I feel this way about theology and politics… but especially right now about politics.
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Im trying to understand the unpardonable sin
Christ mentioned this unforgivable sin in Mark:3:28-29
, where it is described as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. It had to do with denying the authority and power of God. Mark explains that Christ was responding to an accusation from His detractors, who said, “He has an unclean spirit” (verse 30). They meant that His authority came from Satan, not from God. Although these accusers knew that Christ was the Son of God, they accused Him of being a fraud. Christ warned them that they were in danger of committing a sin for which there was no forgiveness.
James, I have written a book on this topic. You can search for it on Amazon or for some free posts about this subject on my blog.
Im feeling I committed this sin
I went through hell because I thought I had committed this sin. I cannot describe the suffering I went through and the feelings of panic. Read Jeremy’s book on this subject. It will give you great relief. Also as Janet rightly points out – if you are worried about it – you haven’t committed it. Definitely definitely not!
I feel like ive committed this sin
James if you are worried about committing the unpardonable sin, then you haven’t! Jesus was addressing men whose consciences were so hardened that they could stand in front of God Himself and accuse Him of sin! And they did not repent! They went on to plot to kill Him and then carried it out! Your conscience is tender and the fact that you are concerned proves that you are innocent of this sin! Ask for forgiveness of whatever is bothering you and rejoice in the forgiveness that immediately comes from your Father!
I’m confused…there is a cartoon about politics…yet the comments are about the unpardonable sin?
Yeah, it’s a little strange, right? Not sure why that happened….
unpardonable sin:not
Tony’s comment: funny
not sure if this will help or not,
I remember a time when my wife became a Christian before I did. I came home from work early one day and found a house full of Christians having a bible study. I went mad, I mean proper lost the plot. I wanted them all out of my house and they very graciously tried to talk to me about the love of God. That was it, things got worse, I told them exactly what I thought about God and threw in quite a lot of Anglo Saxon expletives to emphasise my point, I then threw most of them out by the scruff of the neck. Had anyone have resisted me then I would most definitely have beaten the crap out of them. The comments that spewed out of my mouth at that time were most definitely blasphemy.
I have found since becoming a Christian that even the fear of committing blasphemy is a work of God. If at the time you knew what you did or said was blasphemy then you can search your heart for the root cause of that and hand it up to God. If however you are feeling condemned rather than convicted then you are under attack and you can safely treat it as such. When I was at a blasphemes point in my life I felt no conviction at all that I had sinned, reason was because I was a bastard spiritually, therefore no conviction from God nor discipline. If you have stepped out somewhere where you shouldn’t have done then the conviction as a child of God will surely come but I tell you this, if Satan did not hold back on trying to kill the baby Jesus, and many children were slaughtered in that process, if he even thought he knew the scriptures so well he could try to deceive Jesus, and he did try then you can be sure that for every believer there is an adversary who would do anything to stop you from finding the forgiveness and grace of God that has the power to wash you clean of anything. One thing the enemy of your soul cannot afford is for you to have a revelation of that, because when you do you are a danger to him. There is only one spirit that would say you are not forgiven and that is the antichrist spirit, the same spirit that led men to smash the face in of Jesus so that he no longer looked like a human being then stood back and watched his life drain away on a hot sunny day not realising that he was in fact watching the freedom of men in all its glory.
James, if you feel like you’ve committed this sin then take it to God, your in for one big hug from the Father.
don’t be confused, if you listen to politicians they get asked a question but never answer it and talk about something completely different. That, together with wearing red ties on blue shirts and hand gesture training techniques is all part of politics. The world is run by the CIA, MI5, terrorist and money men, even the politicians don’t know what is going on.
Theology, my opinion is that it is the same as science, merely an observation of creation, worded into a way that fits in to the confines of our minds, Our minds work on logic via calculation and when God works outside of that it is seen as a miracle. Look at the cross, who would of thought of that??? amazing
Me, too, Jeremy. Me too. In fact, my whole life feels a lot like this conversation.
I concur!