Saw this on Pinterest the other day… this kid draws a picture of his favorite part of church.
…and by the way, I am now on Pinterest… if you are too, Follow me! I will most likely follow you back…
Anyway, I sometimes think many adults might feel the same way about church, but are too… well, “adult” to say what they are actually thinking.
That is too good:)
That is horrible. It is a example of how people’s hearts are far from God. It is a picture of a lost and dying world.
Your joking right?
I am not joking. But I am not particularly talking about the child. I am talking about society. I look at that picture and I see what society values. Forgive me if you think am taking it too seriously
You read a lot into that picture my friend. But what do you think that society values by looking at this picture?
And you don’t need my forgiveness for me thinking your reaction being a bit to serious. I just want to understand.
I don’t go to a church (building) for now and I don’t regret it a moment. So I can relate to this picture.
What I do miss is the people who gather around Christ.
I have fallen backward (lukewarm). Recently God has shaken my life and it has cause me to see the importance of whats going on. So I started blogging about it. I believe the Lord is right at the door. Ready for the return of the church. People don’t seem focused on that. Our mind are everywhere but with the Lord.
It’s a kid’s drawing. Of course kids want to go home after mass, church or whatever.
Exactly. Kids just want to have fun and enjoy life. They don’t know they are sinners until someone tells them.
I was not talking about the artist. But society as a whole.
I see, I used to see it that way, too.