69, however it hav turned not to be everybody’s cup of tea.. l preached about David last sabath n one of elders couldnt wait for a sermon to finish so dat he can question m hard on this issue… but to those who ar doesnt make christianity a hard game it turned to be a light in th tunnel for our legend king’s history n i believe thats y David never believed in revenge due to his background.
I am touched by this exposition.
This is an article that I read earlier today from a Blog by Chana Weisberg. It is not the complete article she published by almost word for word including the picture of the woman. Seems like you are taking credit for this so I wonder if this is her from her blog or is it something you wrote and she republished on her blog. Interesting, eh?
Hers was first … which is exactly why I cited her article (and a few others I used for research) at the bottom of the post. But I didn’t copy-paste her article either. I read it, and then wrote my own article in my own words.
this is too amazing i now have the clear understanding of the book of psalms
Mmm interesting story, thank you Sir for such helpful information
The Spirit of God within me attest that this story of David is true …. thank you for such a research ita powerful and has answered questions i usually had when read the book of Psalms
If David’s mother was the adulterer, then David would not be in the bloodline of Jessie, which is the line Jesus is to be born from. It would have to be Jessie, David’s father, having an affair with another woman, in order to keep the bloodline of David correct as the Bible shows. Otherwise you would negate what the Bible says.
March 20, 2017,
I agree with Brenda’s comment!
The article did not say she was an adulterer. It says she was an “assumed” adulterer. It says that she actually slept with Jesse by swapping with the Canaanite girl, but she kept it a secret. So they assumed she committed adultery. Get it?
This story was shared by Dr. (Pastor) S.D. Gumbi on 1KZNtv here in South Africa. He is a true man of God. I decided to research hence I find this article. I do not know the religion or beliefs or the intention of the writer. I want to declare that I am a Christian and I believe in Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour.
I so believe that this is accurate, and it so nails questions that I have had about PS. 5-5. It just so neatly ties up the loose ends of that verse. Also I’ve never known of any person in the Bible that told of detailed details without requiring what 2nd Tim. 2-15 say’s. Part of studying is researching to bring out the particulars of truth. That writing fit like a hand in glove. Lastly because we (Americans) are Westerners, and the Jewish people are Easterners. The largest % of church goers are thirsty enough to go to that level of truth/research anyway, so for those that do don’t be so quick to be as well modern day doubting Thomas’s. There still around big time. Who do you know that has autobiographys done about them, and it not require detailed research.
It seemed that Jesse refused to have sexual relation with his wife just because he found that he was impure as you narrated. Yet, his wife and her maidservant made him drunk so that he would have sex with his wife. If it was true David’s blood was mixed with Moabite’s. Therefore, I can make a conclusion here that how pure and deep the love of God.
This is very great, ilove to see the whole story of Jesse’s family.
That is silly. Several of Jacob’s sons were from the maidservants of Leah and Rachel. Zilpah bore Gad and Asher, Bilhah bore Dan and Naphtali.
I apologize, I mean to say, not necessarily. It’s a mute point, as God gave David the Messiah offspring and an everlasting throne.
Jesus denied he was from the house and bloodline of Jesse/David. He asked if God said to my master/prince/messiah how could the Messiah come from David?
Mat_22:42 saying, What think ye of the Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The son of David.
Mat_22:43 He saith unto them, How then doth David in the Spirit call him adoni (prince), saying,
Mat_22:45 If David then calleth him his prince, how is he his son (descendant)?
He’s not.
Reading your comment made me read the verses mentioned. I read it as Jesus asking the Pharisees, to explain how their claim that the Messiah would come from the house of David. As David was saying the Lord was his shepherd. Of course the Pharisees didn’t reply.
Where in the scriptures does it show Jesse having an affair?
David was Jesse’s seventh son right…then how would the seven sons of Jess would hate him ?. If at all David was born out of sin then what about Elihu ,his youngest brother..?
I believe David was the 8th son.
David was the 8th son and because he had red hair and all the rest had black hair, Jesse thought his wife committed adultery and David believed it, although there is no verse that confirms this.
This is indeed quite plausible. As long as the writer makes it clear that their ideas and opinions are not biblical, then there’s nothing wrong with information like this – it’s for the individual reader to decide what they want to do with the info. I find it quite plausible. Thank you!
i agree with you.
“The Bible cannot (and does not) contain everything. The Bible is all true, but it does not contain all that is true.”
True, it does not contain everything.
“And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.” (John 21:25)
It does, however, contain everything we need to know about God and His plans for man and the Christian life.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Praise be to God for all your bright scholarly comments and research in this subject. It truly helps me as director of christian education in the preparation of sunday school and youth texts. I agree and support David is 8th son, the new king to replace the old, as the 8 members of Noah family the new replacing the old world. God bless and enrich.
Thanks for this mind blowing exposition.To me this a great discovering.
Thank u so much for amazing information abt David and his mother. Tears shedding out of my understanding Gods plan for redemption.
Thankyou so much, but I would like to know in details how David related to Solomon and who is the King who saw a woman bathing outside through the window and send his servants for her?
You can know the relationship between David and Solomon from 2samuel chapter 11 and 22 where God kill the son of Nathal that she born for David through adultery or what’s called forceful sex with her and later took in and gave birth to Solomon and Jesus loved Solomon and his mercy is upon him which mean David is the father of Solomon
Thank you MAN OF GOD for clarity of the WORD of God …
Very interesting and insightful. Thanks much for the amazing information.
this is crazy for sure nooooo we can’t take these verses literally david what he meant is that he is by nature without God in his life Dipped evil and sin like all of us we are sinner by nature starting from Adam & Eve
what else is in the bible that is not true?
The writer did not say what the bible says about David is not true, he just gave more insight on who David was.
This Discovering, well educated. It made me to know more about the king of Israel (David). More especially about the parents. More grace to the writer of this. God bless you.
Jeremy that was brilliant there is alot i didnt know it was good to hear the historic background and i thought the story quite believeable given the culture.The rabbis must be amazing the knowledge they have we can learn alot from them.Thanks for sharing it gives us a better insight into the word and David the man.brentnz
The Bible does show he was scorned by his family even though he was the youngest son which would of been a treasured son to the father. Also the Bible does say in Psa 51:5 he (David) was conceived in sin. Also it does tie David to Jesus as a type and foreshadow. Although the Jewish extra biblical writings seem to be a stretch, which I personally do not accept as true, I do see biblical evidence that David was illegitimate.
I’m in training to be a minister…. I agree the bible is all true but, it does not contain all that is true. I believe that is why the bible tells us in Timothy 2:15
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Many times preachers read scriptures and create a sermon based upon their own concepts and/or ideas. You have to know what you’re talking about and have the right scripture reference that backs up your sermon.
Its quite amazing, tts a good revelation to meditate and do more reseach on.
Good one … a pastor in Nigeria ?? here just say David mum is an adulterer and people started critizing him so I search online and I found the real info here…thanks for the knowledge really help to know the truth
this is a wonderful exposition. I came here to confirm a statement made recently by a man of God that David’s birth was questionable (sinful)
Glad to help!
It is complicated. We cannot say that she did adultery. Jesse is still named as father. I am grateful for this background info. Sheds much light. David was cast out, and right into the arms of God.
Some excellent revelation about King David, quite an applausible theory supported by extra-biblical literature. However from the writer’s account it is clear David’s mother never committed adultery but slept with Jesse without him knowing because the Canaanite maid switched with her boss instead, the opposite of what Haggar and Sarah did. It is only that Jesse didnt know.Wonderful stuff thanks for the enrichment.
More grace to your knowledge and understanding mr Jeremy Myers for this good work and an insight into the life of king David and the situation surrounding his birth. I think Nigerians should do more of research and also try to dig deep into facts concerning any comments made by men of God in this our blessed and beloved country(NIGERIA) before criticising and castigating them. More over,I believe before this men of God alter any statement concerning deep things of God and some sacred issues of the scriptures they must have done their proper research because I know most of them are scholars and researchers themselves who knows that millions of people around the world are their attentive and careful audience who will go to any length to search and checkmate whatever they say. But unfortunately it is mostly the unbelievers who don’t have insight into the sacred things of God but claimed to be a christian that would be the first to criticize the men of God against whatsoever statement they make. Once again thanks mr Jeremy Myers your wisdom will not deminish in Jesus name.
I really do find this very possible and within logicality… Very nice analogy…
The OT is basically the Tanakh. So if there’s anyone who can interpret those texts the most accurately with regard to the historical context and personal lives of the characters involved, it’d be Jewish people. Yet, you have “Christians-we-know-it-all” who are debating things that weren’t even written in their mother tongue, telling you that if it isn’t in their Bible, in this case their OT, it isn’t truth. Well, your OT is borrowed from another culture, be humble and listen to what people from said culture are saying.
Good work, excellent write-up
I have learned a lot for all comments about King David.Thanks to all off you. Indeed I can say at last that: the ability to listen, understand and even to ask questions in life when the wise speak is the greatest resource on learning the truth
The closest I can get from these passages is that David was a son of Jesse, but not a direct heir in the lineage making him at best a stepson or at worst a bastard, and thus was not counted among Jesse’s sons initially when Samuel came to anoint one of them as the future king of Israel.
Also in 1Samuel 17, we see that David leaves his flocks with a helper/keeper (possibly a servant not another of his brothers) when he delivers provisions to his three oldest brothers in the stand off with the Philistines indicating Jesse’s family was at least well-off in financial status if not better, therefore there was no reason to have a family member doing a servant’s work (tending flocks) unless that family member was a reminder of shame or sin that occurred in the family.
Is quite interesting to have read through the article and comments. There is much insight taken. Much appreciation for the research
Thanks for thoughtful research, may I please hear more about this: “The Bible is all true, but it does not contain all that is true” I am interested in understanding what you mean by this. Thanks
This story is very interesting .It makes you to understand the life of David .And you become able to compere the life of David and psalms.And you get the reasons why David wrote those psalms.
Thank you for yours research many unanswered questions are in bible, we shall find the answer with history background.
What happened to moshboshet for him to be cripple?
Where does the Bible or other literature say that others told Joseph to stone Mary?
This story sounds like a rabbinical interpolation / cover-up of a very simple and embarrassing fact. David was the son of the Canaanite maidservant (somehow NEVER named). Why?
– He was shunned by his 7 elder brothers as a “muzar” (psalm 69:8), or a “bastard”. Impossible to believe that his 7 brothers want to “stone” their biological mother while at the same time considering their biological brother a bastard, had he been issued from Nitzevet.
What a cover-up, folks! David, from what I can gather, was 50% moabite convert (via Yishai) and 50% Canaanite. In fact I think this is great!
I am not saying that this is the way it happened, but at the same time, who’s to say it didn’t? Anyway, let me know what you think in the comments below!
Hi, is your above comment is only conjecture ? I’d like to know more about your research and the sites or where in the Bible did you get your ideas?
Thank you
This is so sweet to read and also understand.I love all about the jewish traditions kindly search alot of it.By refering to history christians can understand the bible better
God bless you
This research answered my question. God is merciful God, with all these David was a king and a man after God’s heart, the linage of Jesus Christ. Father God, show me your mercy.
Thanks for your research,it’s good thing to know about jewish culture,sometimes we read scripture without making research on the cultural background,I think this research will help
Wow I have enjoyed reading it
Thanks so much.
Very interesting, this does give understanding to the Psalms. Please share your sources so that one can read further. Thank you.
This story opened my spiritual eyes .i will share it and not keep quiet
Thanks for your research I enjoyed reading it it opened
my spiritual eyes
Thankyou very much
God bless
it’s such an interesting research but with gaps that I would like us to consider and see if we can find answers to them.
1. if that was the case that actually the mother disguised herself and conceived David. why then was he tormented by the generational curse (spirit of lust/ fornication)?
2.we see that this same spirit still found its way into his children. I would imagine if it was a lie or trick that was played on the father, it would be a spirit of deception etc. I personally think that spirit of adultery was an iniquity that was introduced way back when his great forefather Salmon married Rahab before that spirit was broken and it’s from that point that it turned out to be a generational bondage. So my assumption is that Jesse might have cheated on the wife to give birth to David and not the other way round.
It’s a Jewish folklore and should not be regarded as actual. The scriptures speak of no such illegitimate relationship concerning David’s mother, and furthermore there’s nothing to substantiate the story.
Agreed. I’ve heard a pastor recently suggest, from the pulpit, that David was illegitimate due to his mother’s infedility. This is heresy. God’s word declares that Daivid came from the stump of Jesse. (Isaiah 11). So, to insinuate that David was not of Jesse is to say that God’s word is in error. Isn’t that blasphemy? Jewish stories are just that …..remember that Jews reject Jesus as the Christ…., why are we putting faith in their folklore?
Read God’s word and ask for His wisdom.
It makes the Psalms make more sense. You can clearly understand them with this background knowledge. Thanks so much!
So many individuals accept this explanation without doing some research of their own. What about asking the Holy Spirit for guidance in understanding God’s words?
Its a nice reseach to understand the background of the mighty king David and his geonology
I don’t understand: A union with a Canaanite convert would make the baby legitimate and a union with the Israelite wife would make the baby illegitimate?
Tnx for your deep research. So does it mean all the seven sons including David were from the same mother?
Our God is a good God the bible says there is no stone will be left unturned .The mother made it a secret but today the truth is revealed im blessed thanks for sharing this message
If nizbeth was a prostitute then who is the father of David? …….then who is king nahash? Is he related to King David?
Thanks for a wonderful resarch i pray that the lord wil give you more wisdom and understanding
The story is interesting and Carey’s an element of truth. I love it. God bless you.
I’ve always had a problem with this story because of what it says about Ruth. Why would she be so happy when she was a widow yet a second time. It’s like she turned to the God of Israel and He cursed her. May such a horrible thing never be. I hope that it isn’t true. Also, you should note that traditional Jewish sources also claim Vashti had a tail, so we have good reason to hope that this story isn’t true.
Intriguing… I love to study. All traditions and legends interest me. It is fun to speculate. Thank you for providing this information.
Forgive me dear sisters and brothers in The Christ. But. I believe it does not matter what I think.
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Romans 1 {ESV}
29 “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.
Deuteronomy 29:29 {ESV}
Great research. Thank you. Unless I missed it, this still asserts that Jesse and Nizbeth are David’s biological parents, even though Nizbeth was believed to have committed adultery because he ceased relations with her, correct?
The knowledge is refreshing. The redemption plan is amazing. It is the soul that sinneth that will die. A merciful God will not punish David for the indiscretions of the parents.
Truly God is good to Israel.
Oluwaseum, God will not punish David because of his parents sin. but for killing 200 men for their foreskins. That is the most disgusting thing in the Bible. What kind of pervert would do that to get a bride? Sick! Sick! Sick!
Great stuff, yes it’s not in the Bible but very possible believable. Not everything is in the Bible. For example: The name of David’s mother is not mentioned in the Bible, so does that mean David had no mothet? In such cases we are bound to consult history books eventhough they are not inspired by God. But it helps in enhancing our understanding. Thank you
Interesting!!! My brother. Those biblical facts surrounding the story show the story is true.
Very interesting. I believe what you are saying. In most cases God uses the despised.
The worst part about David’s comment about being conceived in sin is it has set forth a movement for thousands of years of preachers saying people are conceived in sin and born with the stain of original sin.
I found this on a Jewish website, a little different from the commentary above. This states Jesse called another woman because of sexual desires not because he wanted a legitament heir. My question is where did you get the information different from this?
The Midrash relates[42] that as he aged, Jesse, the leader of the Jewish Nation[43], stopped engaging in intercourse with his wife, Nitzeves[44]. Nonetheless, after a while, Jesse was no longer able to control his sexual desires, and therefore he propositioned another woman with whom he would engage in sexual relations[45]. This woman told Nitzeves about the proposed relationship and Nitzeves decided that she would secretly take the place of the other woman and Jesse would actually end up consorting with her, not the other woman. Indeed, Jesse unknowingly consorted with his own wife, instead of the other woman, and so Nitzeves conceived and bore a child. Jesse, not knowing that he had engaged in relations with his own wife, assumed that Nitzeves had committed adultery when he found that she was pregnant. The sons of Jesse wanted to kill Nitzeves and her “illegitimate” son, but Jesse convinced them to allow them to remain alive, while the “illegitimate” son would serve as a servant to his brothers. This story about the conception of King David explains the Midrash[46] in which David tells G-d that his father only created him because of his own physical pleasure. When G-d deemed Saul unfit for the position of king, He commanded Samuel to go anoint a new king[47]. He directed the prophet Samuel to the house of Jesse, where Jesse’s seven sons[48] were. After Samuel thought that each consecutive son would have been the king, G-d finally tells Samuel that the meek and ruddy David, the youngest, smallest, and weakest of the sons would be king of Israel.
I was born and raised in a traditional Jewish family. I have been a follower of Jesus for 38 years now. I will tell you straight up that the Talmud (where we get some of these “Jewish traditions”) is not a reliable source of historical data for anything predating the Babylonian Exile. Despite the claim, it is a Second-Temple era document. So this concoction of a story about Jesse and concerns about Moabite ancestry is, at best, unreliable, and in my opinion something much worse.
It is the rabbis, not God, who were/are obsessed with ethnicity. Moses took a Cushite (Ethiopian) wife, and God didn’t have a problem with it (Aaron and Miriam did, and look what happened!). Consider Rahab, who spared the lives of the two spies: she was a foreign woman, yet she became part of Israel and would become an ancestor of David and of Jesus! Ruth’s magnificent confession to Naomi was a renunciation of all things Moabite. She became one with the people of Israel. David was NOT despised in any way, shape or form for his ancestry. Okay, so the Bible may not be an exhaustive record of everything ever said or done in Israel. But, it is more than sufficient to help us develop a proper understanding of who God is, and how we can relate to Him. Drawing
I advise caution about using questionable sources to bolster one’s pet biblical theories.
I have a rule that has served me well for many years. In the areas the bible is silent, I am not curious! The bible as a whole is the written work of the Holy spirit. Though different authors and different books written at different times, the source is the Holy Spirit.
Majority of this article is not found in the scriptures. The scriptures are of no private interpretation. We cannot get proof out of scriptures and use that to explain scriptures. Scriptures should be allowed to speak for itself.
What God has revealed to us through his word should be enough for us. Any desire to know much more would lead to doctrinal errors and fables. These things please itchy hears but its now the message God has given.
It was not mentioned anywhere in the old testament. Matthew traced the genealogy of Jesus and did not mention it. Jesus did not teach it, the apostles did not preach it, Paul did not teach it. We have no business with it.
not paying attention to jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth.
This is a jewish myth?
I have understood from my reading that David’s mother was an indentured Levite woman who was “raped” by Jesse in his mid-life crisis. From his birth David was hidden away due to Jesse’s shame and in his youth suffered much prejudice and abuse being rejected by wider family including being “put away” including sent out to tend sheep while his half brothers were treated as primary family members. The Law required that Jesse provide for David’s mother for all her life and she could never be “divorced” or be sent back to her fathers house, but that does not presuppose she was not subject to heartbreaking cruel rejection of herself and her son.
I cannot subscribe to the many theories here predicated on a base assumption that Ruth was a moabitess simply because it is recorded that she resided in the “Plains of Moab” meaning a part of that territory occupied by the two and a half tribes on the other side of the Jordan. from which all moabites had been totally expelled more than two centuries earlier. It has to be noted at that time “strangers” could also be Israelite citizens from other regions of the total settlement when traveling across greater Israel. Example analogy where someone from NJ traveling through AL could be called a “stranger” without losing any status as an American citizen.
Each local region within Israel had its own local government civic administration including its elected judges/magistrates etc. Many of these local officials were from the tribe of Levi who held no land and were supposed to be funded from the tithe on the rest of the people but in reality they were underfunded and often did not receive the first fruits of the harvests as their food. To survive they were forced to act as servants or indentured workers to other tribes practically with little better than slave status as for example David’s mother who was of the priestly line. This meant that in addition to his inheritance in Judah, that through his mother, David was also a priest and could legitimately eat the shew-bread. I mention this because it is a stumbling block to many religious considerations trying to accommodate modernist theories.
These local governments were translated into English, employing the option of “gods” resulting in the theories that God broke his own laws but in reality I am satisfied that God remained true to his word and all that Ruth did in going with Naomi was to re-register herself as resident in Naomi’s home state thereby becoming subject to that local government authority structure. As an aside, I was intrigued to read in George Washington’s alleged Valley Ford vision concerning the future governing structure of America after the end of the republic (USA) that it reverts to the original Israelite model of Ruth’s time.
The story of David is very interesting and deep. Other scriptures you referred to are knitting in very well. But how authentic is source.
Ruth was an ethnic Israelite residing in what was still called the country or land of Moab. This is the land Moses died on, which Israel had for 300 years. Boaz could not have through with a levirate marriage had Ruth been an ethnic Moabite rather than a citizen or resident of Moab ( thus a Moabite) as per Deu 23:3 prohibition.
Israel also has a prohibition about marrying Canaanites so it would not have made sense that Jesse would seek legitimacy that way…
Thanks for your enlightenment.that is to say king David and brothers are of the same mother
Praise God ! Surely I’m blessed with that information, I’ve learned that the spirit of rejection doesn’t just come. The enemy knows exactly what in a person to continue making things hard .
Thanks for this article.
I went into this research because my pastor was teaching on it. I enjoyed it very much because it filled in the gaps for me and answered the many questions I’d have when reading the Bible. Questions like:
* Why wasn’t he called back home for the family gathering?
* What did he mean in PS 27 when he spoke about his parents forsaking him?
* Why wasn’t his big brother happy to see David?
* Couldn’t the Jesses afford to employ a shepherd? They didn’t seem poor.
With this extra-biblical information, David becomes an even clearer shadow of the Messiah. Moreover, it highlights how and why Jesus was born in a manger and why, of all people, only the shepherds received the announcement – the Lamb slain before the beginning had to make a “home run”, just as the Good Shepherd had to acknowledge those in His profession!
Thank you for an informative article.
wow, very interesting,
I am satisfied about the explanation because l wondered what happened i am very
Nizbeth and Nitzevet is the same person? If so why you mentioned that Jesse and Nizbeth had seven sons instead of eight sons?
I heard a story were I was told that David’s mother was a prostitute, that’s why David was an outcast,rejected by his own father and brothers. How you explained how David was concieved now I understand but what confuses me is that what Nizbeth did may be mischievous,but they were all from the same womb. I still dont understand why they had to reject him because of his mother’s sin. I would love that you take me deeper to the story of David rejection it’s interesting. Thank you Jeremy
Incredible story of David’s mother and his birth.
I am intrigued at the depths of your knowledge on psalms 69, the life of David and his mother. I often wonder why he would spend most of his time with the sheep, singing and love God the way that he does. His only hope was in God.
I believe this article is pretty close to the truth as it explains the scripture about David being born in sin. I think a lot of scripture makes more sense when we view it through the eyes of the then known culture. Thank you for this. Bonnie Morris
This is really great. I read something of this sort on another blog. Thanks for sharing
I heard Leonard Ravenhill preach something about this but can not remember the sermon…
Sounds very legitimate to me. Makes since in the fact that our Lord works in mysterious ways!! Thank you for this enlightening information!!
I do not think David’s mother did adultry because everyone on the earth are sinners since their birth. All the mothers are sinful since each of the fallen mankind has sinful nature.
Super I believe this is true and thanks for the information.And surely u have cleared my all doubts and answered all my questions for which I have been searching answers for a long time
May continue to increase our knowledge about His words, more wisdom
if this true then men of God always interprete the phrase “in sin did my mother concieve me” wrongly. They always reffer to the sin of Adam and Eve.
If this research is authentic, it not only presents a just interpretation of 69:8 but other prejudiced or misinterpreted catholic doctrine.
It makes sense to me . Everything logically may not be truth but it All i do until the truth comes along And set the record straight. God has included the the things in His word to uplift us and save us,to fuse us to always have hope in Him a much greater power that is without fault,a Holy God and left out of the bible those things that confuse us andvdistract us, foolish and unlearned things, things that no one can prove. He wants us to come to Him by faith believing that He lives us and wants us to trust Him. We don’t know that scholars are true but we do and can know that Jesus is real by real life and real time experiences in our on life. How do we know that God will never fail us or lie to us we have His word on it. His word is Jesus and His Word is the bible. Praise God.
Well, I thank you for wherever you get this story, at the same time God himself knows the perfect way of making his will happen and we just need to leave everything for him and continue to do his (our primary assignment) so that we can be with Jesus in the end days.
I accept that this story might be true.
Good morning and thank you for your explanation. Most people didn’t know or even realized that David was considered born on the wrong side of the blanket. I read Psalm 51 and wondered about his parent.
Your account does not mention the fact that Obed’ s mother was Rachab the prostitute from Jericho. Rechab married Salmon, who is mentioned in Jesus’s genealogy (Matthew 1:5).
The story is very interesting and truth. May God bless you and give you more wisdom.
God bless you for sending this out, I do appreciate the fact in this message. one reason lam consider is that sheep’s, during those days were property value, what were the others who were older and could have taken a good care of the animals doing?
This requires a lot of research by the scholars of the Bible. Quite interesting to have this background, whether one believe it or not it challenges Bible readers especially preachers of the word to do more in asking the Holy Spirit to reveal more.
I am inclined to believe this story even though it is extra biblical. I initially rejected it because it has no biblical authority, but looking at similar things between David and Jesus, the circumstances of their births, the correlation of Psalm69 I think it is plausible.
I have learned a lot about David, be blessed and keep on doing more research.
DEUT 29:29
I have followed your explanation and to me it makes sense, i have heard it before the same way.
I heartily believe this story and fully agree with you that not everything is found in the Bible. Just as one can use discernment in deciding how to interpret scripture, one can use that same discernment to decipher truths from lies outside of scripture. So much of what has been stated here makes so much sense to me and fills in many gaps. Thank you for posting this invaluable information.
I came across this following a lead from Jesse ( Hebrew Yishai) Jesus being the branch of Jessie’s stem. This branch is called the Netzer, the righteous branch that shoots from the root of Jessie.This account of the early years of David and His mother Nitzevet is so moving and helps us see Psalm 69 in a new light. Philippians 4:8 recommends meditating on things like this. I was wondering about the name given to (Jesus) in the Hebrew Matthew 1:21 “ Yeshua Yeshia ( Yeshua He Saves) being connected to Yeshai (Jesse) and is there any connection in Hebrew between Netzer, Netzevet and Nazareth . Sorry for tangents. I Love the account from the Mishna of David’s early background , it’s not scripture but it is helpful.
Hi. Was reading Psalm 27 this morning during my morning devotion and the verse 10 struck me so strong that; David is not a loose word user then, how can he say when my mother forsake me!
So I intend to check for the history of his mother when I stumbled on this material it really help and I’m sort of agreeing with it.
This was very helpful Im most appreciative. I believe theirs a lot of things that’s not in the bible but some how God permits things to come together thank you so much🙏
Certainly, this theory has expression and resemblance in Jeptha. It made us to understand the Jewish tradition of treatment to supposed bastard. If we remember, the son of Hagar Ishmael was sent out because he was regarded as outcast who should not live with the heir in the house. I think the same happened to David why he was condemned to the wilderness with the sheep. The theory also has relevance in the reluctance of Jesse confirming he had another son to Samuel when he came to anoint a king in his households.
Perhaps all these like that of Jeptha and our Lord Jesus is a deliberate way of the Lord to reveal Himself to us as God that has sole interest in the reject of and unworty of the world– ” when my mother and father would reject me, then the Lord will take me up”. This a lesson for the despondent and outcast who thought it is finished for them. They are the Lord’s favourites.
Finally the whole story in the Book of Hosea could be the percussor to the theory.
All said the postulation is absolutely correct especially with Ps 51 and 69
I believe it happened.
I wonder why is not mentioned in the Bible. It’s such an important information – to teach us that it doesn’t matter how and where you were born but God has plans for you as David was later annointed as King (powerful and wealthy).
Good article, but there is a bi problem that I see with this…..
(Mat 1:6) And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias;
This is all adding up God bless you mightly and continue to reveal more
Your story is dead on according to Jews tradition do this reading. There is a book use by Jews families ( forgot the name) ; and certain time of the year the father gathers the family during a special dinner time and this story is reading to all. Another curious thing that happened was that David could not be king of Israel unless he was legitimately born; so when Samuel came and anointed David as king to be, all came as a shocker that opened his family’s eyes to the truth. Can imagen their faces and their comments .
Thank you for the remainder of such a encouraging story.
Well I have been informed and thanks.
This is well put. I receive this. Even to the fact that the “The Bible is all true, but it does not contain all that is true.” There are certain commentaries and events that weren’t all placed in the Bible. Even John said, he had to close the book. I had heard about the uncertainty of who David’s father was, and often wondered about the things David would say…revealing his momments of depression and rejection. This really helps to connect the dots.
Great explanation and a clear answer to many of my questions about Ps51 prayer about in sin did my mother conceive me. Also a clear explanation of why David’s father hid him from the Prophet and why his brothers treated him so badly. thank you~
Woah…. this is so informative! I love history!
This article and account was incredibly intriguing. Of course King David himself wrote in Psalm 51:5, “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me”; he evidently believed himself to be conceived in sin….I had always wondered about this verse until now. Thank you!
Interesting information
This was very well put together and researched; I definitely got more insight from reading it than I had before. there’s nothing wrong with having one’s faith challenged or even having information presented that gives a fresh perspective on something – even something we may have thought we already knew.
Good article and I a looking forward to seeing the second part of the discussion.
There’s an insight in this story though one can’t tell the verisity of it. So nourishing.
What are the names of the other two sons of Jesse aside from the already known 8 sons??
I think it’s important to research historical tradition. It often sheds light.
on biblical truths.
I also believe that personally we have to continue to seek the Holy Spirit confirmation and wisdom. Thank you so much
Wooow that is why we see in psalms always David asking God for avenge that is true this is Hebrew lineage
Amazing!!! Thank you for your Yes!!!! So much revelation!!!!! God continue to speak!!!!!
The teaching is very inspiring and I thank you and would like some more for further studies.
Its a great research that has given great insight as I deliver my message comming sunday
I do believe this note very much! In my spirit I know is the Truth! Thanks so much for sharing it! Shalom.
I hardly believe what ever that does not have biblical backup, but I believed this because it contains some of biblical hidden truth’s, that can only be noticed by a devoted bible scholar.
I have listened to Warren McGrew for the past 20 hours… This is the first I had heard of this… And it fascinates me and explains a whole lot about “original sin.” In sin he was conceived Psalm 51:5. It’s always been explained that it was David’s sin until I heard Warren this morning talking about his mother. . . Her sin.
I’m doing a research for my bible school assignment who was David’s mother based on Psalms 51 vs 5. When I was in my twenties I was told by my then pastor that David’s mother had an affair. So it’s now that I’m in bible school and now in my fifties and going deep in the word of God that I need clarification. So this is mainly speculation because it wasn’t documented.
Psalm 51:5 does make one think …”in sin did my mother conceive me”.
Do you really think you can infer so much from so little?
I believe this was fabricated by Judaism to discredit Yehshua (Jesus) from being The Messiah (Christ). To discredit David’s rightful stand his after him. The Bible is the final authority. Not traditions of the Jews. They don’t even have the Book of Isaiah, it’s been removed by the Orthodox Jews. This is Blaspheming to assume with no proof and tradition and saying from those that will do anything to discredit Yehshua.
Just about every family has one of those children that is less favored over all the others. Yahweh shows favor for the lowly! Benjamin was sold into slavery by his own Brothers!
There are multiple examples.. as well as Yahweh favoring each one.
David was not born out of adultery. When he spoke of being born into sin he was speaking in the manner of all men are born as a result of Lust, just as Yehshua was not bc HE was born if a virgin by the moving of the Spirit of Yahweh and not by a man laying with a woman by means of lust.
I understand that Rabbinic tradition says that Jesse arranged for his wife to have a “pure-bred,” however, it seems to fit the times more that David could have been the son of a concubine, or a second wife, hence why he was despised and rejected.
Those are my two “thoughts”
You might be very correct. Also heard this related by dome of my favorite Rabbis. Thanks.
The only inconsistency in this record when reading the Midrashim it put David’s anointing at age 29
I’m not a Bible Scholar but this intrigue was raised by a fellow brother who heard a certain Minister preaching about David and his relationship with Jesse.
My dear brother thanks for this enlightenment! I surely didn’t know the name of David’s mother, I am blessed indeed!
Interesting parallels between David and Jesus. If Jesus was “the root and the offspring of David”, how could they not be the same person?
In reference to the posted comments on October 30, 2021, the book of Isaiah is certainly included in the Tanakh. It has never been removed and such an accusation is patently false. The Tanakh is the Hebrew scriptures as they were written and they have not been translated and revised multiple times to fit the gospels. Jews do not believe in a man who lived here on earth and who died. They correctly see no reason for an intercessor to believe in, who will facilitate their communication and connection to God. They and God made a covenant together that is described in the Torah portion of the Tanakh. I understand that our not being a part of that covenant is disappointing to all of us who are not Jews, but the Bible in your house records that covenant. Jews do not believe that covenant is changed because a man was born and claimed that he was God, and that he had changed the covenant that he “the creator” had proposed and agreed to. It is quite preposterous when you think about it. Let us, who seek the truth, open our eyes and with common sense read the “Old Testament” for what it is—the story of God’s creation and His relationship with the Jews. It is not only good Bible stories for Sunday School children (to shape their behavior) and it certainly is not prophecies of Jesus. Let us be honest, all of us who fear punishment for our sins, and respect the covenant made at Sinai and know that the success of Israel is testimony of God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Let no one be the one who will try to convince a Jew to say a quick “prayer of salvation” to Jesus in order to know God. Thank God the Jews do not believe that Jesus redeems God for us and neither do I. I believe in God The Creator, which happens to be the ONE who Jews worship.
For the correct story about David and his Mother (with footnoted sources), please google and read—–Nitzevet, Mother of David-The bold voice of silence.
Thanks. Someone shared this with me because of a theory I have that David was an outside child, using those very Scriptures, and more.
I really wondered why David left his parents with the king of Moab
If this is true, it explains it.
Will continue to do more research on this.
In It’s simplicity David’s statement about being conceived in sin is in reference to the mother of all living Eve!
I also did research and came up with the same answers. I think it’s very interesting! Thank you for sharing this
I strongly believe (100%) in this research of yours, God has this tendency to be one sided with the rejected/outcasts,He loves them.
Re: Carl Bishop remark. Have you ever read Isaiah Chapter 53,
What say ye?
Whether it’s true or not, it doesn’t matter what we know and believe is what from the holy Bible. Digging things which are useless for our salvation and eternity is really waste of time. Whether he was born in sin but what’s important is he was the king of Israel, true psalmist of God and the one of God’s heart. Jesus linage was through him. Glory to God because our past doesn’t matter but only our present and future matters. His love and grace is sufficient to forgive all our sins. May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all. Amen
Sad truth about Bible or Christian characters.
A bit confusing indeed, how can Jesse have decided to go in with maidservant while decided to break his wife’s heart in the name of love.
Nizbeth would have disclosed what happened, for the sake of her Son David. She then let him live with an unfair burden.
I believe that as Lord Jesus told the disciples that He had a lot to teach them but they wouldn’t be able to perceive it at that time,there is a lot that we are going to hear for the first time in our time. This story of David brings the light to the question that I always had: “how could a responsible father let a young boy shepherd the sheep alone?” Again his brother’s comment when he saw him at the battlefield with Goliath: “what do you want here and with who did you leave those few sheep?” My concern was on “few sheep”. If it was few sheep it simply means they were not really important to the family.
Am so amazed by the story and at the same time happy to know how David’s story is related to that of Jesus our saviour.
This was most helpful! I’ve wrestled with David, the bastard, especially in light of the laws of Deut 23. It aligns with our Jewish friend’s account who is a historian & archeologist. Your explanation makes the Jewish history of this more understandable. Praise God for His redeeming mercy!
Pls how do I get more historic details of Joseph the father of Jesu
Good……it was enjoyable…
So David was a true son of Jesse and not born out sin only because the mother did not open up to her husband and sons
This is awesome. This opens my eyes that Christians we need more.
Much blessing to you for these information. For sure, God’s ways are not human ways.
Thank you for this insight on the birth mother of King David.
While studying Psalms, I got interested in how David developed such an admirable love for God. After reading Psalm 22, I felt the need to know more about his mother – and my search brought me to this page.
While we may not be certain about the circumstances of his birth,
I believe that David’s relationship with God (as a man after God’s heart – 1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22) was inspired by his mother (Ps. 22:9-10).
This is a call to action for all who believe in God. Parents (and church leaders) need to be intentional (like Eunice and Lois- 2 Tim. 1:5)) about training up children in the way of the Lord. When they are old (….and famous, ….and great, ….and in high spirits or …in low spirits), they will not depart from it. This will help them to survive these perilous times and inherit God’s eternal kingdom.
Greatest explanation of all! . The truth is rather revealed that David is the Last son of Jesse and Nizbeth his mother. The world might discard that truth but it stands. Thank you
It always seemed to me that David’s family did not like him. Jesse leaving him out in the field when Samuel visited. Then there was the harsh reaction of his brothers towards their little brother at the army camp. I came across your site and some Jewish commentary that seems to confirm what I got from the Word.
Thank you!
This might be the reason why he was hated by his own family members. Jesse and Nitzvet are biological parents of David. Plans of God cannot be changed by what man thinks. Lesson is that we should not entertain our poor background in our lives.
Sir well said or explaination on Psalms.51:5 I am cleared now.
Thank you
Thank you for this story. Wish i could find it in pdf form
Interested was having similar information from my Pastor so was in need of searching for myself
This was the best research, it brings a lot of insight about David’s backround
This is my first time of ever hearing this and it has inspired me beyond my understanding. God bless you for conducting such an auspicious research. How I wish I could get more of this always.
I have a question, then,and,why David not,dig out the truth with his mother.
eye opening, thanks.
Bible clearly says in scriptures David was the son of David and even genealogy it was mentioned
Praise be to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. I for many years looking for such research about David beind rejected by his family.
Thank God for this valuable information. We need to understand even though we believe that the Bible is our end all be all, there is other research that has been gathered to support what the Bible says.
it is been my experience that the inspired word of God exists not only in the canonized scriptures of the Holy Bible but in many other books that were not included by the 70 elders. Praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and translation or interpretation of the inspired word of God is key in understanding God’s inspired word.
I also believe that David was definitely a man after God’s heart, but he was also very human and subject to the distractions, The temptations, the transgressions and the generational curses we all must deal with as we walk through this valley of the shadow of death. I always try to remember that it’s not WHAT we go through, but rather HOW we go through it.
Interesting, almost all the events in the Bible relating to David points towards the discussion you’ve given!
You have not chosen to slander David and Jesse as most seminary trained hirelings do.
I thank you for looking into the matter before leaping to the most scandalous assumption before investigating the matter.
Excellent research. I believe you connected the dots with the scriptures very well. It’s clear the closeness of David’s relationship with Jonathan was a result of his troubled relationship with his father and brothers. You don’t see his brothers holding any positions when he became king. But you do find his nephews and an uncle (Jonathan) mentioned in the scriptures. David was hated by his father in law (Saul). So David’s love for God became his only place of comfort. My interest in understanding biblical divorces lead me to this story and has caused me to reread a lot of stories I thought I understood. Thanks again for the post.
This is fascinating and quite believable. It explains a lot about David and the rejection by his family. His steadfast trust in God is so much more inspiring, knowing how tough his upbringing was.
Regarding Jesse and Jacob being ‘drunk’ and so not realising with whom they were lying, I have heard that there is some Jewish tradition whereby the women were covered by a sheet with only an opening in the sheet for the essential body parts to connect. Not sure if this was just in the rabbis’ households or others as well.
I think this is true. I appreciate your research for this information
Even the Bible tells us not all that Jesus did here on earth was related.
It’s a good story but the Bible is clear. We are not to add or subtract anything to it. If God had wanted it included, it would have been. For now all we need is the truth and the Bible has enough truth for what we need for the present. I’m content to wait for eternity to know all that we don’t know now or understand
I’ve heard this same story from a Rabbi.. makes sense. Knowing history, culture and tradition helps understand scriptures better.
I agree. Independently, in my own studies, I wondered why Jesse did not bring Davide before Samuel as he did all of his other sons when Samuel came to Jesse’s house to anoint the second king of Israel. When I read Psalm 51 and then read Jesse’s response to Samuel’s query as to whether those presented to him were, indeed, all of Jesse’s sons, and I read Jesse’s reply, I considered that he, Jesse, must not have considered David to be a legitimate son. This led me to conclude that when David cries out in anguish in Psalm 51:5, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me,” that this was not a verse that supported original sin as is purported the Augustinian and Calvinistic theologians but, rather, was simply a statement of his illegitimate birth. Considering that the sins of the fathers can be perpetuated through several generations and thinking back to Judah and Tamer, it seemed more likely that David was decrying the illegitimacy of his birth and the painful consequences he had to bear throughout his life until his defeat of Goliath and the events of his life that followed.
Well it’s a brilliant piece and I believe as a Bible student that have fair knowledge of the Word of God and have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as my spirit bear witness with the storyline to be true from all indications. Thanks and God bless you all in Jesus name Amen.
Does it really matter? I am a Christian and do not care whether the Israeli legend is true or false because it doesn’t add or deduct an iota from the finished works of Calvary by which I am saved. Besides, even if it mattered, isn’t it that the person related to Ruth here was Joseph, Mary’s husband and only Jesus’ “stepfather’ if you wish, right or was his mother also related to Ruth?
Not disputing the story, it seems to close a lot of gaps regarding David’s moanings and groaning as he grew up. It appears he had a lot of anxious moments which could have attributed to his crying out to the Lord. His mom probably loved him and held him dear to her inspite of all the hatred directed to her. Strong woman for keeping her secret even if it meant death.
Painful story but with a lot of lessons.
I love this revelation by you thank you for the insight given to me
Whom ever the spirit of god is upon must believe,because the lineage tracing was not of man alone but of the inspiration of the holy spirit,thanks and remain bless
this story is very true
Deep research. Interesting to know. It could be true, and it doesn’t negate anything in the bible even if it is true. So thanks for the effort put into this research.
I would love to teach on this but I need to know without a shadow of a doubt to be absolutely truthful.
I wish to get all stories about men of the Bible like David, samwel Ruth Abraham. I believe that through that I can understand the Bible easy.
Thank you Jeremy for sharing that.
A Christian man from Kenya shared this story with me. I never heard it before, but as I was searching it online I found this page. I must say that this story brought some healing to my heart, as we see that many people that God choose were rejected by their own family, like David and also like Josef and even Jesus himself in the beginning. So thank you again. Be blessed
I have heard this before and to it gives sense to the abuse David experienced from his own. I believe the Shepherd to take the flock to the grazing area the senior have to go to check that Area the night before for safety reasons , which was not the case with Jesse because he wanted David eaten by lions and Bears
I know when Christian circles a lot of this would be called oral tradition that if it was written down it was written down later but I know the Jews are Israelites they be writing some of this over to the side as possible I’m fascinated with world tradition because there’s oral tradition about Jesus childhood let’s not confuse it with writings that are suited to pick up and yes there is apocryphal writings sometimes included in the Bible and some not I think it is fascinating with what you wrote or share that God knew what he was doing with these women and their children even though it may have looked bad to man God knew what was going on all the time the Bible and other good godly histories and shared a lot of things about a lot of people Old testament as well as New testament and I’m always amazed to see the sovereignty of God one thing I know God loves us and if we ask him to guide us and lead us he will thank you for your article by the way my dad was a Southern presbyterian minister I am a prayer Pastor myself in the relationship with God With Jesus is so much important I love that you wish people Jesus was a Jew and still is a Jew and he came to bring us all blessings especially to the gentiles but first to the Jew
How was David related to Jesus?
Thank you so much for this story. This must be a deep revelation from God.
Thanks for this interesting story. I started my day wondering what was Psalm69 about. Which led to Numbers 5:11. Reading the OT made it challenging for me to understanding why the Jews are the chosen people.
But I am still commited to being a Christain.
David is highly esteemed in Jewish community and if this wasn’t true it wouldn’t be passed down as tradition thanks for the research.
I somehowly agree with you because when you see how David was treated there is something behind the curtains
Thanks a bunch for this wonderful research. I believe it, because it fits in scripture like missing pieces of a puzzle about David, such as Psalm 69 and others. John of the gospel writes in the last verse (21:25) that all that Jesus Christ did is not in the Bible.
ive often wondered why david always spoke of his life filled with grief ,sadness and hoping for the salvation of Jehovah in the psalms…this account makes it quite plain….and it’s reality that much of ancient historical record of the lives of Biblical characters is not documented in the Bible….the Bible gives a miniscule detail of the 930 years of Adam’s life,
There is a lot of Jewish history that is not in the Bible but that does not make it false, just history that is not commonly known. This explanation makes a lot of common sense.
Am blessed with this topic. Thank you. To God be the glory .
I think that is why one marriage was annulled, and one saved – a sacrifice consistent with wedding vows done for the Greater Good of humanity.
It is to the same effect, without sin or blemish, so what was your question?
Jeremy, you have opened my mind to a new outlook on David’s parents history! Sadly there’s not enough truth in the Bible to verify this incredible information. Being that I am not a Jew but I am a Christian I want to read more about the history of the Moabs and the Israelites.
Please share more!!!
As according to the scripture, if all Jesus did was to be in the record, the Bible will so big to be carry. I accept the narration and fact given.
I actually was reading Psalm 147:2 and when David says “he gatherers together the outcasts of Israel.” This is why I wondered who David meant as outcasts, not just himself because outcasts is plural. I’m guessing himself and his mother and maybe anyone with similar judgments placed on them. Thank you for looking into this. Also I am wondering if there are Jewish history books written in English so that I can study. Thank you
This puts paid to those who teach babies are born with sin as per Psalm 51. it was David’s mothers sin not his. Great story and I believe it to be true. Great research done.
Hi, this is interesting to read and makes me curious to keep searching. I just had the thought of, if God is the God of order why did He choose David if it’s normal to choose the first born son, there must be an other fact that connects to that. The part or verse where David says his mother conceived him in sin, it makes a little sense and makes it kinda understandable. Thank you.
I just agree with in toto. Traditions is all societies hold historical truths
Is there a script in the bible or a book that shows the story about a Cannanite and Nizbeth switching places? Where to get the story in the bible, which book?
I’m researching for a retelling of the story of David I’ll be writing and came across this article of yours. It’s mind-blowing and wonderful.
I love the analysis.
You seem to have some citations, do you mind leaving a referral link or something of the sorts? I’d like to look more into different stories surrounding David as a child and his growth into adulthood.
Thanks in advance.
If this is the way that it happened, and although it was thought that David was an illegitimate son, but he really was a legitimate son, and not even his father knew the truth, then where would the truth have come out?
David’s story relates with the story of the saviour.Hmmm but there are still other stories which is also different from Thanks for this one too
I’m happy to know the truth about king David’s mother.
The story is illogical. If a true Hebrew girl could not produce a legitimate heir with Jesse, how could a Canaanite convert to Judaism do?
The unity between the 2 lenages was forbidden after they Moabites refused to help the Jews when they were in the wilderness. So he broke things off to prevent them both being stoned
I can’t believe that Jewish tradition would cast Boaz and Ruth and such a bad light! The book of Ruth treats the whole situation where Boaz protects Ruth and eventually marries her as a complete blessing, and a very healing thing for Naomi! The idea that Boaz committed fornication before actually marrying Ruth and dying that very night are so out of the tenor of the story that it’s completely unbelievable. Besides, Ruth had told Naomi, “your God shall be my God, and your people shall be my people.” So she was a convert.
I think possibly many formed their own opinions about Ruth. Even back in that day. We can covert to any religion we choose but we can’t convert our DNA.
Very interesting… I never thought about who David’s mother was until I was reading psalm 69 this morning. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and research about her and the parallels about Jesus
Hi there I want to know more about David how he was born
Regards Arnold
I truly appreciate this article. But there had to be a reason for him being treated like the Black Sheep of the family. I can relate as my mother and father had previously been married each with had 6 children. I am number 7. The only child of my parents. So my siblings on both sides resented me and treated me poorly. Additionally, I am Chosen and different than most. So many of David’s sadness and depression may have resulted because many don’t understand the Hearts, gifts, favor, blessings or our pain and the trials and tribulations all of Gods disciples endures. May Prayer, discernment and the Holy spirit advise all readers accordingly.
This article is extremely understandable and well researched.
Thank you. I love the phrase “parallel to Jesus…”
Where as adultery was and is condemned in the Bible, the birth of the twelve tribes of Israel from the four wives of Jacob, coupled with the comment of Jesus Christ when they brought an adulteress woman “….. Whoever has never done it….” Teach a new preaching on what God is. He does not see as many see.
Man looks at the outword appearance but I look at the heart.
I think this story is true.
Thank you for your elaboration,
Though, just to say that while the bible does not contain everything, what is not written in the bible, is not necessary for our salvation. Therefore, it is not important for us to dwell on it. It may turn out misleading.
No not everything is found in the Bible. It’s only what God wishes us to study and know. When studying the Bible, we are to use the Bible as guidelines, not write a full family history. After reading this I wanted to dig deeper and find out more. But when talking to my Pastor he explained I would not find anything.
Olá acredito sim na cultura judaica e entendi todo o relato assim como a escatologia encontra muitas afirmam relatos bíblicos ou trazem novas descobertas.
Muito bom
hello, I’m 58 yrs old, recently heard (for the 1st time) Dutch Sheets mentions “David” may have illegitimate? My first thoughts were how that parallels the story of the birth of Jesus. I enjoyed the article, very interesting indeed. thx, BB
Thank you for researching and writing on this matter. A study on Psalm 18 brought me here. David lists how God delivered him “…from the hand of all his enemies, and from Saul…” Psalm 18:1KJV
It struck me that there was a definite separation there, and that separation deliberately named Saul apart from David’s enemies.
I’ve often pondered how David must have felt about Saul and even if he may have loved him as a father figure early on.
I also have spent much time pondering the rejection of the father from Jesse as David was sent out and not called upon Samuels arrival to name a king.
You are exactly right when you say that this may or may not be the way it happened but something definitely did happen!
I believe research and historical learning of this sort deepen lir understanding if scripture.
You leave out that Mary’s conception was of the Holy Spirit and that an angel appeared to Joseph and told him to not be afraid to take Mary as his wife. You make it sound as if Jesus is illegitimate when Scrioture says He is the Son of God.
Same is true of Ruth and Esther. God directed them to Boaz. Therefore, you are ignoring Scripture and giving your warped, illegitimate point of view.
Ridicule God’s word??? This is absurd.
Vary true thank you so much
I found that story very interesting. I started watching on prime video I am David and I couldn’t figure out why the brothers were being so mean to him and the mother. So this kind of explains it. I hope it is true so I know a little bit more of the holy story. Thank you
It most likely was not written while David was a youth.
David’s family was probably estranged from him because if you remember when Samuel went to anoint one of Jesse‘s sons, he started with the oldest of them, the tallest, most handsome, the strongest and wound up choosing little old David who was just a shepherd out in the field because God said He chooses a man for his heart not his physical appearance. Think about how Joseph’s brothers felt about him, the youngest being chosen as the favorite from amongst all the brothers and it enraged his brothers. here David’s brothers were fighting a war, risking their lives for the nation of Israel and little old Shepherd David is anointed king and not one of them.
I would not put too much emphasis on the Talmudic scholars saying that David was a bastard because he was conceived in adultery. The Bible doesn’t say it. I wouldn’t say it. I wouldn’t put too much stock in that. I have read some of the Talmudic scholars and they get a lot of the Old Testament wrong. Look what they say about Isaiah 53 they claim that the person that was talking about in Isaiah 53 is the whole nation of Israel. They say where is in the Bible does it say that God would become a man they completely deny Isaiah 9:6. They see in Genesis, where God says, let us create man in our image that God was speaking to the angels. They completely disregard that the angel that Jacob wrestled with was God himself when Jacob said how is it that I saw God face-to-face and did not die and yet they claim that Jacob just wrestled with just one of the angels. I wouldn’t put too much stock in what the Talmudic scholar say.
Plus the New Testament writers attribute much of what is said in Psalm 69 to Jesus. Many of the psalms, especially those written by King David are prophetic because they declare about the coming of the Messiah who he was and what he would suffer.
Agreed. How out of place peculiar was that comment about race which has nothing at all to do with the ideas being put before us!! Modern Times.. tsk.
King Dowd will be King again as He returns on a White Horse in a White Robe.
So then, David was anointed King, anyway, so, Jesse was wrong to worry about the lineages?
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Exactly where do you get this “root” meaning of the Hebrew verb, mū·zār, having the meaning of “bastard”?
The primitive root of this verb means, “to turn aside”, to “be be a foreigner, stranger”
The verb is used 77 times in the OT, and not once does it mean anywhere what you suggest!
There is not a single English translation that uses what you suggest!
The Hebrew lexicons of Brown, Driver, Briggs; Gesenius, and the Theological Wordbook of the OT, do not say anything about “bastard”, or anything like it!
The Greek Old Testament, the LXX, uses the adjective, xen’-os, which is translated as “stranger”, but never as “bastard”, or anything remotely like it!
There is zero support in any Books of the Bible to support what you say about David!